VSONIC VC02 Thread
Nov 20, 2012 at 10:32 AM Post #16 of 791
Oh, and it's the real deal! From the pictures, it's visible the new VSONIC authenticity system... 

Tom, could you translate the conclusion of the review I posted above, please? Google translations from chinese are always too garbled...
Nov 20, 2012 at 11:12 AM Post #17 of 791
anyone has any idea if other cables will fit the vc02 or if vsonic will be selling separate cables?
Nov 20, 2012 at 11:25 AM Post #18 of 791
I can only find them with one seller on eBay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/w-Tracking-Number-VSONIC-VC02-/261130018304?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3ccc8fde00
Still, the price is good! 

I am a big fan of the GR07 and these VC02's at £26 delivered to the UK have got to be worth a go.
Nov 20, 2012 at 12:25 PM Post #19 of 791
Tom, could you translate the conclusion of the review I posted above, please? Google translations from chinese are always too garbled...

I translated from the sound description portion all the way to the end. It was actually kind of difficult to translate, because a lot of things get lost in translation that are really difficult to save. The Chinese language also makes it really easy for writers to go into super long run-on sentences, with little parallelism or order logic, so I had to basically reword entire sentences in English into a way that makes sense, so many things aren't literal translations. There are also certain things like 'audiophile terms' that I don't even really understand in context, so I had to take some creative freedoms in translating those things.
Translations in bold:
高頻表現: VC02的高頻是它的最大特點,它並沒有FXC51上明顯拔高而與造成中頻脫節的問題,但它的高頻卻要比FXC51更顯誇張,在極高高頻的細節表現上,拔高的更加明顯。 在高頻部分,它的密度要稍稍比FXC51差一些,但中高頻部分又要比FXC51均衡。
Treble Response: High frequencies are what make the VC02 notable; unlike the FXC51 it doesn’t have the kind of elevated treble that can seem like it’s completely separated from the midrange, but it is actually even more colored. Elevation of the treble is most apparent in the upper treble. The density (?, they might mean more uneven) of the main treble frequencies is very slightly less than that of the FXC51, but the upper midrange is more even.
整體來說,VC02的在極高頻的延伸上表現得更為細緻,解析力出眾,瞬態細節非常豐富,在一些中小動態下高頻的表現甚至有些讓人“上癮”,例如各種弦樂,尤其撥弦類樂器等。 雖然它與很多動鐵耳機高頻有些相似,並沒有像GR07Aurvana Air那樣舒展,但VC02的高頻細節、瞬態控制力、凌厲的速度感都要明顯好於動鐵,如Aurvana In- Ear2,而這樣的高頻明顯的充滿了動圈耳機在優秀解析力下的靈動感。
Overall, (compared to the FXC51?) the VC02 is more delicately detailed and extended, with smaller dynamics that almost feel “addicting”, such as with the plucking of stringed instruments. Although its behavior feels similar to certain BA earphones, it doesn’t have the GR07 or the Aurvana Air’s aura (very liberal translation, because certain Chinese audiophile lingo gets lost in translation, and I’m not sure how to interpret it either), but the VC02’s high frequency detail, transients, sharpness, and speed are all comparable to how BA earphones like the Aurvana In-Ear 2 are, and this kind of treble is like how a good dynamic earphone should be like (again, an extremely liberal translation).
GR01相比,VC02的高頻動態相對稍差,中高頻部分VC02動態也稍弱於In-Ear2,不過由於在極高頻部分的解析力過好,而且聲音又不像動鐵耳機那麼緊湊,所以在表現一些打擊樂的高頻、電子音樂的高頻時就顯得有些過分,甚至存在一些瞬間表現比較刺耳的情況。 舉例來說,VC02在表現三角鐵這類小動態高頻時,會讓你覺得細節有些過於豐富了;但在表現交響樂中快節奏的鈴鼓時,控制力就會很差,影響耳機耐聽度。 總體來說,VC02的高頻素質較高,與高端耳機如Aurvana AirGR07相比風格不同,解析力和動態也稍弱,比較誇張的高頻對音樂類型和錄音水準提出了更高的要求[在音源表現較好的前提下]
Compared to the GR01, the VC02’s treble dynamics are slightly worse, and the upper-mids are also slightly worse than of the In-Ear2’s, but it makes up for these deficiencies in the upper treble with its resolution, without the drawbacks of the ‘compact’ BA sound. In the expression of certain percussive instruments and electronic music, the treble can get a little excessive and even with some harshness. For example, while the VC02 voices the triangle with almost a bit too much detail, with orchestra music that contains the tambourine, the VC02 becomes a bit uncontrolled, making it difficult to listen to. Overall, however, the VC02 is great with high frequencies, and while it gives off a different flavor to the Aurvana Air and GR07, with lesser resolution and dynamics, its exaggerated treble will also demand recordings of higher quality.
中頻表現: VC02的中頻表現出明顯的中性風格,它的表現也是在幾款類似造型耳機中相對較好的,與In-Ear2相比,它的中頻和中高頻有更好的解析力,而與FXC51相比,VC02的中頻也更加飽滿。 這三款耳機相比,反而是In-Ear2的中頻更加鬆弛,厚重一些。 但在結像力方面,VC02相對較好。 與動圈式的同價位耳塞相比,VC02的中頻也要比R04更為立體,飽滿,當然風格也有所不同,R04的中頻相對柔和很多。 E10相比,VC02的中頻動態更好,聲音層次和解析力更好,在人聲表現時更為生動,細節豐富,而R04則偏柔和溫暖,動態不足;E10則稍偏厚重解析力不足。
