What are your hopes and dream for 2003?
Dec 31, 2002 at 3:41 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 37


SHAman who knew of Head-Fi ten years prior to its existence
Oct 11, 2001
I have a few hopes for the New Year. Besides the typical peace and love among all men/women (please no more wars - I am afraid for the end of January, I feel a Middle-East battle brewing)

I hope to graduate from law school and pass the bar as well as finish my masters (gotta finish this thesis!) and defend it well and subsequently be offered a fellowship and start my PhD. I see the end in sight

I hope to bring my family closer together and help my youngest brothers adjust to the university life.

I hope to increase my skill level in my favourite racket sports and decrease my 10K run time.

In audio land...I hope to find a tubey amp for the RS-1's and get the Shanling modded one more time (super clock here I come) and then be finished with my main rig. All that I would have left is maybe a Gilmore or HA-2 for the bedroom for the Etys.

That about sums it up! What say you? What are YOUR hopes and dreams for 2003?
Dec 31, 2002 at 5:22 PM Post #2 of 37
Excellent thread Zanth.

I hope for continued health for my family, my dad is almost 80 and is becoming less active.

I hope wisdom for those who have the power to send men into battle.

I hope continued contentment in my job....in spite of all of the travel.

I hope for health and prosperity for all of my friends. My "face to face" friends, and my "faceless" Head-Fi friends. There are many of you and I am thankful for all.

.....and I hope for headphone contentment.

Yeah, right.
Dec 31, 2002 at 5:31 PM Post #3 of 37
I hope for health and happiness for all the Head-Fi community.

My son will be going to Law School in the Fall and I wish him the best of Luck

My daughter is off to Finland this Spring on a business exchange program. I hope she has a great time and that it is one of her notable life experiences.

I hope my wifes gastrointestinal problems clear up.
Dec 31, 2002 at 6:04 PM Post #4 of 37
I hope everyone makes it back safely tonight.

I hope I can make up for a lot of the crap I pulled in 2002.

I hope my friends who haven't been laid off yet keep their jobs and the ones who have find new ones.

I hope Laura Miller makes such a lasting impression as our mayor that she can't possibly be reelected.

I hope Return of the King is as good as The Two Towers was.

I hope there's more Ent scenes in the special edition and not more talking elves. Talking elves make kelly sleepy.

I hope the new Zelda turns out better than it looks.

I hope Head-Fi stays good despite its growing popularity.

I hope my next hobby isn't as expensive as this one was.

I hope I have more self-control next time if it is.
Dec 31, 2002 at 6:08 PM Post #5 of 37
I hope there isn't a World War 3.

I hope we do not have terrorist attacks of the scale we've had for the past 2 years. Heck, let's hope for none at all.

Now to be selfish....I hope I can build my speaker system in early 2003
Like within 3 weeks.
Dec 31, 2002 at 7:04 PM Post #6 of 37
i hope everything turns out alright.

i hope for no wars. a recovering economy.

i hope i graduate this year. i hope i pass the CPA exam. i hope i get some womanly loving. i hope my ety's will eventually fit my ears.

i hope for good new music this year. i hope for new innovations in science, medicine, and technology. i hope for good headphones for everyone, and good beer as well.

and i hope my exgirlfriend turns into a mutant worm and is impaled on a hook to be used as fishing bait.

oh yesh... before i forget... i hope for pie.
Dec 31, 2002 at 7:47 PM Post #8 of 37
I'd like to see worldwide ethics become existent. If only we could agree on what is right and wrong, fundamentally, so many problems could disappear....of course, this will never happen, so perhaps co-existence, affectionate symbiosis, is what I really want for us.

I'm just a confused youth, after all....

How about, 3 inches.......6'1'' would be a nice height to start 2004 at.....
Dec 31, 2002 at 8:56 PM Post #9 of 37
My resolution is to put aside the differences between myself and my dad, and try to find more in common with him.

I'm starting to realize that through my teen years i've been a little rebellious, and i want to make up for it to him.
Dec 31, 2002 at 10:11 PM Post #10 of 37
I have alot of dreams, but really one major hope (which I know I will be disappointed because it's unrealistic) I hope I don't have any more calls dealing with loss of life, at least one year would be awesome, but I know I'm being unrealistic so I'll quit.
Dec 31, 2002 at 11:27 PM Post #13 of 37
Great thread. Most of what I say probably reads cornier than its meant.


Eat healthier. Ramen and beer is catching up to me.

Waste less time. I didn't do as much this past year as I did in previous years, and its because I got lazier. I plan to resolve that.


That no one I care about dies. Probably too much information but its happened for a few years now and it makes me pissed off at something I can't comprehend.

That the people in my enviorment are happier. Its corny, but it makes me happy.

Something unexpected teaches me something very important.

More people find what they're looking for.

I see more kids playing outside. It doesn't happen much nowadays, and there's something wrong in that.

I find another grant to help support my punk ass.

New music blows my mind.

I settle down and find a place to live for the next few years.
Jan 1, 2003 at 2:07 AM Post #14 of 37
To either win all the battles at the office, or to rise above them all--not sure which--winning would be more fun though!

To find out what I really want to do when I grow up (I'm 37).

To continue to enjoy the company of all those I cherish, and to let go of those whose time it is to go.
Jan 1, 2003 at 2:11 AM Post #15 of 37

I hope Head-Fi stays good despite its growing popularity.


I hope that my family stays healthy.

I hope for our current leader to think about the path he wishes to take.

I hope to keep my 4.0 in High School

Great thread!

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