Worst product ever introduced to consumers?

Jul 25, 2003 at 11:36 PM Post #181 of 208

Originally posted by HD-5000
[size=xx-small]Hey, Microsoft makes many excellent products such as the mighty Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer 3.0, the ergonomic Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro, or the very cool Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2. [/size]

I agree. (couldn't live without that keyboard & love the mouse) Kinda funny though a software company's best products are hardware...
Jul 25, 2003 at 11:56 PM Post #182 of 208

Originally posted by aeberbach
Why are you using Windows ME? Unlike most of the other versions it's a downgrade. It might seem a little snappier than 2000 for games but it's hardly worth the crashes.

That's what came with the laptop and I'm too lazy to upgrade.
Jul 28, 2003 at 7:06 PM Post #183 of 208
Win2K is my favorite flavor of OS from the evil empire. It looks like I should go with XP for the HTPC box, though, since many people claim it to be better with driver support and reliability with multimedia stuffs. I'd really prefer to go with Linux for that machine since it will be on and running constantly but without dscaler and some other software ported, it will have to be Windows.

Another product that annoys me is the hubcap. I may be the only one to think it but I'd rater see a generic black wheel than a hubcap. Maybe I'm just too utilitarian.
Aug 26, 2003 at 5:36 AM Post #184 of 208

Originally posted by Tuberoller
Sports Bras......

What the screw???? **** are meant to jiggle.I stopped going to women's basketball games when they made them mandatory.

But Tube, if they don't wear them then when you get them home and get their clothes off, their **** roll out and fall to the floor... YUCK! Please use sports bras ladies... men don't like saggy ****... especially if they start looking like pancakes with syrup dripping off or bananas
Aug 26, 2003 at 5:47 AM Post #185 of 208

Originally posted by JMT
I dunno Don, Spam sushi while tailgaiting at a 49er game is pretty good.

I think you mean a Spam Musubi
And yes they are very good!
Aug 26, 2003 at 5:16 PM Post #186 of 208

Originally posted by MusicJunkie
MusicLover - you've got to be kidding. The GBA SP is a huge improvement over the old version. The original GBA sucked so bad I returned it the same day I bought it. What a waste of time that was.

And the SP fits in my shirt pocket so its easier to take into the can at work.


I totally agree. GBA was one of the most dissapointing products to come out in my mind. The SP is everything it claimed to be but wasn't.

Aug 26, 2003 at 7:39 PM Post #187 of 208
Yes, Neuticles are a pretty stupid product....

the only thing that could be even more stupid is....

Neuticles Merchandise!!!!


I'm a big fan of the Neuticles neckchain tho...


Unisex design features single or double NEUTICLES on stylish chain. (Specify Lg./Med./Sm.) $24. Two NEUTICLES on one necklace. $44.

What could be more more stylish then having a set of giggle-berries hanging from a chain around your neck??


I long to see images of the Neuticle baseball jersy or ball-point pen..
Aug 26, 2003 at 7:47 PM Post #188 of 208
Worst product? Hard to say, but partially hydrogenated oil (trans-fats) are particularly insidious... they're worse for your health than pure lard, sound harmless and there's no requirement for it to be labeled as a % of RDA or as a saturated fat on product labels. They're in just about everything you can buy off the shelf in a grocery store.


Caution -- the above may make you start looking at food ingredient labels a lot more often, and change your eating habits dramatically.
Aug 27, 2003 at 1:16 AM Post #189 of 208
Fewtch, it's a known fact that the FDA has now made it required for companies to list the trans-fat in their products, and that it will appear on labels as soon as 2 years
Aug 27, 2003 at 1:19 AM Post #190 of 208

Originally posted by Ebonyks
Fewtch, it's a known fact that the FDA has now made it required for companies to list the trans-fat in their products, and that it will appear on labels as soon as 2 years

I thought I heard 2006... anyway, that's a good sign and will probably move these companies in the direction of lowering the amount of trans-fats in their products.
Aug 27, 2003 at 5:02 AM Post #191 of 208

Originally posted by kelly
One way or another CVTs are the future--I just hope manufacturers don't "detune" them.

I don't know... as long as F1 cars still use SMG I'll still go with SMG rather than CVT
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Aug 27, 2003 at 5:19 AM Post #192 of 208
just for kelly, the qwerty myth

you don't actually use dvorak do you? i know a guy who does, i have no idea why. i type 90 wpm just fine on qwerty, plenty fast for ultra rapid useless posting.

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