I. And behold! For the best earphone was unveiled upon the world, and those in that forum quaked and trembled for they were in the presence of perfection.
II. And my fellow member dared not insert those buds, for he feared that the act would be the undoing of his hearing, and all other things henceforth would sound but fallow and unwholesome too him.
III. And my fellow member made a sign and forsook those buds, for he felt his own ears dirty and undeserving to receive the miraculous transducer. To sully that white with his unkempt auricles, he would not.
IV. And I took those buds, and verily I did place them on my person, and miraculous sound burst forth: a keening, a wailing of a thousand beasts, some indescribable sensation of noise that flowed throughout my very being for seeming eternities.
V: And all the beasts of the land and all the fish of the sea, the hairy apes in the cities, the faceless engineers in Cupertino, they fell to their knees - for they shall have no other earbuds before them, and all sound was rendered obsolete unless transmitted through these harbingers of sound and melody.
VI: And lo did the house of Head Fi tremble, and the walls crack and the threads shake, and verily did the search button fail, for no searching was necessary. The beasts of land and sea and air had their answer, and it was Good.
VII: And those infidels, who continued to blaspheme, those with their Etymotics and their Sennhesiers, so sure of their Shures, so ready to consort with the HiFiMan, to practice the dark arts of Audio Technica, rendered insensible from the isolation of their biflanges, THEY WERE IN ONE SWEEP DESTROYED: crushed under the weight of the ruins of Head Fi, as if eardrums crushed by Monster Beats by Dr Dre.
Hope that answers your question, OP.