I had a chance to test the pre-production model at a local meet both with my iAudio 7 and Clip running rockbox with UE-11’s and I am looking forward to receiving mine soon. The slim is impressively small; I was impressed with its overall size and its thinness, all with the same build quality as the other headamp gear, top notch! The potentiometer attenuation is impressive, I had to go past ¼ to actually hear the music to the level I like and the steps are very minor as already stated, which allows you to adjust your music to a more precise/appropriate level for iem’s. But I’m not sure if that’s the same adjustment that will be in the production model, either way I’m sure it will be set appropriately. The channel matching is dead on and probably impossible to tell the difference with human ears, but then again I have older ears so I might not be the best judge of that. I do wish he would have included the ability to adjust the pan via pc, as at times I really need it, but if you run rockbox or use cowon’s I guess it’s not the most important thing.
One of the coolest features is when you turn the amp off to speak with someone and when you repower, it starts back up at zero volume and slowly increases volume to the level it was previously at. The battery life is staggering, Justin told me he was getting almost 70 hours, now let’s just hope the DAP manufactures step up to the plate too.
Now onto sound quality, nothing wrong here and it does what it’s supposed to do very well without coloring the sound at all. I honestly can’t say that it improves the treble, mids or bass as others have written, I believe that’s going to depend more on the iem’s you use, but I certainly have no complaints after testing it with my ue11’s
Without knocking it, I prefer the standard pico sound signature or I’ve just become so use to its sound that I appreciate it better. Although very faint, I believe that the standard pico on low gain has much less of a hiss at
full volume (yes I know an un-realistic test, but one I try on all portable amps and the Slim passed with flying colors) with the music on pause vs the slim’s hiss. But that’s not to say that you hear any hiss during normal listening volumes with either unit, btw the standard pico on high gain has none to my ears but could be the use of higher ohm phones.
All said, this is a great portable amp and yes I did order one ...
Edit: I have to add that I liked the TTVJ much better than the ALO Rx, I didn’t like the ALO Rx build quality at all and IMO it’s not in the same league as the Pico Slim. That said, I did like the sq and performance of the TTVJ and would certainly own it as well, but for my use the Pico won out, can’t wait to get mine
Edited for clarifying some points.