Mar 3, 2014 at 11:06 PM Post #106 of 606
I bought Logitech's iPhone cable to use with my SE846s.  I will often get phone calls when traveling and it's a big hassle to take out the IEM while walking through the airport to answer a call.  Or maybe I'm at the gym.  It's just more convenient.
Not a big believer in cables at all, but I think the stock Shure cable sound a bit more strong in the bass than the Logitech cable.  Might be a problem with the Logitech connector.

How does the Logitech cable get the microphone close enough to your mouth? Don't you need to plug it in at the base of the SE846 cable? Sorry I've never seen the logitech cable before.

But I too wish the SE846 had a phone cable.
Mar 3, 2014 at 11:28 PM Post #107 of 606
 YEAH ... but within another 2 years the High end market of iem's will Surpass 5000$ mark and it will lead to their own damnation... 

you're right, that's how I feel after getting the Westone W4R for almost $499 last year :-/
and now 4 Balance Armature is no longer the crown jewel of the universal IEM.
Mar 4, 2014 at 12:33 AM Post #109 of 606
Things are moving too fast. But here I'm back to a single 9mm dynamic driver lol.

Yes, I know, it is hard to keeping up with the latest and the greatest model :-/
well if your disposable income is always increasing then it doesn't really matter. But not for me here unfortunately.
Mar 4, 2014 at 12:38 PM Post #110 of 606
I gave in and bought another SE846 and will want to compare it to the W60. I actually like the matte-finish and understated looks of the Westie.
Mar 5, 2014 at 10:48 AM Post #111 of 606
How does the Logitech cable get the microphone close enough to your mouth? Don't you need to plug it in at the base of the SE846 cable? Sorry I've never seen the logitech cable before.

But I too wish the SE846 had a phone cable.

Not sure I understand you.  The SE846 has detachable cables, so you would take the stock cable off the IEMs first.  The Logitech iPhone cable is the same one that comes with the UE900s.  Like most cables designed for voice calls, the mic is inline on the right side so it hangs around your upper chest.  A 3 button controller is also located there.

You could use this cable with any IEM with MMCX connectors.
Mar 25, 2014 at 8:05 PM Post #115 of 606
Haha, this is crazy. I can't believe how quickly things change in terms of technology in the IEM world. As others mentioned, with the way that things are going - I can totally see high end IEM prices skyrocketing past $5K within a few years, lol.
~ Im2bz2p :)
Mar 26, 2014 at 6:46 PM Post #116 of 606
It is no secret that I love the 846s. That being said, I love music more thant IEMs, speakers, headphones, tubes, DACs or any gear. To that end, I have pre-ordered the Westone W60s from a major internet vendor. I look forward to a/b'ing the IEM's.

To anticipate any questions-
1. I don't feel like I am missing anything from the 846s. I happen to like the Shure house sound and firmly believe music lives in the midrange.
2. I had the 4r and it was not my cup of tea. Accurate but not able to connect with me. I realize I am probably in the minority but hey it is my ears.
3. I expect to hear a difference. In an ideal world, I love both flagships and get to enjoy music from different perspective. The worst possible outcome would be to decide to sell either set.
3. Why the W60 if the 4R did not work. I think westone as a brand is a great company. 1 product does not define a company. I fully anticipate some 4R advocates to not like the W60.

Ears are the best measure of my spend.

Thanks all.
Mar 26, 2014 at 7:53 PM Post #117 of 606
It is no secret that I love the 846s. That being said, I love music more thant IEMs, speakers, headphones, tubes, DACs or any gear. To that end, I have pre-ordered the Westone W60s from a major internet vendor. I look forward to a/b'ing the IEM's.

To anticipate any questions-
1. I don't feel like I am missing anything from the 846s. I happen to like the Shure house sound and firmly believe music lives in the midrange.
2. I had the 4r and it was not my cup of tea. Accurate but not able to connect with me. I realize I am probably in the minority but hey it is my ears.
3. I expect to hear a difference. In an ideal world, I love both flagships and get to enjoy music from different perspective. The worst possible outcome would be to decide to sell either set.
3. Why the W60 if the 4R did not work. I think westone as a brand is a great company. 1 product does not define a company. I fully anticipate some 4R advocates to not like the W60.

Ears are the best measure of my spend.

Thanks all.

Looking forward to your impressions of W60 with regards to the 846! 


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