Dec 11, 2024 at 6:17 PM Post #3,241 of 3,405
This is my primary use case for XD05 Pro, i.e. I don't use the DAC module of XD05 Pro very often but always fit in analog audio from my DAPs - so far, I have used DX260 and Hiby RS2, each has its own advantages ... but with both sources, the overall sound quality is definitely "next level" comparing with built-in DAC modules.
Yep, I noticed the same with now both the Serenade and the Cyan 2, tho the Cyan 2 now that I have the Serenade to compare it with, is a little bit more lean and it's bring the mids a little bit forward. so far the serenade it's more to my taste, but the combo with the Cyan 2 was also really good, but it's defenitively less bombastic in the lower registries and less exciting.

So far with the current DAC modules available for the XD05 Pro, they're really good but there's definitively scales in it's performance with better DACs, more so if you can pre-amp it properly.
Dec 12, 2024 at 3:46 AM Post #3,243 of 3,405
SS3602 and ROHM have arrived!
Now I have all the DACs I need!
I installed it in XD05PRO and listened to it with Night Oblivion Butastur.
Vocals came out more forward than AKM and ESS, and the accompaniment sounded speedy and clear.
I like op-amps with warmth like V6, but I also really like op-amps with energy like this.
I'm looking forward to hearing other various combinations.


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Dec 12, 2024 at 6:25 AM Post #3,245 of 3,405
Last week my HFM Goldenwave Serenade arrived and yesterday I tried it's pre-amp function feeding the XD05 Pro via it's balanced input, and Jesus Christ almighty!!, it has been the best pairing I've hear yet by far, it was the most visceral and impactful I have heard my HEKse yet, slamming hard and deep and it was really surprising how much gain this portable amp can handle without either clipping or distorting. Truly impressive pairing.

I was pushing both the XD05 Pro and the serenade hard and it maintain composure all the way through.
Which op-amps you use inside your XD05PRO when connected to Hifiman Serenade? Could you please share a link for your 2XLR->4.4. cable?
Dec 12, 2024 at 10:42 AM Post #3,246 of 3,405
SS3602 and ROHM have arrived!
Now I have all the DACs I need!
I installed it in XD05PRO and listened to it with Night Oblivion Butastur.
Vocals came out more forward than AKM and ESS, and the accompaniment sounded speedy and clear.
I like op-amps with warmth like V6, but I also really like op-amps with energy like this.
I'm looking forward to hearing other various combinations.
Regarding the SS3602 from Sparkos, I have only been able to try them once because we found them to be to harsh in the treble, but when I tried to install them again, I was not able to do so, it's really, really difficult, I saw a video where they show you how to install them and it makes it look really easy but in reality, no matter what angle you try to insert the amp card with the sparkos op-amps plugged in, they just don't fit. I don't know how I was able to do it the first time around, but it took me like probably 40 min. of playing around on all different directions until it was able to click in an fall through properly.

Regardless, the stock op-amps sound really, really good, yesterday I tried the XD05 Pro again with my modded HD6XX and pre-amping it with the serenade and oh my god, yep, the HD6X0 just keeps scaling and scaling with better amplification, this is the punchiest that the HD6XX has sounded yet.
Dec 12, 2024 at 10:49 AM Post #3,247 of 3,405
Regarding the SS3602 from Sparkos, I have only been able to try them once because we found them to be to harsh in the treble, but when I tried to install them again, I was not able to do so, it's really, really difficult, I saw a video where they show you how to install them and it makes it look really easy but in reality, no matter what angle you try to insert the amp card with the sparkos op-amps plugged in, they just don't fit. I don't know how I was able to do it the first time around, but it took me like probably 40 min. of playing around on all different directions until it was able to click in an fall through properly.

Regardless, the stock op-amps sound really, really good, yesterday I tried the XD05 Pro again with my modded HD6XX and pre-amping it with the serenade and oh my god, yep, the HD6X0 just keeps scaling and scaling with better amplification, this is the punchiest that the HD6XX has sounded yet.
Do you have them on 'risers'? I think if you look at @ToneDeafMonk's YouTube videos he has one on this topic. Or you can look earlier in this thread about installing the Sparkos.
Dec 12, 2024 at 10:55 AM Post #3,248 of 3,405
Which op-amps you use inside your XD05PRO when connected to Hifiman Serenade? Could you please share a link for your 2XLR->4.4. cable?
The stock ones, I have the sparkos, but I took them out because my father mostly, he found it really harsh and fatiguing in the treble, tried to install them again but wasn't able too, it's a lot more difficult than Thought.

