What have I done now?
Jul 27, 2018 at 2:35 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


100+ Head-Fier
Nov 7, 2017
So I sold my Fender Stratocaster and in return bought a Massdrop CTH & Liquid Carbon X. Not to mention an old pair of 1st Gen HD650s for $70 (because of a cracked headband and flat headpad that I plan to reinforce with plastic weld and cover with a DT770 headcover). Looks like the Little Dot 1+ and Magni 3 will be obsolete once these new toys come in.

I wonder if I should upgraded the dac now from the Modi2uber? As of this moment I'll still be using the PS4 as my main source for audio. I'd like to hear your opinion on what the next step should be?

Lastly, I've got a pretty decent collection going on now for headphones including AKG K712, DT770pro80, Fidelio X2, and soon to be HD650s. I'm thinking my next set of cans should be maybe Planar as I hear they are pretty "fun" to game with. Note the "fun" part as I have no desire for competitive gaming, I'd use my K712s for that. Anyways, I'd like to hear recommendations on a good set of planars for gaming/movies that would be under $500 or cheaper preferably.

I look forward to reading your comments. Thanks!
Jul 27, 2018 at 7:53 AM Post #2 of 5
I have no issues with the Modi 2 Uber. It was my original DAC, and despite upgrading to the Bifrost, I keep the Modi 2U around for on the go purposes.

Depends on the fun you're looking for... THx00 Mahogany can give you fun in gaming, equal to or more so than the HE400i, He400s, HE560, LCD2C, etc. I've used lots of planars for gaming, and if you're looking for price effective, the HE4xx would be hard to beat, or the TH50rp/th20rp mkiii. Depends on how much power you've got, as the HE4xx are much more efficient. I don't think you need to dump $500 for an immersive experience. I don't think they'd give much more than your x2 could give you now, especially since most sounds for gaming are generally compressed.

If you want planars to give you best of planars for everything and not just gaming, you might get lucky with a Sundara, look at a TH60rp, or save your pennies for a LCD2c or Aeon Flow Open/Closed, whichever you would prefer.
Jul 27, 2018 at 11:49 AM Post #3 of 5

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