Why do my EH350 sound better than my HD595?
Dec 30, 2009 at 6:03 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


1000+ Head-Fier
Oct 27, 2007
Hey all,

I'm very curious why my EH350's sound better than my HD595's? I figured the 350's were supposed to be inferior to the 595's. Granted the 595's are better in soundstage but for one I took a look at this sound frequency chart and figured the bass on the 595's were superior.


Now what I noticed when putting on my 350's is that the bass impact is more defined and has a harder thump than the 595's. Am I reading the chart completely wrong? I mean they're both open headphones so they should be comparable to each other. Maybe it's because the EH350's have pleather and they seal up my ear better than the 595's? I've definitely burned in the eh350's for a good 200+ hours and the 595's have half the time of usage. Could the burn in time be that significant to propel a lower tier headphone past a higher tier?

Please reply with any suggestions or opinions. I'm really curious to others thoughts on this situation because it's really got me perplexed.


Dec 30, 2009 at 6:10 AM Post #3 of 3
Yea I keep switching between and overall the 595's seem like the better overall headphone. Maybe I should rephrase my topic headline and ask how come that headphone graph doesn't fit what I'm hearing. I'm guessing the bass output from the eh350's is only better because of the way it cups my ear unlike how the 595's straight up engulf them.

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