Here's the link to the adapter cable I bought in AliExpress, is not cheap but it's of a high quality and you feel it when you grab it, but like many high-end, audiophile grade cables it's of a very robust construction, you could probably whip somebody to death with that cable and in my desktop set-up, it is uncomfortable to use, really stiff and the xlr connectors that go to the DAC balanced outputs, they're really, REALLY tight and you have to really push them in hard, don't know if that's a mark of "high quality", the problem is when you also want to take them out, you have to jank them hard also and when I used them with the EF499, I could see the back plate where the XLR outputs are flex a little bit, so there is that. There's cheaper options than the one I bought if you look for them.


I got the one that says 4.4mm to 2XLR Female to feed my dacs into the XD05 Pro, there's another option but 2XLR male, that's if you want to output the DAC of the XD05 to something else.
Dec 12, 2024 at 10:58 AM Post #3,249 of 3,405
Do you have them on 'risers'? I think if you look at @ToneDeafMonk's YouTube videos he has one on this topic. Or you can look earlier in this thread about installing the Sparkos.
I saw that video by ToneDeafMonk and yes, I follow his instructions and clipped the little metal posts that get in the way, still it's really difficult to get the amp card in with the sparkos op-amps even without risers, it's a really thight fit.
Dec 12, 2024 at 11:51 AM Post #3,250 of 3,405
I saw that video by ToneDeafMonk and yes, I follow his instructions and clipped the little metal posts that get in the way, still it's really difficult to get the amp card in with the sparkos op-amps even without risers, it's a really thight fit.
Yeah it's tight but with a bit of paticience and the perfect angle they slide in SS3602 with the lid closed was the absolute best version for me.
Dec 12, 2024 at 12:07 PM Post #3,251 of 3,405
Sparkos の SS3602 については、高くなりすぎると感じたので、一度しか試せませんでしたが、もう一度インストールしようとしたところ、できませんでした。本当に難しいです。インストール方法を示すビデオを見ましたが、とても簡単に見えますが、実際には、Sparkos オペアンプが接続されたアンプカードをどの角度で挿入しようとしても、うまく入りません。 40くらい分ほど、あらゆる方向で挑戦しました。

いずれにしても、純正オペアンプの音は本当に素晴らしいです。昨日、改造した HD6XX で XD05 Pro をもう一度試して、セレナーデでプリアンプしてみましたが、すごい、HD6X0 は進歩がどんどん進んで大きくなり、HD6XX の音の中で最もパンチの限られた音になり
I also felt the high notes were too hard at first and did burn-in for more than 20 hours!
By doing so, the high notes became less harsh.
This is my personal opinion, so I can't say for sure, but I believe that discrete amplifiers need burn-in.

As for the sockets, I also had a hard time at first.
I succeeded by placing the socket as vertically as possible and closing the lid, but I am not sure I will succeed again 😓.
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Dec 12, 2024 at 12:37 PM Post #3,252 of 3,405

Everything seems to be in japanese my friend and even thought, as any good mexican, I've watched plenty of anime, still I'm not very conversed in your language, even less so in written form.
Dec 12, 2024 at 12:39 PM Post #3,253 of 3,405
Yeah it's tight but with a bit of paticience and the perfect angle they slide in SS3602 with the lid closed was the absolute best version for me.
Gonna watch your tutorial again, I know they fit in because I managed to do it once before but it's definitively not a simple procedure by any stretch of the imagination.
Dec 12, 2024 at 12:48 PM Post #3,254 of 3,405
Everything seems to be in japanese my friend and even thought, as any good mexican, I've watched plenty of anime, still I'm not very conversed in your language, even less so in written form.
I'm sorry.
I'm still getting used to it and it automatically translated into Japanese.
I've fixed it now.

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