ZMF Caldera - New Planar Magnetic from ZMF!

Nov 18, 2024 at 12:36 PM Post #8,296 of 8,602
My favorite childhood album. Wore the vinyl out on this one when I was 5 years old. When it showed up on Qobuz at 192/24 I listened to it and brings a smile to my face every time.

No music, but whatever brings a smile to your face, and I can honestly say it sounds good on any headphone.

The man behind the music. It brought goosebumps stumbling on this recently. Those old tracks from my childhood elicited such an emotional response from me. Linus and Lucy is the track I think every adult over 30 would instantly recognize.

It does bring back nice memories. My pre-teen son without any influence from me loves the classic Charles Schulz comics, even the Li'l Folks series before Peanuts, and he likes smooth jazz too. It is timeless enjoyment.
Nov 18, 2024 at 12:39 PM Post #8,297 of 8,602
Do you think there are many who find the Tungsten and Caldera compliment each other? Or do you think most just prefer the Caldera over the Tungsten if the Caldera is in their budget?
What does it matter what others prefer, if you heard both headphones yourself? Preference goes in all sorts of directions. I heard some people liking the Tungsten more than the Caldera, but more people I spoke to prefer the Caldera to the Tungsten. If I had to put a percentage on it, I would say 10/90 or 20/80 in favour of the Caldera. But it really doesn't mean a thing, you should just follow your own ears. ;)
Nov 18, 2024 at 12:43 PM Post #8,298 of 8,602
I did listen to a couple Tungstens at canjam. On Saturday they sounded unbelievable. On Sunday I brought my Caldera to compare one of them against, and the Tungsten didn't sound anywhere near as good as it had the day before. Maybe it was because I was listening on a tube amp that was just turned on, I'm not sure. The Caldera did seem more polished, and more a finished product, getting everything right. The Tungsten definitely had a bigger soundstage (reminded me of an HD800s, not in size, but in having a void space between your ears and the soundstage), while the Caldera seemed more enveloping. The Caldera did seem better, but that I why I am wondering if the Tungsten would compliment the Caldera, or just be redundant.
Since you've had some experience with both, that's your call to make. For myself, I have no plans to get a Tungsten since the main claim to fame of the Tungsten is that it competes so well with higher tier headphones for significantly less money. It doesn't supplant them though. In your case, you've already got one of those higher tiered headphones, so the value equation is a bit worse there. Besides, you still have to spend up if your current amp won't push the Tungsten properly. The Atrium is widely regarded as a good complement to the Caldera, and that's where I've put my money. The jury is still out on whether I'll keep it since the loss in resolution coming from a Caldera is a real issue for me. At the moment, I'm an Atrium appreciator..but this GSP cable has also redefined my affection for the Caldera and I'm so happy with the sound that my Atrium is kind of just sitting for now. In any case, you can always sell a Tungsten on if it doesn't work's not like they're piled up unsold in the classified section. They sell quite quickly...when they come up.
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Nov 18, 2024 at 12:56 PM Post #8,299 of 8,602
Since you've had some experience with both, that's your call to make. For myself, I have no plans to get a Tungsten since the main claim to fame of the Tungsten is that it competes so well with higher tier headphones for significantly less money. It doesn't supplant them though. In your case, you've already got one of those higher tiered headphones, so the value equation is a bit worse there. Besides, you still have to spend up if your current amp won't push the Tungsten properly. The Atrium is widely regarded as a good complement to the Caldera, and that's where I've put my money. The jury is still out on whether I'll keep it since the loss in resolution coming from a Caldera is a real issue for me. At the moment, I'm an Atrium appreciator..but this GSP cable has also redefined my affection for the Caldera and I'm so happy with the sound that my Atrium is kind of just sitting for now. In any case, you can always sell a Tungsten on if it doesn't work's not like they're piled up unsold in the classified section. They sell quite quickly...when they come up.
You are probably right. I have a Bliss, so my amp is not an issue. I also have an Atrium, though I don't find it all that useful for rock and metal, which is mostly what I listen to. The more I research it, the more it seems like the Tungsten is just a cheaper version of the Caldera, rather than something that compliments it.

