Worst product ever introduced to consumers?

Jul 25, 2003 at 1:38 AM Post #166 of 208

Originally posted by Sentral Dogma

now that's something i can agree with.. that's the most destructive force on this planet.. imagine how many fewer wars we would have in our history without people pushing their beleifs on each other... it boggles the mind as to why people are stupid enough to follow such things (this included aetheism)
Jul 25, 2003 at 2:30 AM Post #171 of 208
The day Microsoft makes a product that doesn't suck, is
the day they start selling vacuum cleaners.

Hey, Microsoft makes many excellent products such as the mighty Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer 3.0, the ergonomic Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro, or the very cool Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2.
Jul 25, 2003 at 3:53 AM Post #172 of 208

Originally posted by HD-5000 Hey, Microsoft makes many excellent products such as the mighty Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer 3.0, the ergonomic Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro, or the very cool Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2. [/B]

Very true, their hardware has been top-notch. Also their service is wonderful. I was given my friend's dead intellimouse explorer, and called microsoft. A week later I had a new one. Then that one started to die (cord had a bad connection) so I again called them and got a newfangled 3.0. I have since repaired the old one (took some soldering).

HOWEVER, I cannot excuse them for the atrocity that was WIndows Me.
Jul 25, 2003 at 3:57 AM Post #173 of 208

Originally posted by CaptBubba
I cannot excuse them for the atrocity that was WIndows Me.

Heheheh. Windows Me = Windows Pee! XP is a big improvement over Me!
Jul 25, 2003 at 5:01 AM Post #175 of 208
Jul 25, 2003 at 5:04 AM Post #176 of 208

Originally posted by D-EJ915
Me was kind of like the GBA, both were ok products on their own, but they were just nothing compared to what they were ment to hold us over to...Windows XP and the GBA SP...the true new products.

What do you mean??? The GBA SP is basically the same exact thing as the regular one. Just a built in light, better sound, and a clamshell. Oh boy.
And for almost double the price of the regular GBA, who would even want to buy the SP? There is absolutely nothing wrong with the original. It's great. I don't understand why you would compare it to Windows ME, either. ME was a dud. GBA wasn't.

Sorry if I sound mean (didn't mean to), but I just have something against the GBA SP.
Jul 25, 2003 at 10:43 PM Post #178 of 208
Why are you using Windows ME? Unlike most of the other versions it's a downgrade. It might seem a little snappier than 2000 for games but it's hardly worth the crashes.

I really think the GBA SP is much better than the old GB, it's a great product! It is smaller and easier to fit in a carry-on bag or a pocket. It doesn't eat batteries. The buttons are more like an old HP calculator than a TI (lower action, better positive click) and the screen is backlit without the inevitable speck of dust you get with an afterburner. It's an improvement in every way and Nintendo would be just stupid not to charge as much as people are prepared to pay...
Jul 25, 2003 at 10:51 PM Post #179 of 208

Originally posted by aeberbach
Why are you using Windows ME?

Jul 25, 2003 at 11:14 PM Post #180 of 208
MusicLover - you've got to be kidding. The GBA SP is a huge improvement over the old version. The original GBA sucked so bad I returned it the same day I bought it. What a waste of time that was.

And the SP fits in my shirt pocket so its easier to take into the can at work.


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