Midrange Response: The midrange of the VC02 is clearly neutral in character; out of all the earphones that we’ve compared it with, the VC02 performed the best in the midrange, besting the In-Ear 2 in both midrange and upper midrange resolution, and beating out the FXC51 in midrange fullness. Of the three, the In-Ear 2 is loosest and thick in the midrange. Imaging is also better on the VC02. It beats out the R04 in three-dimensional capability and fullness, though the R04 is supposed to be different in character, as it is much softer and gentler in the midrange. Against the E10, the VC02 betters it in terms of midrange dynamics, layering, and resolution, thus making vocals more involving and full of detail. While we say that the R04 is softer and gentler, we contend that the E10 is a bit too thick and lacking in midrange resolution.
與高端幾款耳機相比,VC02的中頻動態並不佔優勢,例如GR01GR07甚至Aurvana Air的中頻動態都要更好,VC02的中頻稍顯拘謹,沒有高端動圈耳塞的從容和大氣,與In-Ear2相比,VC02的動態也稍弱,聲音稍薄,不過在中頻部分VC02的聲音更加干淨,解析力有一定優勢,而中高頻部分也要比In-Ear2細緻。
Against the upper tier earphones, the VC02 loses its advantage. The GR01, GR07, and even the Aurvana Air are all better in terms of midrange dynamics, as the VC02 feels a bit ‘wound up’, without the ‘largess’ of the upper-tier earphones (sorry, tough to translate a lot of these things). Against the In-Ear 2, the VC02’s dynamics are slightly worse, and slightly thinner, though it is cleaner, more delicate, and has better resolution.
低頻表現: VC02的低頻也許正如大家所預料的那樣,並不是它的優勢,作為一款入耳式耳機,VC02的低頻下潛不夠,量感相對偏少。 VC02低頻仍然呈現出中性風格,中低頻部分仍然有較好的解析力,但是與E10GR07等相比,顯然量感要少很多,不過與普通耳塞式耳機如Aurvana Air相比,低頻量並不算太少。 VC02的低頻比較緊湊,聲音乾淨,但在低頻下潛上要比FXC51還清淡一些,但在中低頻厚度以及與中頻銜接上,要比FXC51更為均衡。 總體來說,VC02的低頻乾淨,但動態和量感都顯得不足,低頻並不是VC02所擅長的,但VC02的整體風格又不會像Aurvana Air那麼清淡。
Bass Response: The bass of the VC02 is akin to what everyone expects --- it’s not its forte. As can be expected for an entry-level earphone, the VC02 is lighter on the bass and lacks the low frequency extension. Thusly, the VC02 can be construed as having a neutral-sounding flavor, with good lower-midrange resolution. However, against the E10 and GR07, it’s appreciably less. In its acquittal, compared to an average earphone like the Aurvana Air, the bass isn’t inferior. The bass of the VC02 is tighter and cleaner. Against the FXC51, it has less sub-bass extension but is more balanced in the mid-bass section. Overall, the bass of the VC02 is clean, but lacks quantity and dynamics.
總結: Vsonic VC02耳機從聲音表現來說不但很有特點,而且具有較高的素質。 VC02整體聲音呈中性,偏年輕的風格,雖然使用了動圈揚聲器,但由於只有3mm左右的尺寸,讓它的風格似乎更偏向大家印像中的動鐵。 與動鐵相比,我們已經不止一次的在多個耳機上證明,動圈在細節上的優勢仍然明顯,即便是3mm的微動圈。 3mm的微動圈,也讓VC02的高頻瞬態可以像動鐵般的凌厲,甚至更好。 當然,這也讓VC02的高頻有些挑食,這裡是指在音源有可靠表現時,不太適合表現錄音時本身較硬的高頻[挑音樂比挑音源更為明顯] VC02整體聲音均衡,中頻和中高頻的銜接並沒有因為高頻突出而顯得凹陷,中頻動態優於同價位的R04E10等耳機,但動態表現也是VC02與高端耳機之間差距最為明顯的部分。 反而在解析力等方面,VC02甚至不輸給更高級的動鐵耳機,例如In-Ear2,但與高端動圈耳機仍有差距。 VC02的低頻並不是長項,它的風格偏清淡,但好在還是入耳式設計,讓它的低頻仍然可以談的上“均衡”,只是沒有中頻和高頻表現那麼出色。
Conclusion: Not only does the VSONIC VC02 contain unique attributes in its sonic performance, it also strives for something higher. The VC02’s overall signature is neutral, with a youth flavor. Though it utilizes a dynamic driver that’s only about 3mm in diameter, it’s not any less of a dynamic earphone and definitely gives off that familiar vibe. When compared to balanced armature earphones, we’ve already established several times before that dynamic drivers are superior in resolution (?) and this 3mm microdriver is no exception (again, liberal). This microdriver also allows the VC02 to have transients like that of BA drivers, and perhaps even bettering them in performance. Of course, the treble of the VC02 is a bit picky at times, and depending on the source, the VC02 might not be suited for harsher recordings. The VC02’s overall sound is balanced, with the midrange and upper midrange not necessarily masked or made recessed by the forward treble. Its midrange performance is superior to other products’ in the same price range, such as the R04 and E10, but its dynamics lag behind those of the upper-tier earphones. In terms of resolution, the VC02 doesn’t lose out to earphones such as the In-Ear 2, but is still behind the upper-tier ones. The VC02’s bass is not its strength, and is light in character, but because of its deep insertion design, it can still be considered as having a ‘balanced’ signature. The bass is just not as outstanding as its midrange or treble.
VC02一改我們對Vsonic耳機外觀粗糙的老觀念,而在200元耳機上加入換線的設計雖然談不上有很高的實用性,但似乎讓玩家型用戶看到了一些希望,不僅僅是對VC02換線調音,而是期望Vsonic的高端型號早日能有VC02同樣級別的設計。 VC02的官方價格為238元,與我們曾經強烈推薦的GR04、聲美E10相比雖然風格有所不同,但VC02綜合表現都不落下風。 所以,Soomal給予威索尼可Vsonic VC02入耳式耳機以強烈推薦評級。
The VC02 has reversed our impression that VSONIC makes earphones that look unrefined, and along  with the fact that they’ve made an earphone with detachable cables at the 200 RMB price point, the VC02 really seems like a product that has fulfilled the wish lists of  a lot of enthusiasts. We only wish VSONIC’s higher end products can all take on the same kind of polish as the VC02, sooner than later. With that fact that the manufacturer’s suggested retail price of the VC02 is 238 RMB, that we strongly recommended the GR04 in the past, and that the VC02’s overall performance has no letdowns whatsoever, Soomal gives VSONIC’s VC02 a very strong recommendation. (I left out the part about the E10 because it was pretty irrelevant)