Have you tried the ZMF lektrik S cable on the Caldera? It is the only cable that makes my Caldera usable. It tames the excessiveness I can sometimes feel in certain parts of the mids. If not for that cable, I would have sold my Caldera long ago.
Nov 18, 2024 at 12:59 PM Post #8,300 of 8,602
What does it matter what others prefer, if you heard both headphones yourself? Preference goes in all sorts of directions. I heard some people liking the Tungsten more than the Caldera, but more people I spoke to prefer the Caldera to the Tungsten. If I had to put a percentage on it, I would say 10/90 or 20/80 in favour of the Caldera. But it really doesn't mean a thing, you should just follow your own ears. :wink:
I had a wildly different experience with the same Tungsten at canjam. Loved it on Saturday, found it so-so on Sunday. But it seems like most prefer one over the other (usually the caldera), and not many find them to compliment each other. I'm just wondering if it makes sense to commit $2000 for a 6 month wait to know for sure. Seems like it might not be.
Nov 18, 2024 at 1:09 PM Post #8,301 of 8,602
You are probably right. I have a Bliss, so my amp is not an issue. I also have an Atrium, though I don't find it all that useful for rock and metal, which is mostly what I listen to. The more I research it, the more it seems like the Tungsten is just a cheaper version of the Caldera, rather than something that compliments it.

Have you tried the ZMF lektrik S cable on the Caldera? It is the only cable that makes my Caldera usable. It tames the excessiveness I can sometimes feel in certain parts of the mids. If not for that cable, I would have sold my Caldera long ago.
I have that cable also but it didn't do much for me. Most of my experience with the Caldera has been with the ZMF 2K, both in 6.35 and XLR. I didn't think it could get any better than that. Granted, my hearing is not what it was when I was young, I found most of these changes, i.e. pads and cables amounted to subtle changes to the Caldera's sound...until I tried it with the GSP...there's NOTHING subtle about the improvement to the Calderas sound with that cable. I consider the pairing to be so effective that the two together create a virtual new ZMF me it's been that good, that's why I keep going on about it. If you're looking for a good quality headphone to complement the Caldera have a go at the Meze line.
Nov 18, 2024 at 1:26 PM Post #8,302 of 8,602
I have that cable also but it didn't do much for me. Most of my experience with the Caldera has been with the ZMF 2K, both in 6.35 and XLR. I didn't think it could get any better than that. Granted, my hearing is not what it was when I was young, I found most of these changes, i.e. pads and cables amounted to subtle changes to the Caldera's sound...until I tried it with the GSP...there's NOTHING subtle about the improvement to the Calderas sound with that cable. I consider the pairing to be so effective that the two together create a virtual new ZMF me it's been that good, that's why I keep going on about it. If you're looking for a good quality headphone to complement the Caldera have a go at the Meze line.
I have a ZMF 2k copper, and ZMF verite silver cable, and the lektrik S is the best on the Caldera in my experience. I use the 2k copper on my Verite Open and the Verite Silver on my Atrium. I find all 3 upgrade cables to help the headphones I use them on, and hurt the headphones I don't use them on. Weird how people say cables make no difference. I get that a cable wont make a bad headphone good, and won't drastically change things, but like pads they can change things slightly in a direction some will find pleasing.

Is the GSP the ZMF grand palladium? I think that cable has some of the same types of wire as the lektrik S.
Nov 18, 2024 at 1:28 PM Post #8,303 of 8,602
I had a wildly different experience with the same Tungsten at canjam. Loved it on Saturday, found it so-so on Sunday. But it seems like most prefer one over the other (usually the caldera), and not many find them to compliment each other. I'm just wondering if it makes sense to commit $2000 for a 6 month wait to know for sure. Seems like it might not be.
Your listening experience depends on many things. Even if you use the same gear, tiredness, fatigue, mood, background noise, even the time of the day can play a role in how you perceive something. Hearing can be a deceptive thing when it comes to short term auditions. I really like the Tungsten; I think it is a fantastic sounding headphone that offers great value. Spacious, natural, smooth sound. But Caldera resolves a little better, it is snappier, more dynamic, speedier. I enjoy the Caldera more; therefore, I am not interested in buying the Tungsten. Others might be interested, for several different reasons. Complementary headphones are also personal. I would complement the Caldera with something like the Meze Elite, or Susvara/HEKSE if you like HiFiMan or Atrium open which you already have. Or just simply keep enjoying your Caldera and spend the money elsewhere. ;)
Nov 18, 2024 at 1:29 PM Post #8,304 of 8,602
I have a Caldera, and was thinking of getting a Tungsten. Does having a Caldera make a Tungsten pointless? Is the Caldera just a better version of the Tungsten, or are they completely different headphones with different strengths that compliment each other well?
I think that question would be better phrase the other way around.
Nov 18, 2024 at 1:29 PM Post #8,305 of 8,602
I have a ZMF 2k copper, and ZMF verite silver cable, and the lektrik S is the best on the Caldera in my experience. I use the 2k copper on my Verite Open and the Verite Silver on my Atrium. I find all 3 upgrade cables to help the headphones I use them on, and hurt the headphones I don't use them on. Weird how people say cables make no difference. I get that a cable wont make a bad headphone good, and won't drastically change things, but like pads they can change things slightly in a direction some will find pleasing.

