I have some stock Psvanes that sound ok but a bit dull. I also have the new Psvane Horizon tubes, which sound noticeably better. Fuller, more detailed, and less hazy sounding. The ACMEs are awesome, and are my 2nd favorite 2a3. My favs are RCA black plates, probably the ones you guys have as well. They're just solid all around, and hard to beat. The ACMEs are warmer, but lack the RCAs nuanced detail and layering. The Horizons were the surprise for me, relatively cheap by 2a3 standards, and very very solid all around. Not as clear as the ACMEs or RCAs, but close enough that i'm confident if the NOS supply runs dry I have an affordable and decent sounding option available. The stock tubes....ehh i'd rather Donald not supply tubes at all and discounted the amp by the tube costs.