Nov 20, 2012 at 10:58 PM Post #23 of 791
Thanks for the translation Tom =). Looks like these might be competition for the lower end Etys (EK3/5, MC3/5). I hope they have a tad more bass than EK5
Nov 22, 2012 at 7:35 AM Post #27 of 791
Lendmeurears is finally selling the vc02. They say the $40.88 price is introductory but I seriously have no idea what is the price they intend to sell it at later as it's around the price of all other sellers? Anyway, now more people can get it and maybe some will receive it before me as it seems that the one I had on pre-order from taobao won't be coming this week. I just hope I don't have to wait a whole month for these.
Nov 22, 2012 at 7:43 AM Post #28 of 791
Lendmeurears is finally selling the vc02. They say the $40.88 price is introductory but I seriously have no idea what is the price they intend to sell it at later as it's around the price of all other sellers? Anyway, now more people can get it and maybe some will receive it before me as it seems that the one I had on pre-order from taobao won't be coming this week. I just hope I don't have to wait a whole month for these.

I did check yesterday and they're weren't selling it yet. I'll update the first post with that info...
Nov 22, 2012 at 8:29 AM Post #29 of 791
Also, I just saw that lendmeurears has added the vc02 to their ebay store too http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vsonic-VC02-/221157071058?pt=US_Headphones&hash=item337dfd18d2 . I should have waited couple of weeks before ordering from taobao as China Post is so slow compared to Singpost. Probably everyone will get it before me. Anyway, once members here start receiving theirs I can advice you to not hype them too much if they're good as we all know what happens to prices when the head-fi hype train leaves the station.

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