Is the GSP the ZMF grand palladium? I think that cable has some of the same types of wire as the lektrik S.
It's the Grand Paladium Silver. I bought it to try to get better highs from the Atrium. I also thought it would be a poor pairing with the Caldera. Two wrongs wound up making a right in this case.
Nov 18, 2024 at 1:34 PM Post #8,306 of 8,602
Your listening experience depends on many things. Even if you use the same gear, tiredness, fatigue, mood, background noise, even the time of the day can play a role in how you perceive something. Hearing can be a deceptive thing when it comes to short term auditions. I really like the Tungsten; I think it is a fantastic sounding headphone that offers great value. Spacious, natural, smooth sound. But Caldera resolves a little better, it is snappier, more dynamic, speedier. I enjoy the Caldera more; therefore, I am not interested in buying the Tungsten. Others might be interested, for several different reasons. Complementary headphones are also personal. I would complement the Caldera with something like the Meze Elite, or Susvara/HEKSE if you like HiFiMan or Atrium open which you already have. Or just simply keep enjoying your Caldera and spend the money elsewhere. :wink:
Seems like that is the best option. I have a Verite Open and Hifiman HE1000SE which I think compliment the Caldera well. The Verite is almost a dynamic driver version of the Caldera with a different tuning, while the HE1000SE doesn't have as much slam but does have a bigger soundstage, which may be the one area the Caldera is so-so in. My Atrium is almost in a different universe entirely than any of those.

I did try the Meze Elite at canjam, and while I liked it more than the other Mezes, I didn't think it was as good as any of my other headphones. Same with Susvara.
Nov 18, 2024 at 1:38 PM Post #8,307 of 8,602
Seems like that is the best option. I have a Verite Open and Hifiman HE1000SE which I think compliment the Caldera well. The Verite is almost a dynamic driver version of the Caldera with a different tuning, while the HE1000SE doesn't have as much slam but does have a bigger soundstage, which may be the one area the Caldera is so-so in. My Atrium is almost in a different universe entirely than any of those.

I did try the Meze Elite at canjam, and while I liked it more than the other Mezes, I didn't think it was as good as any of my other headphones. Same with Susvara.
If it's just an upgrade itch you're looking to scratch, maybe another pair of headphones isn't what you need. How do you feel about the rest of your chain? (please consider listing your gear in your signature so we can offer better advice).
Nov 18, 2024 at 1:42 PM Post #8,308 of 8,602
If it's just an upgrade itch you're looking to scratch, maybe another pair of headphones isn't what you need. How do you feel about the rest of your chain? (please consider listing your gear in your signature so we can offer better advice).
I don't think I have an upgrade itch. I thought the Tungsten sounded incredible on Saturday of canjam, which is what made me think about getting one. Goldensound and DMS both said they preferred the Tungsten over the Caldera.

I have a Holo Red streamer, Holo Spring 3 DAC, Holo Bliss amp, so I don't think there is much improvement I could get in any of that. I have a ZMF Atrium, Caldera, Verite, HE1000SE and HD800s, so I think I have a pretty good range in headphone ability.
Nov 18, 2024 at 2:10 PM Post #8,309 of 8,602
I have a Caldera, and was thinking of getting a Tungsten. Does having a Caldera make a Tungsten pointless? Is the Caldera just a better version of the Tungsten, or are they completely different headphones with different strengths that compliment each other well?

They are, to me, very complementary.

If I had budget for one, I’d get the Caldera, which has superior technicalities and bit more dynamic to my ears.

But if you’re looking for a complementary planar, it’s a good choice (to me it sounds like what the LCD-4 should have evolved to and never did).
Nov 18, 2024 at 2:12 PM Post #8,310 of 8,602
I don't think I have an upgrade itch. I thought the Tungsten sounded incredible on Saturday of canjam, which is what made me think about getting one. Goldensound and DMS both said they preferred the Tungsten over the Caldera.

I have a Holo Red streamer, Holo Spring 3 DAC, Holo Bliss amp, so I don't think there is much improvement I could get in any of that. I have a ZMF Atrium, Caldera, Verite, HE1000SE and HD800s, so I think I have a pretty good range in headphone ability.
Personally, were I in your shoes, I'd buy Tungsten and see what you think. If they aren't for you then you'll have no issues selling them.

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