What can I do about this?
Sep 16, 2003 at 8:50 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


Divorced an Orpheus to keep his wife.
Oct 23, 2001
I got a call from a buddy a few days ago telling me he saw me in a MARINES training film that is posted on a few sites on the net. A few of the sites he linked for me feature the entire clip of my firing an M-60 Machine gun on the firing range at Camp Pendelton,complete with an introduction including my full name and hometown. This ain't cool, as I thought this stuff to be unavailable to the public.

This site had a link to the video until I emailed the host informing him that he was hosting copywrited materials. This site actually has the video for sale,but removed the preview clips after I complained and offered the threat of legal action. I contacted someone at the Defense Dept., and he told me they would "look into it". I have sent complaining emails to all the sites that had the video posted but a few still have it up and one guy( a real ******* from the UK) flat out refused saying that "Warmongers like you should be exposed"

I really don't object to the content of the clip but since this clip begins with me stating my name,rank and hometown,I'm sure you can understand my objections.
Sep 16, 2003 at 9:33 AM Post #2 of 12

Originally posted by Tuberoller
I got a call from a buddy a few days ago telling me he saw me in a MARINES training film that is posted on a few sites on the net. A few of the sites he linked for me feature the entire clip of my firing an M-60 Machine gun on the firing range at Camp Pendelton,complete with an introduction including my full name and hometown. This ain't cool, as I thought this stuff to be unavailable to the public.

This site had a link to the video until I emailed the host informing him that he was hosting copywrited materials. This site actually has the video for sale,but removed the preview clips after I complained and offered the threat of legal action. I contacted someone at the Defense Dept., and he told me they would "look into it". I have sent complaining emails to all the sites that had the video posted but a few still have it up and one guy( a real ******* from the UK) flat out refused saying that "Warmongers like you should be exposed"

I really don't object to the content of the clip but since this clip begins with me stating my name,rank and hometown,I'm sure you can understand my objections.

Hey, help me with my problem and I'll help you, okay? There are two ways, the legal process and the direct approach. Insist with the Defense Dept. and then go to the British Consulate/Embassy and see that they do something about. And I mean INSIST. Get your credentials ready and then show them all the heroic stuff (we all know) you have done. Also, try contacting your local TV station and tell them about this difamatory thing. You for sure ain't no warmonger and you should not be treated like that, even by some ****o who can play the "i am so brave" card whilst being in the other side of the world. Also, let me know where you are and let me see if I can get you the phone number of the local AP buro, so you can tell them about this. In no time, those videos will be out of the shelves, literally.

Now, regarding my post in the CI subforum, any advice?
Sep 16, 2003 at 10:56 AM Post #3 of 12
I'd write a letter to your congressman or Senator as I bet the DOD is a hard place to make headway with. I wonder if this is declassified stuff? You're not that old.
But once the gov't puts information out into the public domain is there anything you can do about it? Freedom of information and all that? I don't know, but I'd contact your congressman (definitely) and senator (if you can).
Sep 16, 2003 at 2:05 PM Post #4 of 12
I've received a bunch of emails about this over the last few days. I'm beginning to think that this video was just recently made available. I still don't think it's available for public consumption as the ranges at Pendelton and Okinawa are still closed to public view.

A bunch of my friends at the MARINES family forums and some of the other military forums I visit have taken up for me and are sending complaints to all the sites that still have it up and to the DOD to see if something can be done. I have also contacted some enlisted friends to see if anything can be done.

This thing is circulating fast and has shown up at a bunch of sites in an unedited form. I ask that you all refrain from posting the video and/or any links to it here,for obvious reasons.
Sep 16, 2003 at 3:37 PM Post #5 of 12

Consider having an attorney send the sites a letter which includes a demand to take the videos down and plausibly threatening legal action which holds them liable for any damages to yourself or your family which result from this information being made public by them. Have him cc the relevant web hosting companies, which you can find by doing a WHOIS search at www.netsol.com or any other WHOIS gateway on the net.

If you can find an attorney in the UK to do this that would be best for the UK site, but if not I would still go with a US attorney.

Best of luck getting this resolved.

-- Bob
Sep 16, 2003 at 9:41 PM Post #6 of 12
There was a big article in a Toronto paper a couple of days ago about the Canadian Forces presently policing in Afghanistan. In it, they showed a photo of one soldier, captioned with his name and the name of the small town he and his family lives in.

What the hell are these journalists thinking?
Sep 16, 2003 at 11:58 PM Post #7 of 12

Originally posted by mbriant
There was a big article in a Toronto paper a couple of days ago about the Canadian Forces presently policing in Afghanistan. In it, they showed a photo of one soldier, captioned with his name and the name of the small town he and his family lives in.

What the hell are these journalists thinking?

