Originally Posted by iHelp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey. Your review didn't make much sense.
The SQ doesn't mean you did/didn't like the sound signature. OBVIOUSLY, it's the quality.
Read more carefully.
I just read that review. Obviously, too many review sites are filled with people who post one- or two-star reviews (out of five) merely saying that they did not like the sound signature of the reviewed product. Well, that is not the right way to rate sound quality. But if it sounds more or less the same no matter the equipment, and the "piercing highs" sound scratchy and etchy rather than detailed, then the product would have definitely lost points in the sound-quality rating. (I would have deducted only one star from the rating if the sound is merely too bright. But if it sounds both bright and screechy at the same time, then I would have given it a low rating.)
Also, the reviewer might not have realized that the reviewed product sounded that way because he or she might not have listened to that product on the right equipment to begin with. After all, if most iPods roll off the bass, and the ER-6i sounds neutral or slightly cold, then the two add up to an overly aggressive (frigid) sound. Remember, in this particular case, synergy between source/amp and earphone is to blame. As such, I would have withheld my review or rating until I tried that same earphone on other equipment.
Having said that, I submitted a five-star review on my most recent headphone purchase, a Sennheiser PX 100-II, after owning it for less than a day. Sometimes, a product comes along that catches my fancy and impresses me from Day One on most if not all types of equipment (and would likely still impress me after months or years of listening); thus, such an early review is valid. (I go by a different handle over there than here at Head-Fi - but you get the idea simply by looking at my listed home town.)