ZMF Bokeh - Open Back Headphones

Jan 13, 2025 at 7:28 PM Post #736 of 951
The VO is not the most forgiving of bad recordings, you’re right. And it does love tubes. Well recorded material, though…fantastic.
Agreed, on high quality recordings it's incredible. I love it with blues, jazz, and singer/songwriter stuff. I just steer clear of metal with it...
Jan 13, 2025 at 7:53 PM Post #737 of 951
I got an email from ZMF that the wood for the BO has been selected and machining still start soon. It appears I'm a little behind others who have posted, but at least I will be able to read all your impressions while I anxiously wait.
Jan 14, 2025 at 12:52 AM Post #738 of 951
I got an email from ZMF that the wood for the BO has been selected and machining still start soon. It appears I'm a little behind others who have posted, but at least I will be able to read all your impressions while I anxiously wait.
Yay! I’m as happy as I can be for everyone. I’m patiently waiting for any email that says anything about the status of my Nocturne set. And I’m also looking forward to the impressions forthcoming as they will be excellent reading. It won’t be long… :)
Jan 14, 2025 at 2:59 AM Post #739 of 951
I got an email from ZMF that the wood for the BO has been selected and machining still start soon. It appears I'm a little behind others who have posted, but at least I will be able to read all your impressions while I anxiously wait.
And you’re a little ahead of others. I like to think of all the ones made before mine as practice pieces.
Jan 14, 2025 at 3:02 AM Post #740 of 951
Same email here today. I'm pretty sure my order was in the first 20 or so. If they're just now getting started I can't see any shipments until well in February or March.
Jan 14, 2025 at 7:50 AM Post #741 of 951
Initial basic scaling thoughts with my new lady:

I have spent a lot of time with the Bokeh Open with two SS setups: Bliss with May L2 and Ferrum Hypsos/Oor Stack with May KTE. Of course she shines with these overkill setups. I have also listened to her on a decent DAP: the iBasso DX300 Max Ti. This was using a 1/4th to 3.5 adapter. Everything sounded great and when scaling down to a DAP there was no sound degradation. I am waiting on a 4.4mm cable and will report out on how she does with a basic dongle.

I hope to have a ZMF Aegis soon to compare everything with.

Systems will not need to be built around her like you need to with the hard to drive stuff.

For this price point the Bokeh Open has numerous things going for it. Transportability, Relative affordability, fun, amps and DACs and DAPs will not be getting in the way of enjoyment. And of course she looks sexy even when laid out on her stomach:

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Jan 14, 2025 at 4:38 PM Post #742 of 951
Initial basic scaling thoughts with my new lady:

I have spent a lot of time with the Bokeh Open with two SS setups: Bliss with May L2 and Ferrum Hypsos/Oor Stack with May KTE. Of course she shines with these overkill setups. I have also listened to her on a decent DAP: the iBasso DX300 Max Ti. This was using a 1/4th to 3.5 adapter. Everything sounded great and when scaling down to a DAP there was no sound degradation. I am waiting on a 4.4mm cable and will report out on how she does with a basic dongle.

I hope to have a ZMF Aegis soon to compare everything with.

Systems will not need to be built around her like you need to with the hard to drive stuff.

For this price point the Bokeh Open has numerous things going for it. Transportability, Relative affordability, fun, amps and DACs and DAPs will not be getting in the way of enjoyment. And of course she looks sexy even when laid out on her stomach:

Gosh I love the red!
Jan 14, 2025 at 4:39 PM Post #743 of 951
Sorry all about link to Aliexpress ripoff. I was just trying alert @zach915m to fake copies and see if he could do anything about it. Apologies for getting getting anyone into trouble (aside from myself haha). Cheers all
Jan 15, 2025 at 12:15 PM Post #744 of 951
I got the Eufonika H5 with Miflex KPCU capacitors. It is a wonderful OTL. I would highly recommend, and if you want to go a little crazy with tubes. The Apos 6SN7 reserve takes it to a whole new level.

It's a great sounding amp especially for the price. Really pairs well with ZMF if you like that tube warmth. Tons of options to roll tubes too. I bought some adapters from @Deyan and the 6J5 type of tubes are fantastic in it.
Jan 18, 2025 at 7:42 PM Post #745 of 951
I just love the Purple Heart grills, and really dig the wild design. The contrast with the grey colored SpectraPly really makes those grills pop.


Such a beautiful design, that sounds as good as it looks.
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Jan 19, 2025 at 9:20 AM Post #747 of 951
I did not order the Tuning Kit with my BO as I already have the Caldera Ultra Perf and pretty sure I'm not going to be into the Suede pads. I am curious on the mesh. Any of you early users using the Solid Mesh instead of the stock mesh? I could add it for $20 but my gut says I'm going to end up preferring stock form anyway. Hoping some of you could comment if worth checking out.

Jan 19, 2025 at 10:49 AM Post #749 of 951
I did not order the Tuning Kit with my BO as I already have the Caldera Ultra Perf and pretty sure I'm not going to be into the Suede pads. I am curious on the mesh. Any of you early users using the Solid Mesh instead of the stock mesh? I could add it for $20 but my gut says I'm going to end up preferring stock form anyway. Hoping some of you could comment if worth checking out.

Mine came with one but I haven't considered trying it yet. The stock tuning is just perfect for me and I don't want to reduce the treble. You could always buy it later if it's an issue for you.
Jan 19, 2025 at 10:56 AM Post #750 of 951
I ordered a solid mesh with mine simply to save on shipping costs if I decide I want to try it later. Pretty easy to add $20 to a $900 purchase.

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