To the best of my knowledge (and experience) journalists do not think.
Sep 17, 2003 at 4:56 AM Post #8 of 12

Originally posted by Budgie
To the best of my knowledge (and experience) journalists do not think.

(Onix has a heart attack and his ulcers start to bleed until he fades out for a good 40 minutes)
Sep 17, 2003 at 6:23 AM Post #9 of 12

Originally posted by Budgie
To the best of my knowledge (and experience) journalists do not think.

please do not generalize

sure there are some jouralists who don't think...but there are many who do...on top of that, some might have morals, and some not...there are some journalists who take pride in what they do, and there are others who just want to sell stories, at the cost of ruining the lives of others [ in celeb mag's, some tabloids, national enquirer, etc]

back to the main topic, ****...this is creepy, but it's become the world we live in...sensitive information can be taken from anywhere now...we've developed all these technological breakthroughs, but no safeguards to protect the public...

of course, the leaking of personal info from the army and a bunch of business savvy jounalists is incredibly stupid and disgusting...

sigh..sorry Tuberoller...I haven't been much of a help
Sep 17, 2003 at 6:18 PM Post #10 of 12
all seems to be turning out OK.

I learned a few things from this and I feel the need to pass them on.

1. I would never,ever do anything that leads any branch of the US Gov to believe that I am stealing something from them. They do not **** around. If the Government thinks you stole from them, you are done. That M-60 training film was still listed as US property and was copywrited. Anyone using it or posting it was stealing. There were 46 sites using that video clip two days ago,today there are two,both on non-US soil. I was promised that both those sites would be either shut down or the clip removed by late tonight.

2. It is very easy to find a person's home phone#,Email address and other very personal info if you have their full name and know exactly where they live. I have recieved dozens of emails from people about that clip. I have tried to find and eliminate any links to any sites where this info is available but they seem almost endless. Be careful about what you post and where you post it.

3. There are some really huge pricks out here. I not talking about the anti-war/anti-military types who seemed to be most verbal during this,but rather the people who feel it is thier right to post things just because they "found it on the internet". Even worse are the fools who think because the film was produced by the Government that they have the right to use it since it was "paid for with my tax dollars". They could not possibly be more incorrect about anything,ever. The even bigger pricks made some really harsh comments about me personally,comments that I dont think I deserved. One person went so far as to say" I did'nt know they taught gangbangers to shoot like that" .Others said stuff like "I bet he can't even read but he shoots that big,stupid gun really well". There were various comments about " stupid Americans" and some about "MARINES don't shoot like that",(obviously from someone in the AIR FORCE).

4.Everybody is a skeptic. I got a ton of emails from people who swear that video clip was "Phony" or "has been obviously digitally enhanced". It was fun to read stuff like "that looks like CGI to me" and "I know digital effects when I see them". Maybe not,that video was filmed in 1987. I don't know what was around in the way of digital effects back then but I know they were not that good. The video was picked apart on a few sites where "experts" were keen to say stuff like " it looks to be staged in some way,there are some impossibilities on this clip" though they failed to point out what they were. The only editing of that clip is when we switched to my service weapon for the actual drill after doing the takedown with the brand new photo weapon. My M-60 was was beat-up and had safety wire all over it but was accurate and I was very familiar with it. The range drill was shot in one take and is in real time.

If any of you did see that clip I ask that you take the comments I made in it in the proper context. I know some of the stuff I said then sounds bad today,but keep in mind that I was talking more about the weapon than myself and that I was answering questions from the CO standing behind me in that last shot. Understand that video was never intended to be seen by the public and Soldiers motivate themselves and one another in different ways than everyone else does.

I'm glad this appears to be over and I hope that stuff never happens to any of you. Please be careful about what you post and keep your personal info personal if you possibly can.
Sep 17, 2003 at 6:36 PM Post #11 of 12
Well, I'm glad to hear that you have this under control.
After reading some of the comments you posted here, I wish I had seen the video. Especially this line Quote:

The video was picked apart on a few sites where "experts" were keen to say stuff like " it looks to be staged in some way,there are some impossibilities on this clip" though they failed to point out what they were.

That piques my interest

Privacy is on the wain here on the net, good to see you fighting to keep your privacy. I didn't even try to see the video because you didn't like having it out there and I wasn't about to insult you by watching it and I didn't want patronize some sleaze ball that had it posted.
Sep 18, 2003 at 3:56 AM Post #12 of 12

Originally posted by Tuberoller
.... that big,stupid gun

Whoever said that doesn't know about how hard it really is to become a good shoot. There are so many things to extrapolate before hitting your mark, not to mention windspeed, relative velocity of the target, and a big etcétera. That's why you get trained to use it. I bet they haven't even used a tommy gun.

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