Which headphones for trance music...
Jun 5, 2003 at 1:06 AM Post #16 of 28
buy an equaliser. you'll be able to use it on other headphones. search for Berringer (gerg) threads.

didn't you read the "frequency response curves" threads?
Jun 5, 2003 at 1:08 AM Post #17 of 28

Originally posted by wallijonn
buy an equaliser. you'll be able to use it on other headphones. search for Behringer (gerg) threads.

Be easier for him to search if you spelled it correctly.
Jun 5, 2003 at 10:22 AM Post #19 of 28
Well, last night, I listened to the Beyer 931's and used the EQ on the Santa Cruz to roughly approximate how the 770's would sound, using headrooms comparisons. I have a rough idea of how they sound, and let me say I really, really liked the sound.

So, I have now ordered some DT770 Pro's and they will be on there way to me tomorrow

Thanks for all the help.
Jun 6, 2003 at 5:29 AM Post #20 of 28

Originally posted by pbirkett
Well, last night, I listened to the Beyer 931's and used the EQ on the Santa Cruz to roughly approximate how the 770's would sound, using headrooms comparisons.

Very clever.
Jun 6, 2003 at 3:06 PM Post #21 of 28
I've just received my DT770 Pro's
and I have just begun to listen to them. My initial impressions are very favourable, although I must confess, I was perhaps expecting more bass than I am currently hearing, not that this is neccesarily a bad thing, there does seem to be an abundance of it in comparison to the 931's, and I would not go so far as to say they were bright, slightly less so than the 931's.

However, I will not write a review yet, because I shall give myself some time to get used to them. One thing that is weird though - not being able to hear myself type
Jun 6, 2003 at 7:06 PM Post #22 of 28

good thing you bought up the rear.

pb, Quote:

I was perhaps expecting more bass than I am currently hearing

Jun 6, 2003 at 9:37 PM Post #23 of 28

Originally posted by pbirkett
I've just received my DT770 Pro's...I must confess, I was perhaps expecting more bass than I am currently hearing...



Now I'm going to start searching for where you put the 'h'.
Jun 7, 2003 at 8:23 AM Post #26 of 28
Guyferd, they certainly do seem to have a good synergy with the HA-1, nice fast impacting bass, that actually does not seem overwhelming to me, I must say, and the treble is just right, definetly not bright or sibilant as I've heard some say, far less tiring on the ears than the 931's (even out of the 120 ohm jack), and they seem very musical to me, but they seem to thrive on a bit of volume to be sure.

I've worn them for over 12 hours now. I havent been to sleep. Thats a pretty good early sign
Jun 7, 2003 at 8:32 AM Post #27 of 28
The amp, if its powerful (and clean with it) probably helps to tame the beast that is '770 treble'...

Glad you like the cans Paul

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