What’s the point of upsampling?

Nov 11, 2024 at 9:37 PM Post #61 of 66
The question is in the title of the thread. He didn’t even read that!
Nov 12, 2024 at 4:19 AM Post #62 of 66
Just some advice, your wound up tighter than twist tie.
That’s not advice, it’s just another false assertion.
I never made a claim.
You made two claims: “The source, dsp software, dac conversions, make it better maybe maybe not, depends.” And: “It’s just a cheap easy experiment to conduct in one’s own privacy”.
You’re sounding whacked dude …
You’re the one who publicly posted claims, are now stating you never made a claim, even though everyone can just go back a page or so and see that you did, and I’m the one “sounding whacked”? lol
I don’t read entire threads …
Or apparently questions put directly to you, or the posts you’re actually quoting and responding to, or even what you yourself have posted/claimed!

You’re just digging a deeper hole for yourself and your repeated references to smoking drugs and being “whacked dude” indicate you’re so whacked you have no idea what you’re responding to or even what you yourself are posting! “Dude” you’re seriously embarrassing and making a fool of yourself, the Sound Science forum really isn’t the place to post your stoned ramblings.

Nov 12, 2024 at 4:47 AM Post #63 of 66
So you’re only reading select posts… aka “sampling.”
What sampling methodology do you use to guarantee you didn’t miss a question?
Bro, just read the title, typed 1 paragraph stating what I stated. How did your experiment go with your rig, seems like no one wants to say. Frankly I don’t care. This is not worth the discussion, which isn’t a discussion at all
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Nov 12, 2024 at 5:53 AM Post #65 of 66
didn’t want to bring up such a s***storm with my question 😂
Don’t worry about it, almost any question that references something used as a marketing point by the audiophile industry is likely to start “such a s*** storm” here, either from shills promoting that marketing or those gullible enough to have been deluded by it. We’re so used to it here that it would have been surprising if it hadn’t started a s*** storm! :)

Nov 13, 2024 at 3:40 AM Post #66 of 66
How did your experiment go with your rig, seems like no one wants to say.
Duh, that’s the whole point of my question to you! No one here can experiment with over/upsampling vs no upsampling because we all have properly functioning DACs, with both filters and oversampling, neither of which can be turned off. Therefore it should be obvious why “no one wants to say” - it’s because we’d be lying. You however claimed it might make an improvement and that the experiment is cheap and easy, where is your reliable evidence to support those claims or were you just lying?
Frankly I don’t care.
You don’t care to provide supporting evidence that would demonstrate you’re not lying or you don’t care that you are lying?
This is not worth the discussion, which isn’t a discussion at all
Of course this “isn’t a discussion at all”. You made some claims and when asked to support them with reliable evidence, you just deflected with an irrelevant question (which I answered anyway) and a bunch of ad hominems about being wound up and smoking joints, which “isn’t a discussion at all” and now you’re deflecting again, complaining this “isn’t a discussion at all” when you’re the one who deliberately made it that way!

You dug yourself a hole and instead of just leaving or better still, showing some integrity by being honest and apologising, you just keep digging it deeper and deeper, even after it’s already been pointed out and everyone, apart from you apparently, recognises it! Good luck with that lol


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