With Can Jam over, can the ad's move to R again?
May 9, 2008 at 3:51 AM Post #31 of 84

Originally Posted by Edwood /img/forum/go_quote.gif
LOL, that's a lot more weeks in a year, then.

Or do you just have 3 day weekends all year round?


Well I don't know about everyone else, but where I work, nothing gets done on Fridays so it doesn't count.

Technically there are only 4 (work) days a week.
May 9, 2008 at 4:15 AM Post #32 of 84

Originally Posted by Uncle Erik /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Voltron, I'd like to see an ad-free version for paying contributors. If you don't pay, you see ads. If you contribute, no ads. Other sites do this and I would happily pay to get rid of the ads.

To play Devil's advocate for a moment here (as I also have the cursor moving problem on my company laptop 800 X 600 max but not my home computer), it should be known that a very small part of the revenue to keep the site going is earned from member sponsorship. The first year a modest sum was generated but very few people anted up in the next rounds.

If you were an manu/distributor/sponsor who paid to advertise here, how much would you be willing to sink into a site that allows people to bypass their banners if they contribute to Head-Fi and got that frill?

Donating should be something that you do not to get perks, but because you want to give back to a community that gives you joy or knowledge or entertainment.

This is a bit of factual information and and a bit of honest opinion. YMMV.
May 9, 2008 at 4:48 AM Post #33 of 84

Originally Posted by immtbiker /img/forum/go_quote.gif
To play Devil's advocate for a moment here (as I also have the cursor moving problem on my company laptop 800 X 600 max but not my home computer), it should be known that a very small part of the revenue to keep the site going is earned from member sponsorship. The first year a modest sum was generated but very few people anted up in the next rounds.

If you were an manu/distributor/sponsor who paid to advertise here, how much would you be willing to sink into a site that allows people to bypass their banners if they contribute to Head-Fi and got that frill?

Donating should be something that you do not to get perks, but because you want to give back to a community that gives you joy or knowledge or entertainment.

This is a bit of factual information and and a bit of honest opinion. YMMV.

Good points. However, I would say that those who donate money are likely not influenced much (if at all) by the ads on the side of the page. And in general, people make their decisions based more on the threads, including perhaps the sponsor threads.
May 13, 2008 at 5:15 PM Post #35 of 84
Can we just delete the Canjam logo/link? I think the page would fit on a standard page if we did so.
May 13, 2008 at 5:38 PM Post #36 of 84

Originally Posted by Edwood /img/forum/go_quote.gif
New monitor, higher resolution. Problem solved.

I guess I'm spoiled by my 1600x1200 resolution monitors. I have been thinking of upgrading to 1920x1080 to have full HD resolution.


they are really nice
May 13, 2008 at 10:53 PM Post #37 of 84
Well IIRC, Jude stated himself the reasons why he moved the banners to the left side, and IIRC, I may be wrong, and I will do a search, but the only reason was the upcomming CanJam, and the upcomming news about the event, that was why IMO the members opened this discussion asking to move them ot the right again, as the event is over...

Also, the guys exposed in those banners, our sponsors mainly, we all know them, and we all know their products, IMO this exposure inside headfi, that see them born and grow, is uselss for them, do you really believe that anybody will get a Tomahawk becasue they saw a Ray add on the left, right or center? Gimme a break!!! Those are proven products in the market that we discuss everysingle day here, is not that enough free advertisment for them? This community is a free ad for all our sponsors...
May 13, 2008 at 11:24 PM Post #38 of 84
May 14, 2008 at 2:12 AM Post #39 of 84

Originally Posted by Sovkiller /img/forum/go_quote.gif
...Also, the guys exposed in those banners, our sponsors mainly, we all know them, and we all know their products, IMO this exposure inside headfi, that see them born and grow, is uselss for them, do you really believe that anybody will get a Tomahawk becasue they saw a Ray add on the left, right or center? Gimme a break!!! Those are proven products in the market that we discuss everysingle day here, is not that enough free advertisment for them? ...

What kind of free advertisement
Have you missed the point completely? Banner = Paid Sponsorship = Money to support the running of Head-Fi


Originally Posted by Sovkiller /img/forum/go_quote.gif
...This community is a free ad for all our sponsors...

