What is the best way to experience audiophile nirvana without many frustrating experiences?

Dec 21, 2009 at 3:23 PM Post #16 of 19

Originally Posted by TStewart422 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Don't believe ANYTHING on here until you test it out. I wish I would have been given that advice before I started, otherwise my total amount purchased would be A LOT lower!

I'd personally encourage a healthy degree of skepticism and balance. If I didn't choose to have faith in some of what I read here, I'd not be where I am now. However, I do highly recommend the skepticism. There are some products that for some reason or another, just aren't popular here and which by no means deserve to be. What's popular and what's not is basically dependent on the opinions of those whose opinions are very popular here. You may well not share the same opinion and end up wondering why you aren't enjoying what's supposed to be so popular. Trust your ears.
Dec 21, 2009 at 4:15 PM Post #17 of 19
The reviews and help on this forum is very valuable. You need to order with a 30 day return policy. Listen and demo cans for 100 hrs minimum and then make your decision. I did this when I purchased my 701 and sent sennheiser back. I also sent bact the AT AD700 and kept my Shure 840. I purchased a Little Dot amp and kept it. I have been into high end audio for 30 yrs and had a two channel that was 30k. I also auditioned all components on demo and 30 day return policy and kept the quipment that worked best for my preferences. Please do use the board as a starting point and then go with the 30 day process as it is also fun/ You will then know for sure you purchased what gears is best for you in your system. Hope this helps make it easier for you.
Dec 22, 2009 at 5:18 PM Post #18 of 19
Valiente asked:-
What is the best way to experience audiophile nirvana without many frustrating experiences?.

Stick to what you don't know. i.e ignorance is bliss.
keep your eyes on your wallet and ears away from any headphone that costs more than you want to spend.
You can then spend a blissfully ignorant life with no worries about if your music could possibly sound better than oem buds or skullcandy.
Orpheus will remain in the underworld.
Stax will describe your disposable income.
Grado who?
Blue Hawaii will remain an Elvis movie.
beta 22 will be a long series of second attempts.
Twisted Pear will - - no comment.
Cryo treatment = a wet hankie.
Black Gate, Panasonic Gold, etc would be coloured static to your ears.
Sibilance is something you get from your siblings.
Dynamic, electrostatic, piezo, ortho etc will be unnecessary verbiage dreamed up by snake oil merchants to part you from your stax of readies.
Upgradeitis & moditis will not disturb your monotone equanimity.
AKG K100, AT ATH AD5000, SR007 II, HD800, HP1000, GS1000, HE90/HEV90, HE60/HEV70, JH13, BHSE, KGSS, BCL, etc, etc, etc will stay aplha numerical soup.
In essence, turn around, dont look back, keep walking - as it seems you missed the invisible warning thst reads:-
Dec 22, 2009 at 5:24 PM Post #19 of 19
^^^^^^^ Funny. Just do your research, dude. There's a lot of snake oil here, so be careful with your purchases. Start looking for a pair of headphones that fit what you're looking for. I like fairly neutral, but leaning to the low-end type sound, so I got the HD650s. COMPLETELY happy with them and haven't considered upgrading to the HD800s for longer than a minute or two. Same with my SE530s, except that I want that sound from a CUSTOM!


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