Dec 5, 2024 at 8:11 PM Post #1,804 of 1,903
Thanks for all the advice. Due to setup I need a DAC/AMP combo more so I am leaning toward the Nitsch atm but appreciate all the help.
if you can find a used Holo Audio Cyan 1 it's a great all in one. It's an R2R NOS dac and solid state amp in one solid metal box. I have one, I love it. I don't use the headphone amp section much anymore but for awhile at work that was my all in one solution. It powered my ZMFs easily, though I did not have a Caldera at that time.
Dec 5, 2024 at 8:21 PM Post #1,805 of 1,903
You probably can't go wrong with Pietus/ Maximus. Lots of people like Schiit stuff with ZMF's. I don't think the Caldera's require too much juice so it's more down to synergy.
Dec 15, 2024 at 5:04 AM Post #1,807 of 1,903
Got this Shedua beauty yesterday!


The wood is quite a bit darker than on the picture. I absolutely love it though, prefer the natural wood over the resin/stabilized stuff.

Unfortunately having a stubborn cold for a while, so not really in the mood for listening to music currently. Gives me the opportunity to burn them in properly though :)
Dec 15, 2024 at 6:44 AM Post #1,808 of 1,903
Got this Shedua beauty yesterday!

The wood is quite a bit darker than on the picture. I absolutely love it though, prefer the natural wood over the resin/stabilized stuff.
Welcome to the Shedua club. We definitely need more pics of your beauty! Seems like ZMF switched between the Coffee and the all-brown BBB strap on that run, I guess, depending on wood hue. I expected the Coffee and got the Brown on mine, but came to agree with that choice as it fits the understated elegance of my unit better than the Coffee. I was curious, though, and got the Coffee to compare, only to concede to the original choice. Divine providence: The Coffee matches the chatoyance of my VC to a T, so have two perfectly matching straps now ☺️

I just passed the 100h mark on my CC and they definitely came into their own by now. Switched from the Thick Lamb TP back to the Protein Thin TP and will be going back down the tuning kit.

Listening to the latest Metallica record and that combo sounds pretty damn perfect, with everything in its place at maximum clarity/blast. By now, I’m even “happy” when I find a record that sounds better on the VC (on tubes). Has been gotten fewer and fewer… (though, they are definitely still there! e.g. Black Keyes or Acoustic Guitar/Piano stuff)
Dec 15, 2024 at 11:08 AM Post #1,809 of 1,903
Got this Shedua beauty yesterday!

The wood is quite a bit darker than on the picture. I absolutely love it though, prefer the natural wood over the resin/stabilized stuff.

Unfortunately having a stubborn cold for a while, so not really in the mood for listening to music currently. Gives me the opportunity to burn them in properly though :)
Shedua is so beautiful and I wish more had posted their pics. It reminds me of big French country style dining tables. Something super elegant and rustic at the same time about them.
Dec 15, 2024 at 11:10 AM Post #1,810 of 1,903
Welcome to the Shedua club. We definitely need more pics of your beauty! Seems like ZMF switched between the Coffee and the all-brown BBB strap on that run, I guess, depending on wood hue. I expected the Coffee and got the Brown on mine, but came to agree with that choice as it fits the understated elegance of my unit better than the Coffee. I was curious, though, and got the Coffee to compare, only to concede to the original choice. Divine providence: The Coffee matches the chatoyance of my VC to a T, so have two perfectly matching straps now ☺️
Hehe, I would probably als prefer a darker brown or maybe even black, also for the rods. I usually prefer is as simple as possible. But it looks totally fine, still a good match!
I just passed the 100h mark on my CC and they definitely came into their own by now. Switched from the Thick Lamb TP back to the Protein Thin TP and will be going back down the tuning kit.
I'm also curious about changing pads with the CC. I wanted to get the Thick Lamb as the secondary pads, but the dealer sent me Bokeh Protein instead … so will see how that goes and if I don't like it I tell him to get me the Thick Lamb instead.
Changing pads on the AO was absolutely not to my liking, prefer stock there, but will see how it is with the CC.
Dec 15, 2024 at 11:14 AM Post #1,811 of 1,903
Shedua is so beautiful and I wish more had posted their pics. It reminds me of big French country style dining tables. Something super elegant and rustic at the same time about them.
Yeah, it has a some figure, so it does not look too boring, but at the same time it's not too crazy.
Dec 15, 2024 at 1:55 PM Post #1,812 of 1,903
Changing pads on the AO was absolutely not to my liking, prefer stock there, but will see how it is with the CC.
So far, I liked each of the four tuning pads in their own right. Hard to settle on a favorite! And I haven’t even started on the meshes…
Dec 15, 2024 at 2:01 PM Post #1,813 of 1,903
Changing pads on the AO was absolutely not to my liking, prefer stock there, but will see how it is with the CC.
The difference is really not that big. I guess the different meshes could also contribute to a more drastic change in sound, but i really love the CC as a perfect allrounder with the stock red mesh and the stock pads.
Dec 15, 2024 at 2:01 PM Post #1,814 of 1,903
So far, I liked each of the four tuning pads in their own right. Hard to settle on a favorite! And I haven’t even started on the meshes…
I settling on Caldera Ultra Perf with stock mesh as its perfect combo of soundstage, openness, quality bass. It hit in all the right spots for me.
Dec 15, 2024 at 4:22 PM Post #1,815 of 1,903
Caldera Closed is stock form is the most balanced headphones I’ve heard, close or open.
Atrium Open with Caldera Ultraperf is a little more “fun”/energetic and both are superbly balanced and incredibly musical.
CC pulls ahead in technicalities and… isolation (duh!). “Ride into the sunset”headphones for sure!

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