Are you reading what you are writing? How can free and ad and sponsors all be in the same sentence?


Originally Posted by xnothingpoetic /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Really. This ENTIRE forum is enough advertisement for any and every product. They don't need to do **** other than come out with a product and briefly mention it.. Reviews and peer recommendations is what sells a product here....

No it's advertisement for paid ads to pay for Head-Fi to be active on the internet. Do you know the financial status of Head-Fi and the costs necessary to run a large website?

I'll tell you what. Both of you guys PM Jude and ask him how much money he requires to run the site. Then you to can split the costs and then we can talk all we want about the sponsors products and they can save a lot of money
and we'll remove the banners.

Better yet, go and run your own website and then come back to us and tell us how it works out for both of you.

Also, I don't think an MOT should be complaining about the advertising of others. Isn't that close to a conflict of interest?
May 14, 2008 at 3:14 AM Post #40 of 84
I still think advertisements on both sides would be the prudent solution to centering the thread posts, while raising revenues exponentially

Then removal of said ads for lets say, a $35 donation would seem ever more so reasonable, again raising revenues
May 14, 2008 at 3:22 AM Post #41 of 84
I browse HF on my cellphone for 30% of my time on HF, and I'm not complaining how HF isn't optimized for mobile browsing.

I'm not sure if it's the browser setting, but I never have to move my cursor.
May 14, 2008 at 4:29 AM Post #42 of 84

Originally Posted by immtbiker /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What kind of free advertisement
Have you missed the point completely? Banner = Paid Sponsorship = Money to support the running of Head-Fi

No it's advertisement for paid ads to pay for Head-Fi to be active on the internet. Do you know the financial status of Head-Fi and the costs necessary to run a large website?

I'll tell you what. Both of you guys PM Jude and ask him how much money he requires to run the site. Then you to can split the costs and then we can talk all we want about the sponsors products and they can save a lot of money
and we'll remove the banners.

Better yet, go and run your own website and then come back to us and tell us how it works out for both of you.

Also, I don't think an MOT should be complaining about the advertising of others. Isn't that close to a conflict of interest?

Aaron chill out man, nobody is complaining about any advertisement, we all know that paid advertisement is needed to run this website, specially while it has been supported for years by one single man funs in the beginning.

I was just explaining why the original poster opened this thread, because you took the wrong approach playing devil's advocate, as he was not complaining about the banners, he was complaining about the location of the banners, that is completely different...

As I stated before, that was not the cause Jude himself stated while moving the banners, the only reason I recall of, was the CanJam upcoming meeting, well CanJam is over, so the one who asked for the movement of the banners back, not me BTW, is not asking for any irrational thing, IMO, specially if he doesn't know of any other reason, as he seems not to, till now....

We all know the costs of running a site, or at least have an idea, but it was ran before with the banners on the right, and honestly I do not see how to place them the left or the right, will make more money for Jude to run it, sorry to be so ignorant....

About the sentence, that you was mocking about, I do not see why they can not be used in the same sentence, but anyway, that is grammar, not the main topic of this discussion, here...and maybe I missed the meanings, maybe it is indeed an stupid construction, grammatically talking, and maybe you are right, but as you are fully aware, English, is not my native language...Sorry...

But FYI, even not being my native, I can tell you, that I could catch, with time, a lot of spelling and grammar errors from US native members, even from some of them that used to write in magazines, and presume of being spelling bit perfect machines...
May 14, 2008 at 9:03 AM Post #43 of 84
I'm not prying but you know what'll be nice? Jude openly devulging how money is recieved from the banners, and contributors. It'll also be nice if he showed how he spent it because it'll either humble a lot of people or give them ammo.

I mean I love this site, but hey, if a guy donates the site 20-100$ they should be able to have the option of taking the advertisements off, and if they choose to they can leave it on.

Just a thought.
May 14, 2008 at 10:52 AM Post #44 of 84
Guys the original request, and the reason of this thread was to move the banners to the right, not to remove them.

Please do not mix things, if you want to ask for a banner removal why not opening a new thread...???

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