Which amp is the best for hd650?
Dec 17, 2009 at 4:49 PM Post #6 of 14

Originally Posted by oceanwave1000 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
However, I have heard it's good enough if the volume is not cranked up high.

It works but on loud passages, it easily goes into clipping. (especially when the batteries start to drop)

The 650's really need a little more power than a Pocket Amp in all honesty. I have used it with the 650 believe it or not, but it's not good. You'd be better off using a cheaper 32ohm headphone like the Porta pro or the Senn PX100 with the Pocket Amp. One combo that works quite well from the Pocket Amp are the Grado sr60's. It drives them rather nicely although I prefer the Alessandro version of the SR60 myself.

That combo sounds better imo than using the 650 with it.

Dec 17, 2009 at 5:18 PM Post #7 of 14
i had my hd650s running off the pa2v2. while i was surprised it was actually OKAY sounding, its really not nearly powerful enough to power it well. after i got my mkII, i tried the hd650s+pa2v2 out of my new nano and it sounded horrible.
but i do suppose, if you never try a better amp, it might sound okay to u.
never tried the class a or whatever. i did see it but i think it would be in the same boat as the pa2v2 power wise.
Dec 18, 2009 at 9:36 AM Post #14 of 14
Phenix G3 triode tube amp based off the Earmax.

PHENIX G3 Tube Headphone Amplifier - eBay (item 290378826248 end time Jan-06-10 01:26:25 PST)

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