What is holding you back from being 100% *nix/bsd?

Jun 30, 2007 at 4:32 AM Post #46 of 101
There is NO foobar or asio output in linux/osx and soundcard support is VERY limited (in linux). GETTING sound is not hard. Getting sound not resampled, messed up or anything... you better have a very widespread and popular audio chipset otherwise you're SOL.

And I'm sorry but Amarok is not foobar. Period. You can NOT control all the variables and settings you have access to in foobar. You just cant' There is Aqualung, but it is extremley hard to set up and get working, and it also relies on the fact that you have a popular audio chipset.

And games. No comparison to windows. I would use linux in a heartbeat if it had all this.

Believe me, I am fairly experienced with linux and have tried ... several times.

If anybody can tell me how to get my original SRC resampler foobar plugin working in lunux, along with 100% memory playback and bitperfect (asio) 24-bit output using the digital coaxial output on the ESI Juli@ sound card, then we'll talk. As far as I'm concerned right now, it's not possible.

And how to run all my DX8/9 and soon 10 games in linux with no weird bugs or graphical glitches and performance just as good or better as in windows. Again currently not possible as far as I'm concerned.

I'm not ripping linux and I would switch in a heartbeat if I could get these things, but they simply do not exist...
Jun 30, 2007 at 4:46 AM Post #47 of 101

Originally Posted by 003 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
There is NO foobar or asio output in linux/osx and soundcard support is VERY limited (in linux). GETTING sound is not hard. Getting sound not resampled, messed up or anything... you better have a very widespread and popular audio chipset otherwise you're SOL.

And I'm sorry but Amarok is not foobar. Period. You can NOT control all the variables and settings you have access to in foobar. You just cant' There is Aqualung, but it is extremley hard to set up and get working, and it also relies on the fact that you have a popular audio chipset.

And games. No comparison to windows. I would use linux in a heartbeat if it had all this.

Believe me, I am fairly experienced with linux and have tried ... several times.

If anybody can tell me how to get my original SRC resampler foobar plugin working in lunux, along with 100% memory playback and bitperfect (asio) 24-bit output using the digital coaxial output on the ESI Juli@ sound card, then we'll talk. As far as I'm concerned right now, it's not possible.

And how to run all my DX8/9 and soon 10 games in linux with no weird bugs or graphical glitches and performance just as good or better as in windows. Again currently not possible as far as I'm concerned.

I'm not ripping linux and I would switch in a heartbeat if I could get these things, but they simply do not exist...

I dont think linux needs ASIO output because the linux kernel doesn't mess with audio like the windows kernel does. As for a foobar recommendation I cannot help you there because I aim for simplicity in my rig and thus I have no use for foobar.

I'm pretty sure you'd be completely out of luck with games for linux. If you're a gamer look no further than windows (as is the unfortunate reality of monopolies)... or if you're an occaisional gamer then I'd recommend doing a dual boot
Jun 30, 2007 at 5:10 AM Post #49 of 101

Originally Posted by hugz /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I dont think linux needs ASIO output

Yes it does. At least in the case of my Juli@, it has some kind of incompatibility with linux and only worked with some nasty resampling, which made it sound awful, even when I had it disabled in software, it still sounded the same.

I did some research on asio and linux and asio is not possible on linux, however the JACK interface on linux should be very similar to asio, but I could not get it working no matter what I tried, and Aqualung would not work at all.

Foobars complexity is not to mess with the signal, it is to ENSURE you ARE getting a bit perfect output.
Jun 30, 2007 at 5:30 AM Post #50 of 101

Originally Posted by hugz /img/forum/go_quote.gif
There's a lot of windows things that linux cant do, but there's a lot of linux things that windows can't do. Most people only know the windows things, so when they switch to linux they feel it's lacking in features. When you learn the linux things you'll switch to windows and feel that IT'S lacking in features. They both have different capabilities

Maybe for servers and developing, but for the desktop/professional environment, Linux lags far behind of Windows and OSX in every aspect (except for being free).
Jun 30, 2007 at 5:36 AM Post #51 of 101

Originally Posted by 003 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yes it does. At least in the case of my Juli@, it has some kind of incompatibility with linux and only worked with some nasty resampling, which made it sound awful, even when I had it disabled in software, it still sounded the same.

I did some research on asio and linux and asio is not possible on linux, however the JACK interface on linux should be very similar to asio, but I could not get it working no matter what I tried, and Aqualung would not work at all.

Foobars complexity is not to mess with the signal, it is to ENSURE you ARE getting a bit perfect output.

Just turn off dmix and it should send the data straight to the hardware device witohut any resampling or modification


Originally Posted by Redo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Maybe for servers and developing, but for the desktop/professional environment, Linux lags far behind of Windows and OSX in every aspect (except for being free).

thats simply not true. I use linux as a desktop and it can do everything that windows can do (except gaming, which i do not use.. and office isn't as good), but it does it so much FASTER and so much EASIER, and in addition to this it has so many more features

plus i can to run it as a server while i'm at it

linux is great on the desktop. its so fast that when i switch to windows i want to pull my hair out at how slow it is. plus linux is so much more beautiful (at least its far more customisable and powerful so you can make it as beautiful or ugly as you want)

windows is fine, but linux is better. it does everything that windows can do (except games and... accounting packages
and maybe graphics too), but faster, more powerfully, more customisable, with more features.. and free. oh i love it

(i think i'm done with this thread for now. shame on me!)

edit: in fact this conversation is about as useful as a cable flame war :P there are those out there who have used linux and hate it. there are those who haven't used it and for some reason hate it. There are those of us who use it and absolutely love it. I doubt me telling people how much I love it will convince anyone.. and i dont care either way anyway. If you want to use windows then that's your business. I do think its sad if people are missing out on a better experience due to misconceptions, but it's not like I have any personal stake in linux.

