What amp would go well with a Goldring DR150?
Dec 30, 2009 at 11:46 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1


New Head-Fier
Jun 16, 2007
Hey guys

I've just been given an iPod Nano and have been busy ripping all my CDs into Apple Lossless. I have a PA2v2 amp for the last few years and have tried listening to the iPod Nano through it with my Goldring DR150s. I've noticed quite a bit of background hiss which is quite disconcerting, although the amp does seem to improve the sound of the iPod dramatically.

I'm considering getting a new amp and would appreciate some advice on the matter. I'm aiming for something less than 150 US dollars. There also seems to be quite a few DAC/amp combos out there, and being the newbie that I am, I'm not sure what the advantage of those are when it comes to pairing up with my iPod Nano. Would appreciate some advice on that!

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