Worst Headphone Experience Ever
May 23, 2003 at 8:04 AM Post #16 of 49
Its an ongoing experiance....HD490's for christmas from my girlfriend, the look on my face must have gave it away because she cried.
I still have not found a peacefully way to rid myself of these pitiful headphones.
May 23, 2003 at 12:38 PM Post #18 of 49
Various $5 stock headphones at a local dollar store. The Sony V150's were awful as were the Yamaha's i had afterwards.
May 23, 2003 at 1:35 PM Post #19 of 49
My worst headphones are the Sony MDR-A30 Sports. I was at an airport and needed new headphones so I bought these. I had them on my head for about a minute before I threw them barck into my bag, they sounded so horrible... so bright... now I gonna hug my HD-600
May 23, 2003 at 2:07 PM Post #20 of 49
I'd have to say the worst earphones I've ever bought were ex70's from Sony. I'd agree with neggy here, Sony is the most over rated brand. To tell you the truth I actually wish I was a tone deaf stereotypical consumer who didn't care about good sound, cause I wouldn't bother spending so much money buying different phones (I just ordered e2c). Then again I'm glad I do know so much about thes ethings, cause at least I know what's quality and what's not... I mean even mx300
s sound clearer than ex70
May 23, 2003 at 4:17 PM Post #21 of 49

Originally posted by MisterX
Its an ongoing experiance....HD490's for christmas from my girlfriend, the look on my face must have gave it away because she cried.
I still have not found a peacefully way to rid myself of these pitiful headphones.

Dude! You made your girlfriend cry! That's just wrong...
May 23, 2003 at 6:03 PM Post #25 of 49
listening to my cheap panasonic headphone on the bus at volume 37/40 with my iriver, but still couldnt hear ****, while it leak so bad others people could hear me, while also getting my ear hurt. thanks god i don't have to deal with that again *shiver*
May 23, 2003 at 6:52 PM Post #26 of 49
Worst comfort on a full-sized headphone: Koss Tech2

Totally screwed sound: Sennheiser HD 470

Worst earbud experience: Sony MDR-EX70LP

Blandest portable phone sound: Yamaha Porsche design model (forgot the model number...)

Greetings from Munich!

Manred / lini
May 23, 2003 at 7:01 PM Post #27 of 49

Originally posted by Gluegun
Dude! You made your girlfriend cry! That's just wrong...

Not to derail the whole worst headphone experience thing, but you know most people don't realize the rule of thumb for gifting.. People passionate about a hobby know just about every intimate detail about that hobby. What's good, what's bad, what they like. Any attempts by an outside uninitiate to surprise said hobbyist with a gift from the realm of their passion only succeeds in causing ire and consternation at the apparent "lack of knowledge" of what's good and bad. It's not their fault, they're just trying to show they know what you like. Sometimes less is more though. Case in point, I'm kinda into kitchen culinary implements. The ex got me one of those spin and chop dealios that you see on tv for quick chopping of onions and other vegetables for my birthday. On sale in a mall display stand no less. Umm, yeah.

But back to the headphone thing. My brother got me a pair of Sony closed headphones that I thought were pretty good. This was back when I knew nothing. Served me well for a couple of years until they unexplainedly broke (no kidding, one night I left work and they were fine. Next morning I come in and the left earpiece had fallen off). That was when I discovered the joys of the Grado SR-60. I listened to the Sony's again recently and realized how crappy they really were... No bass, very muffled, no detail. Oh the bliss of ignorance...

Oh and back to my original point. A lesson for all of you gifters. If someone has like more than 5 of any one object, it's a hobby. Don't buy them a 6th thing for their collection unless you are savvy in that area. Please, it will help keep the friendship strong. Really.
May 23, 2003 at 7:08 PM Post #28 of 49
Both my best and worst experience ,buying Grado SR-60's although they got me into all of this and i really enjoy it its become way too expensive for a kid without a job
May 23, 2003 at 8:30 PM Post #29 of 49
my worst pair ever was some koss ur-20's but best buy let me return them.. but then i found this forum and six months later... voila!!! i'm out $300 on a pair of ms2's.. but at least these cans rule!!!
*listens happily..... but needs amp
May 23, 2003 at 9:03 PM Post #30 of 49
My worst headphone experience ever:

Sony MDR-CD180s. I suffered through these for almost two years before I stumbled upon headfi and headphone.com.

Now, almost two years later, I've become a much happier person and blown about $700 on the evil headphone hobby.


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