Since it's a circular topic then maybe we should get back on topic of discussing linux alternatives to program which are keeping people away from it.
Jun 30, 2007 at 6:40 AM Post #52 of 101
Ventrilo, network print sharing with Windows as the host machine, Xfire, Hammer editor, X-Fi, non anti-aliased text in Firefox, linux just isn't up to speed on these topics.

Sure, there are alternatives like Teamspeak, other sound cards, not playing games, and busting my rear trying to get the print server to work, but it's just not the same. Teamspeak's codecs are far behind Vent's, and everything has switched over to Ventrilo. Xfire is my main IM client, and you cant see the buddy list and it crashes nonstop in linux. My X-Fi isn't even close to working, and my win based games are practically a joke.

Honestly, linux is getting better, but it still has big hurtles to come close to matching the other OS's for mainstream usage. For some users that haven't gotten tied into gaming, or would rather not spend 4 hrs figuring out how to solve every problem without risk of frying X11 beyond easy repair, its fine. But it's really a work in progress at best.

Not to mention recording sound in Linux is simply pathetic compared to the ASIO programs on the Win/OSX side. It's not even close.
Jun 30, 2007 at 6:50 AM Post #53 of 101

Originally Posted by hugz /img/forum/go_quote.gif
There's a lot of windows things that linux cant do, but there's a lot of linux things that windows can't do. Most people only know the windows things, so when they switch to linux they feel it's lacking in features. When you learn the linux things you'll switch to windows and feel that IT'S lacking in features. They both have different capabilities

This is very true. Linux comes with massive amounts of software that would take months to track down Windows equivalents for. It really comes down to what software you need and what you are used to. I wouldn't dispute that many Windows users would have a hard time finding equivalent software on Linux but personally Linux is closer to my needs than Windows is out of the box.

Games are always brought up as a migration barrier and that's understandable. I personally have a Windows gaming computer, and games are all it does. All my real computing happens on MacOS X or Linux. If you aren't into realtime strategy games or first person shooters then maybe a games console is a good idea?
Jun 30, 2007 at 6:52 AM Post #54 of 101

Originally Posted by Redo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yes, 7zip is, but not easy to obtain if not officially supported like in Ubuntu.

7zip is in Ubuntu's Universe repository. Enable that then apt-get. Much easier than hunting down some obscure website in google.
Jun 30, 2007 at 10:59 AM Post #56 of 101

Originally Posted by AlanY /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think Linux is a great idea and I support it, but in contrast it feels inconsistent and not well planned out. Why do 40% of programs use Gnome, 40% use KDE, and the other 20% use oddball things? Why not just have one well-thought out system?

Because Linux is actually not a system (we often speak as if it was, but that's merely a shorthand) and because there's no boss... there's been some planning and attempts to make things consistent but these things have only been adopted by the people who thought it was a smart move (or the people who were paid to go along). That's freedom for you.
There are other free operating systems that share much in common with Linux so the actual Linux isn't used by everyone either. The mess is probably much worse than you suspect. :-)

I think you are interested in computer politics actually... your politics just aren't in line with free software. People are often invested in a particular political position without realizing it... they believe their politics are natural, common sense or whatever.
Jul 1, 2007 at 1:40 AM Post #58 of 101
I guess some folks missed the first few sentences of my original posting. This thread is not for folks who are pleased as punch with Windows or OS X. This thread is intended for those who actually want to be MS- or Apple-free but can't because of work/school and the dependency of programs or for home use...games etc.

We can argue all day about which OS is better. I run nearly every OS in current production either at home at school or at one of my jobs. Some platforms are stable some aren't, some excel at some things but not others etc.

I don't care about all that. I want to know why folks can't migrate completely and how they feel about it. So again, if you don't want to switch, don't post, there are plenty of threads on other boards who love the pissing matches between which OS is best.

That said, I hope the recommendations for alternative programs continues. LightZone seems to be an excellent suggestion Alan. I'm going to try it out. I'm trying desperately to scratch things off my list.

As for VMing, its not perfect, but my post indicated that I would love apps compiled for *nix, if that can't happen I want a robust and seemless VM package that does what Parallels does on OS X for running Windows. Click on an icon and it runs the windows program as if it were running under OS X, seemless integration. For a little pet project for my boss, an amateur photographer, I require MS Access, until that runs on anything but Windows, I'm stuck save for VM software.
Jul 1, 2007 at 2:38 AM Post #59 of 101
Games, and wireless card support for my card in my tower(darn you linksys!!!).

Those are the biggest two. But, I am going to aquire a new cpu here in a week or 2, which means, I have another computer!!! So, I'm going to pickup a kvm, and I'll finally be able to use my wireless in windows, and ICS to the linux box. I'LL FINALLY BE ABLE TO LEARN UBUNTU!!!
Jul 1, 2007 at 2:55 AM Post #60 of 101
Ok here's one thing that i'm sure WILL (in the future) make me need to use windows for 2%.

Accounting packages.

any suggestions?

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