Initial basic scaling thoughts with my new lady:
I have spent a lot of time with the Bokeh Open with two SS setups: Bliss with May L2 and Ferrum Hypsos/Oor Stack with May KTE. Of course she shines with these overkill setups. I have also listened to her on a decent DAP: the iBasso DX300 Max Ti. This was using a 1/4th to 3.5 adapter. Everything sounded great and when scaling down to a DAP there was no sound degradation. I am waiting on a 4.4mm cable and will report out on how she does with a basic dongle.
I hope to have a ZMF Aegis soon to compare everything with.
Systems will not need to be built around her like you need to with the hard to drive stuff.
For this price point the Bokeh Open has numerous things going for it. Transportability, Relative affordability, fun, amps and DACs and DAPs will not be getting in the way of enjoyment. And of course she looks sexy even when laid out on her stomach: