WHo is the best metal group in history?

Jun 27, 2003 at 2:47 AM Post #61 of 84

Originally posted by Mike Scarpitti
Moody Blues
Mammas and Pappas
The Turtles
The Association

Great rock bands, just not metal.

I have been thinking long and hard about this, and as much as I love Iron Maiden, I must say that Black Sabbath is the best ever and they were the 1st. However, many bands have put out albums that blew away Sabbath's albums (at least the later ones), but when Sabbath was great they were really great and not just the Ozzy stuff but the Dio albums were great as well, even though they were a total different style.
Jun 27, 2003 at 2:50 AM Post #63 of 84

Originally posted by Mike Scarpitti
Thy're NOT? I'm going to have to have a word with my supplier...

Of all the nerve!

Jun 27, 2003 at 2:51 AM Post #64 of 84
That's right. Sabbath was the first. They paved the road. Here are their best.

Self titled
Master of Reality
Volume 4
Sabbath bloody Sabbath
Heaven And Hell
Born Again.
Jun 27, 2003 at 3:26 AM Post #66 of 84

Originally posted by KR...
Sorry to hear about your balls, that must of hurt. Just take it one day at a time, you make it somehow if you belive in yourself.

my balls are just fine thank you. soon after I discovered other bands like The Jesus Lizard who had more balls than the entire roster of Metal Blade..


Jun 27, 2003 at 3:38 AM Post #67 of 84

Originally posted by Masonjar
my balls are just fine thank you. soon after I discovered other bands like The Jesus Lizard who had more balls than the entire roster of Metal Blade..


Metal Blade? LOL, now that's not really saying much.
Jun 27, 2003 at 12:09 PM Post #69 of 84
Just to further discussion here, I see several mentions of IRON MAIDEN as best metal group ever. I can understand if you say they are your "favorite" but I really don't understand how they can be seriously considered "best" ever.

I enjoy Iron Maiden and Judas Priest immensely, but I don't think they were really original or pushed the envelope in anyway. Between the two I would even say Judas Priest is historically more important and innovative since they preceded Iron Maiden
and largely started NWOBHM movement.

Also Judas Priest was somewhat innovative with their blistering two lead guitar attack and Halford's unique vocals. Anyone care to to defend their selection of Iron Maiden in more detail, I would be interested in why you think they were the best ever.

I can easily see why Black Sabbath, Led Zepplin can be called best ever because of large body of pioneering innovative work that was extremely influential. As a matter of fact if we are allowed to include Ozzy own group albums with Black Sabbath then I would concede that Black Sabbath/Ozzy Osbourne is the best/greatest music franchise in the history of metal.

Opeth still remains on very short list of elite groups though since they represent the evolution of metal in the 1990's that pushed the envelope to another level with extreme skill and supreme artistry and diversity.
Jun 27, 2003 at 9:11 PM Post #70 of 84

Originally posted by Sovkiller
Well this is a very controversial theme, but IMO there is nothing like old times, Zeppelin (considered by many the fathers of heavy metal, including me), Black Sabbath is also great a little bit later on, and of course from the new guys Metallica (old and new, excluding the Anger stuff), Maiden is also good (a little bit bored for my taste, but good).....

If Zeppelin is metal then they get my vote....but I don't consider them to be metal. They are rock n roll all the way.

'Tallica is my fav metal band (up until the Black Album of course)
I like Slayer alot also.
Jun 27, 2003 at 9:40 PM Post #71 of 84

Originally posted by Masonjar
my balls are just fine thank you. soon after I discovered other bands like The Jesus Lizard who had more balls than the entire roster of Metal Blade..



Hear hear! (or should that be "here here!"???)

Anyways, I am not even going to try and argue that The Jesus Lizard are metal, because they are not, but as Masonjar said, what honking-big balls they had.
Jun 28, 2003 at 2:56 AM Post #73 of 84
I know alot of people credit sabbath for the birth of metal but king crimson released, "In the court of the crimson king" in 1969 which has 21st century schizoid man which is very metal sounding, give it a listen. That riff in 21st was never heard in the 60's.
Jun 29, 2003 at 3:03 AM Post #74 of 84

Originally posted by Masonjar
I'm surprised so many people like Seventh Son..

I think a lot of it has to do with where you started with the band.. if Seventh Son was the first album you heard by Maiden, then I could see how it would rank pretty high.
Plus, in 1988 I was a senior in high school and getting ready to go off to college. The new Maiden album just wasn't the big event that it used to be. I guess I just felt like Maiden wasn't my music anymore. My music was "college rock" and hence, my devotion to the band quickly faded.

I sampled the next few albums after Seventh Son at the college radio station I worked at, but nothing grabbed my attention. I didn't blame Bruce at all for hanging it up. I did give Brave New World a few spins, and I have to admit, it's better than anything since Seventh Son.. but I'll never go back to being the fan I was back in the 80's.


i dunno, i really "like Seventh Son." i just love the fact that Iron Maiden can do a progressive record and could pull it off so well, and a bona fide radio hit (Can I Play With Madness) didn't hurt either!

As with all Maiden albums, there's always one or two weak songs, this one being the title track, i do agree with you in saying that it was kinda corny for Brucie to sing that line. still... nothing's as bad as him singing "joined by quest for fire, they searched all through the land!"

of course, everyone agreees that "The Number of the Beast" is THE Iron Maiden album, and i wholeheartedlt agree. i would recomend this one first to anyone inverstigating Maiden (although my first was "Live After Death"), but i feel "...The Beast" gets enough recognition.

Iron Maiden was the soundtrack to my Junior High School years, but i've went to bigger and better things. i'll never be the Maiden fan i was bak then, but i do play my CDs every now and then, and i believe i have every studio abum save "Virtual XI" or whatever that other awful Blaize Bailey fronted album was called.

speaking of awful, has anyone ever heard of Anton Maiden? he's some computer geek in Europe who does AWFUL but hilarious cover versions of Maiden classics. awful out of tune singing with a thick accent with cheesy computer generated MIDI sounds, F**KIN' BRILLIANT!
Jun 30, 2003 at 12:37 AM Post #75 of 84

Originally posted by MetalHead666
Over the past few years of my life I have realized that I cannot think of the Greatest Metal Group in history. I love groups such as Disturbed, Korn, Metallica, System of a Down, and Static-X. But there are also the older Classic Rock groups that can be considered like Ozzy or Led Zeppelin. Who do you think is the best metal band in history?

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