X5 firmware 2.34Beta--Now Playing gets a good memory, APE cuesheets

Nov 18, 2014 at 7:00 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 148

Joe Bloggs

Sponsor: HiBy
Member of the Trade: EFO Technologies Co, YanYin Technology
His Porta Corda walked the Green Mile
Oct 21, 2001
Hong Kong and Melbourne
Beta firmware version 2.34beta for the X5 is now available!

The following changes and improvements were made to firmware 2.34 compared to FW2.20:

1. Bugzilla Bug 38 solved: Pressing the Back button from the Now Playing screen will now always take you to the folder / album / etc. from which the current song is selected. This is true even after navigating to the main menu or powering the X5 off and back on.
2. Holding the Back button now takes you to the main menu (rather than the Now Playing screen).
3. CUE sheets for APE files now supported.
4. Fixed issue where the X5 sometimes skips back to the first song after the currently playing song is deleted.
5. Fixed issue where the presently playing and total number of songs in the present listing (e.g. 1/16) is in error after deleting the first song or the last song in the list.
6. Fixed issue where pressing the previous / next buttons do not function correctly when selecting between TF1, TF2 and OTG drives under Browse Files.
7. Fixed issue where the currently playing playlist is not highlighted on pressing Back after playing a song from a playlist.
8. Fixed issue where sometimes "About X5" shows 0 songs on the X5 after updating the media library.
9. Fixed issue where songs newly added to Favorites sometimes do not show up in the Favorites list.
10. Fixed issue where a track not supported by the X5 is sometimes not skipped automatically.
11. Fixed issue where 16kHz/8bit and 11kHz/16bit tracks are shown with incorrect time counters while playing.
12. Fixed issue where iTunes AAC-HE tracks are shown with sample rates at half the actual value.

Please note the following:

1. This is a development beta. Please consider carefully whether you want to upgrade to it. (You can always downgrade back to any previous version)
2. Problems encountered with this firmware may be posted to this thread--please keep the main X3 thread free from clutter regarding bugs on beta firmware.
3. To avoid public misunderstanding, please refrain from posting about bugs and problems with the beta firmware outside this beta firmware discussion thread.

Looking forward to everyone's feedback. :)
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Nov 18, 2014 at 8:42 AM Post #2 of 148
...thanks Joe! Just downloaded and started installing...
*edit* Just finished installing. All sounds good after a few seconds of listening. Am in training all day for the next three days, so no chance to do heavy testing unfortunately, but will note any issues if I see any.
Nov 18, 2014 at 8:47 AM Post #3 of 148
For me it is really important that I can easily make playlists on the device itself.
Or maybe I don't know how, or it isn't possible (yet)?

I can only add one song to and playlist, one for one, and I do not know how to edit playlist name, guess not possible on device.

What I am wishing for is, the ability to make a playlist of an entire folder, but most importantly multiple files at a time, across different locations.
For example I would wish to create a playlist by marking a few songs in that folder, and in that, preferably in one go.
But it would be a huge step forward if you could add multiple files in the same folder to a playlist.

Then there's the thing of order. It should also be possible to adjust the order of the playlist, and aswell if adding multiple files, they should be added in order they are being marked.

Thank you.

(Also had an issue where the Fiio X5 logo would be stuck on starting- up, and it wouldn't boot further, or turn off. I resetted multiple times, and removed mSD but it didn't do anything, just repeat problem. Then I redid the firmware with powerbutton- upper left button, and it worked again.)
But it makes me wonder if I should send this unit back..
Nov 18, 2014 at 10:36 AM Post #7 of 148
Upgrading from 2.2
After flashing, at the first boot up unit froze. Had to reset using a clip.
After the reset and boot up, switched it off, turned it back on and then working properly
Nov 18, 2014 at 10:53 AM Post #8 of 148
Proceeded to update the library manually...
It passed the 5800 file limit, but around the 6100 file, the counter disappeared but the waiting animation keep circling for about a minute to then disappear completely 
About screen says I have 6185 songs (2 x 128mb TFcards)
Nov 18, 2014 at 11:49 AM Post #9 of 148
13. Fixed the unlocking behavior of the central button,now by default only volume buttons work when the screen is locked (had a mail exchange with the support to implement this, so happy they really did it).
14. fixed the error 2.20 gave on some mp3 files 'format not supported',now they are played fine.
after indexing some 17000+ files in my library it hang: no more counting files, just rotating logo. UPDATE: waiting for another 40 min solved it,now the library is updated and i can do the whole lib random play )))
Nov 18, 2014 at 2:57 PM Post #12 of 148
Hell, maybe I'll give it a try.  I like the sound of the improved 'back' button.
I'm thinking that a revised edition of the user manual might be a good idea when this firmware is released.  1.2 I think is the last version and there have been a lot of changes since.
My God!  Surely there's a better  way than mediafire.  It's always a headake downloading from there.  I 2nd a dropbox link if someone could, please.
Nov 18, 2014 at 4:03 PM Post #14 of 148
Hi Joe
Just updated.  Just for the record, I unpacked the fw, updated the graphics to CH23's horizontal theme, then reinstalled.  No issues updating.
I'm using 1 x 128Gb and 1 x 64 Gb card.  Currently 5310 tracks (approx 135 Gb).
Scanning was noticeably slower than previous fw - but completed OK with no apparent errors.  I also had the animation going for longer (with no numbers going up) after it appeared the scan completed.
Back buttons work perfectly - good job!
So far all other functionality very good also.
Thumbs up - good release.
** I know you are working on folder play, so will be very happy when you make progress on that.  Other thing I would love to see for functionality would be for the scan to actually identify externally created playlists, and put them in the Category > Playlists section.  At present the only way to get to them is navigate manually in folder view.
Nov 18, 2014 at 4:15 PM Post #15 of 148
8522 Songs in the library here (the animation kept cycling for around 5 minutes after counting the tracks), the randomization seems ok now (no more cycling songs or predeterminate order as in 2.30 beta).
Only concern so far is the gapless not working (at least on Mp3 files as far as i know).

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