[World Tour] Reviewers Wanted for Cayin N3Pro, DAP with vacuum tubes, dual AK4493 and MQA
Nov 25, 2020 at 4:26 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 59
Nov 16, 2013

It has been a while since Cayin conducts review tour on our new products. Given the lack of audio shows in 2020, we decide to run anN3Pro tour in order to collect first-hand experience and constructive feedback from experienced users and connect with as many HeadFier as possible.
  • Dual AK4493 DAC
  • Fully balanced design with 4.4mm and 3.5mm phone out
  • Powerful 800mW@32Ω Balanced Headphone output
  • Tube and Solid Dual Timbre (3.5mm single-ended phone output only)
  • Triode and Ultra-linear Mode (3.5mm Tube phone output only)
  • 2 line out, 2 digital out, USB DAC
  • Hi-Res Wireless DAC
  • 8x MQA decoder
The detail of N3Pro is well explained in N3Pro product page and post #2 of the N3Pro official discussion thread, so we can skip the introduction and go straight to the show arrangement.

N3Pro Sales Guide MQA-Poster.jpg

Tour Schedule:
  • 25 November 2020: Tour Application Starts
  • 4 December 2020: Tour Application Ended
  • 7 December 2020: Tour Reviewers announced and start to collect mailing addresses.
  • 10 December 2020: Tour Sample will be sent to reviewers
How to Apply:

please reply to this thread and provide the following information:
  1. The city and country you are located.
  2. Audio equipment that you will be used in your N3Pro audition
  3. Reviews on Personal Audio products you have published in Headfi forum or elsewhere. We'll check your HeadGear reviews under your forum profile, if you have published reviews on other media/platform or produce video review on Youtube, please provide additional information for our reference.
  4. Please describe your regular portable setup
  5. Other audio equipment (DAP, IEM, headphones, ....) that you will involved in this tour.
Logistic Arrangement:
  1. We shall group reviewers according to geographical locations.
  2. We shall send a N3Pro Tour review package to first reviewer on each group.
  3. Each tour reviewer is responsible for paying the shipping costs to the next tour reviewer, you can use ground mail to reduce the cost but please use trackable mailing service with signature required.
  4. The last reviewer in the group is responsible to ship the combo to a designated address to conclude the tour. If the return address requires international shipping, Cayin will cover the mailing cost incurred.
  5. Cayin will cover the import tax to the first reviewer. Please help us to control our tax expenditure whenever possible. Other import tax expenditures will subject to discussion within tour group.
  6. If we have more than one Head-Fiers from the same metropolitan area/city joining the tour, we encourage them to pass the equipment in person to reduce shipping cost and mailing time, and share the final logistic cost.

Terms and instruction
  • The first reviewer of each group can keep the Tour sample for not more than 14 days, and reviewers after that can keep the Tour sample for not more than 10 days, please plan your audition and be prepared to ship/pass the package on the 14th or 10th day of your audition period.
  • By signing up to the tour, you are agreed to post a formal review and/or some form of impressions within 14 days after your audition period, and Cayin Audio can use your review for sales and marketing purposes.
  • We are particularly interested with the associated electronics you used during the review, and is most appreciated if you can include photo of N3Pro with associated IEMs and headphones in your writing.
  • Cayin Audio reserve the right on the selection, grouping and scheduling of reviewers in this tour.
Publication guideline

You have complete freedom to write up your sharing or impression as long as it represents your true feeling and opinions toward the product. Please state in your review that the Cayin N3Pro is a free loan unit from Cayin, and you shall pass the unit to next reviewer or return the unit to Cayin at the end of your review period.

I shall start a group PM to reviewers in the same group, and we can keep each other updated in the PM. Please do not post your impression in this thread because no one will read this thread after we finalized our tour reviewers. We want your reviews to be read by as many current or potential users of N3Pro as possible, so please share your open-box photo/video or short impression in the N3Pro official discussion thread , and post your final review on HeadGear section of HeadFi forum. You are welcome to share your photo/review/impression to any social media or local Personal Audio forum/blog/magazine etc. but please keep us informed by providing the link of your writing in the N3Pro thread.

N3Pro Specification (Product Info).jpg

N3Pro Specification (Headphone).jpg
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Cayin Stay updated on Cayin at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Nov 25, 2020 at 9:13 AM Post #2 of 59
Hi Andy, I would love to be included in this tour :)
  1. I'm based in Los Angeles, US.
  2. Audio equipment to be used for the audition: FiR Audio M5, Beyerdynamic Xelento, Final Audio A8000, Texas Instruments PCM4222.
  3. Past reviews: https://www.head-fi.org/members/csglinux.399084/showcase-reviews
  4. Regular portable setup: A&K SP2000 & Hugo 2 into various IEMs and Sennheiser HD800S.
  5. Would also like to compare against Shanling M0 and Hidizs AP80 Pro DAPs.
Thanks for considering me!
Nov 25, 2020 at 10:29 AM Post #4 of 59
Very interested in participating in review tour!

