Well that's a good question strohmie. It is a hard one to answer too. Basically when I look at where something is made I compare it to other things I have that are made in the same place. During the next few lines i will be generalising so please don't take offence I am just posting from my experiences.
When I buy tools I generally go for ones from places with a track history of good tools for eg, germany, england, america, japan etc . I am not saying that other countries make bad tools just I have had the best experiences with equipment made in those countries.
With computer equipment everything is generally made in taiwan or china. I have no problems at all with this as they do a very good job at making motherboards etc - my trackball is made in china but is of very high quality.
With regard to the CD3000s - would I buy them if they were made in malaysia? Well I would probably have to think hard about that - as I have not had experience with products made in malaysia. I would probably ask a lot of ppl what they thought of the build quality of them - whereas if they are manufactured in Japan I feel safer as equipment made in japan, germany - etc is of generally high quality - not to say of course that everything made in those countries are of high quality or that anything made else where isn't - just in my experience they generally are.
I think the problem lies not in the country a product is made in but more to do with the way companies pay their workers terrible wages in some countries and have poor working conditions and so the employees arn't as motivated to do their best. Also a lot of companies go to these countries for cheap labour and to make cheap equipment to sell to the masses these products in my experience are not of good quality.
Please no one take offense!
But to put the question to all of you - would it worry you where something was made?
I also where possible try to buy products from countries that have decent wages and working conditions and not from ones that don't - some certain brands of shoe i refuse to buy as the manufacturers are basically using slave labout imo (i am sure you know which ones i mean)
Hmm very hard question to answer
It's not a question one can answer within this forum properly - I could write an essay to answer this more appropriately. Realtime communication would also make it easier. As typing is not an easy way imo to convey this answer.
Also having worked in the hand tool/power tool industry, I found that tools made in places like England, Germany, Japan, America are usually a safe bet to go with. Generally tools made in (I know i am going to get flamed for this) China are not as a good a quality - well at least the chinese made tools I have come into contact with. Not to say that there arn't any good ones made in China just that all the ones I have seen haven't been very good. This maybe due as I stated above to teh poor working conditions or some companies that use cheap labour to churn out low quality tools in china for maxmimun profit, ie they don't use good equipment to mold the tools from or bad casts/steel etc.
ANother edit
But then again my Cougar HOTAS joystick is made in china - but it is of good quality - and so is my trackball which is of excellent quality.
So you decide - I give up
One more edit
Oh and before some people start flaming me please READ the full post with all edits.