May 11, 2008 at 9:05 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 22


May 2, 2008
Hello there,

i want to buy a cheap but quality closed full sized set of headphones, to play around for a while then after i bought a proper player, move on to a better headphones.

i recently ordered an HD 465 (hasn't arrived yet) and now i am after a set of closed headphones. within my budget, these are the nominees :

Senn HD 202
Senn HD 205
Senn eH 150
AKG - K414P

i am eager to get a Sennheiser, and from what i know, the HD 202, 205 and eh 150 are basically in the same range, the only difference i could find was th frequency response.

the frequency response of HD 205 is significantly better than the other two. though i have heard it's not very comfortable, but it's fine with me.

i listen to Rock more than other genres and like a lot of bass. it would be great to hear from you, and i also welcome any suggestions

p.s. the Senn eH 250 is not within my budget, but if it is significantly better, i would be tempted to go for it.
May 11, 2008 at 9:51 PM Post #2 of 22
I have HD205...they are better than the others u mentioned...bought them after trying all others...but but but..
HD205 are for studio monitoring & DJing..
so for music n movies...u r better off with HD202.

HD202 is more for mp3 music...its lighter & more comfortable also.
May 11, 2008 at 10:28 PM Post #3 of 22

Originally Posted by Nocturnal310 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have HD205...they are better than the others u mentioned...bought them after trying all others...but but but..
HD205 are for studio monitoring & DJing..
so for music n movies...u r better off with HD202.

HD202 is more for mp3 music...its lighter & more comfortable also.

first, thanks for the reply, the thing is, i will be using these outside, i just feel 205's look much better than the others. i do use it for music only, how big is the difference between the 205's and 202's for music?
thanks again
May 12, 2008 at 9:14 AM Post #4 of 22
guys, please help me out
May 12, 2008 at 9:43 AM Post #5 of 22
Hi, I have had the Senn HD 202 and Senn HD 212 Pro. And I will will say that they 212 Pros are a lot better. The bass is amazing and should be within the same price range. Stay away from the HD 201s if you want bass.
May 12, 2008 at 9:54 AM Post #6 of 22

Originally Posted by cosmic /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hi, I have had the Senn HD 202 and Senn HD 212 Pro. And I will will say that they 212 Pros are a lot better. The bass is amazing and should be within the same price range. Stay away from the HD 201s if you want bass.

thanks for reply, yes, i just put it up there so people know that i took that into account. now that you said it, i will consider 212's as well.
May 12, 2008 at 11:43 AM Post #8 of 22

Originally Posted by QQQ /img/forum/go_quote.gif
k412p is better than all mentioned.

are they closed? they seem open
May 12, 2008 at 1:06 PM Post #9 of 22
I got the HD201, 205, 212, and 14 other pairs of senn's.

The HD201 sucks, make no mistake.

If the HD202's are anything like the HD212's then get either the HD202 or HD212.

The HD205, have near unbearable clamping effect (it's not that bad) but they are good. However between the HD212's and HD205's i'd go for....the AKG K 518's! that's if you live in the UK and you're going to pay full whack.

I could go on about how i've boxed most of my Sennheiser HD's including the HD200's and now i use my Roland RH50's most of the time.

Roland - RH - 50 High Definition Headphones - NIB on eBay, also, Headphones, DJ Gear Stage Lighting, Consumer Electronics (end time 14-May-08 23:16:37 BST)

what's your budget?
May 12, 2008 at 1:33 PM Post #10 of 22
Go with the 202,it sounds lovely for the price and is fine for rock.
Funnily enough i just picked myself up a spare only last week as they were cheap.
Smashing phone for the price!
May 12, 2008 at 2:20 PM Post #11 of 22

Originally Posted by Beyerfan70 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Go with the 202,it sounds lovely for the price and is fine for rock.
Funnily enough i just picked myself up a spare only last week as they were cheap.
Smashing phone for the price!

do you know how they compare against the HD201's?
May 12, 2008 at 5:01 PM Post #12 of 22

Originally Posted by captian73 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I got the HD201, 205, 212, and 14 other pairs of senn's.

The HD201 sucks, make no mistake.

If the HD202's are anything like the HD212's then get either the HD202 or HD212.

The HD205, have near unbearable clamping effect (it's not that bad) but they are good. However between the HD212's and HD205's i'd go for....the AKG K 518's! that's if you live in the UK and you're going to pay full whack.

I could go on about how i've boxed most of my Sennheiser HD's including the HD200's and now i use my Roland RH50's most of the time.

Roland - RH - 50 High Definition Headphones - NIB on eBay, also, Headphones, DJ Gear Stage Lighting, Consumer Electronics (end time 14-May-08 23:16:37 BST)

what's your budget?

hey there, thanks for the reply, i live in UK, i have a budget of about 25 quid ( 50 dollars) and i want to buy expensive top range headphones in near future, but i need to know if i like open or closed. i have bought an open set (HD 465) now i am going for the closed. i dunno why, i just seem to like sennheiser, no matter what it is.

i am thinking 212's are quit good, good bass and SQ. but 205 look better as i will be wearing them out side, but i think i go for the 212's
May 12, 2008 at 5:25 PM Post #13 of 22

Originally Posted by Beyerfan70 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Go with the 202,it sounds lovely for the price and is fine for rock.
Funnily enough i just picked myself up a spare only last week as they were cheap.
Smashing phone for the price!

agreed !!! i saw one for 16 quid in UK, i did not believe the price when i had it on.
May 12, 2008 at 6:41 PM Post #15 of 22

Originally Posted by QQQ /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm sorry, my bad. Didn't noticed it's a closed choice..

no probs mate, thanks for taking the time though

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