Brooklyn, NY USA

Equipment listed below.
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Nov 25, 2020 at 10:55 AM Post #6 of 59
Nov 25, 2020 at 11:32 AM Post #7 of 59
Northport New York, USA
Very interested! massariaj@yahoo.com
My reviews: https://www.head-fi.org/showcase/authors/john-massaria.530686/
All aspects of production and editing; short films, interviews, music videos, professional audio engineering on location. Marketing, promotional designs and campaigns. Director, DP and interview specialist. Video Production & Editing with Grammy Award Winners like Angela Hunte (includes titles such as Empire State of Mind & Party Done), singer/song writers Andrea Monica Martin, Doxi Jones, as well as many others in the music business. Filmed all day live events such as Liberty Fest 2014-2016. Films for Next News Network. Full featured documentary with world renowned artist Anthony Freda. Filmed/produced interviews with Peter Kuper (Spy vs Spy artist), Gerald Celente from Trends Journal. Filmed/DP 6 hour interview w/ NSA whistle blower William Binney, Tragedy and Hope Magazine w/Richard Grove. Edited/composed videos w/Dr.Paul Craig Roberts & Patrick Wood. Seal Team Six documentary of Extortion 17 (audio & video), full production interviews w/ Michael K. Williams (The Wire, Boardwalk Empire, Kill The Messenger). 3 hour interview w/ veteran DEA/CIA Agent Whistleblower. Full production 1 hr interview with Jessie Ventura. Candid interview with David Icke's son Jaymie Icke. Full featured film "I love My Country But Hate What They Are Doing" still in production. Recent 3hour interviews including CIA Ray McGovern in Washington DC, William T Still (known for Money Masters film) in Washington DC, William Blum (former Dept of State, author of he CIA: A Forgotten History, Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower, America's Deadliest Export: Democracy etc), Don Jefferies (author), Jeff Steinberg (Drug Inc novel, Executive Intelligence Review), Jeffrey Lichtman (regarded as one of the best criminal lawyers in New York, described by the New York Daily News as a "legal genius"), and Peter Michael Ketcham former NIST employee for Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth CA. Executive Producer on "Rogue Narc"- the story of DEA "Kiki" Camarena and Hector Berrellez. Associate Producer for The Last Narc a Amazon Prime 4 part series with release date mid-late 2020.
Nov 25, 2020 at 11:50 AM Post #8 of 59
Hello @Andykong I want to participate in the review tour.
Country - India, City - Kolkata.
Audio Equipment To be used with - Sennheiser HD6XX, BGVP DM7, Fearless Audio Crystal Pearl and many more.
My Website - https://www.audioglorye.com/
Head-fi Profile - https://www.head-fi.org/members/palash.489588/
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/Audioglorye/
YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/palashshil
My Regular setup is - Fiio Q5 or Lotoo PAW S1 or Hiby R2
Other equipment to be involved - ibasso DX160.
I will follow the rules if allowed to be part in this tour.
Nov 25, 2020 at 12:54 PM Post #9 of 59

Located: Myrtle Beach SC

SOCIALS ARE IN MY SIGNATURE - love to hear this, N6ii was outstanding and I'm curious to see how the nu tube implementation is on this model
Nov 25, 2020 at 2:16 PM Post #10 of 59
  1. The city and country you are located.
    1. Concord, NC: USA
  2. Audio equipment that you will be used in your N3Pro audition
    1. Oppo PM1
    2. Empire Ears Hermes VI
    3. Sennheiser HD650 & 660S
  3. Reviews on Personal Audio products you have published in Headfi forum or elsewhere. We'll check your HeadGear reviews under your forum profile, if you have published reviews on other media/platform or produce video review on Youtube, please provide additional information for our reference.
    1. Please see my YouTube channel for all reviews I've done and their applicable written reviews linked in the description.
  4. Please describe your regular portable setup
    1. Just my good old faithful LG G8
  5. Other audio equipment (DAP, IEM, headphones, ....) that you will involved in this tour.
Nov 25, 2020 at 6:26 PM Post #12 of 59
I am very interested in participating in this tour and would love to try out/review the N3 Pro.
  1. The city and country you are located. Munich, Germany.
  2. Audio equipment that you will be used in your N3Pro audition: Final FI-BA-SS/E5000/Sonorous III, Dunu SA6, Sennheiser HD650, IMR PB One
  3. Reviews on Personal Audio products you have published in Headfi forum or elsewhere. https://medium.com/10HzTech, https://audioreviews.org
  4. Please describe your regular portable setup: Cowon Plenue R2 + Dunu SA6/Final E5000/Sonorous III
  5. Other audio equipment (DAP, IEM, headphones, ....) that you will involved in this tour: Questyle QP1R, Cowon Plenue R2, Sony NW-A55, Cayin iHA-6
Thank you for your kind consideration.
Nov 25, 2020 at 9:35 PM Post #13 of 59
Thank you very much for all the prompt response, I see a few familiar names in the list, I am sure the N3Pro tour will be an exciting event, I am looking forward to the impression already. :beerchug:

I am packing up for the Taipei Headphone festival now, I might not be able to response quickly as I should during this weekend, will follow up all your questions and PM on Monday. Keep in touch.
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Cayin Stay updated on Cayin at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.

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