Washed my Soundmagic PL-50s - should I be concerned?
Jan 19, 2010 at 7:21 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 4


100+ Head-Fier
Jan 11, 2007
The title pretty much says it all. My PL-50s (which are single armature IEMs) went through the wash in my jeans pocket, along with my A729 Walkman. The player is dead, but the headphones work. Is there any reason to worry that the sound quality will be worse than before, and/or if they may be damaged in some way? (Can't really tell easily since I listened to them through the Walkman only, and obviously I can't do that now. They seem to sound OK through the computer - clear with no weird noses anyway - but wondering if there is a chance they may not be the same.)
Jan 19, 2010 at 7:57 AM Post #2 of 4
If they sound Ok, then there is no need to worry. With that said, just be sure that they have completely dried inside before using them.
Jan 19, 2010 at 8:20 AM Post #3 of 4
Put them in a jar with some rice grains? I've heard thats what you're meant to do if you drop your mobile phone in the toilet. (If the phone wasn't on at the time.)
Jan 19, 2010 at 8:38 AM Post #4 of 4
Whatever electronics you wash, let them dry for a couple of days, with rice grain is a good idea or silica gel the easiest (more comfy option)

Generally, a lot of electronics will continue to work after being washed, dropped in water.

The problem is that often someone tries right away to get them on and hence fries them.

Second problem is that after a while as the plunge in soapy water does no good to some components and starts oxydizing and hence a couple of weeks or months the equipment will die.

Best thing todo is dismantle (first take the battery out) never ever turn it on, and then you should rinse it extensively with demi water to wash off whatever gunge or soap is still on the "equipment" a collegue of mine prefers alcohol (no not vodka ...) but take care most alcohols found in pharmacy have some form of grease in it (lanolin so take care) and then let it dry and dry and dry, first with a hairdryer to get rid of most of the water, it is not the temperature that is important but either the air speed to blow all the water away from the rinse. (so if have one with turbo on it choose it but with cold air works best for me) and let it dry for a couple of days.

To those freaking reading this, it was already washed, so what are you losing, except trying to extend the life and effectively saving whatever was washed.

Anyhow, hope it will eventually work out but I would start saving for a new pair anytime soon.

PS : Rinsing PL50 will not be very effective as it could be that no water entered the armature, but the contacts in the headshell could start to oxydize.

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