VSONIC GR07 Impressions Thread
Oct 3, 2011 at 4:31 AM Post #1,396 of 7,982
gr07 by miles over tf10. every music lover should and must own at least one gr07

So true IMO. 

Oct 3, 2011 at 8:29 AM Post #1,397 of 7,982
I'm really confused whether to buy this or not.. tell me all the reasons not to buy this IEM? (because I want to know the negative side about this IEM;; for the positive side I already read enough..) please give me your opinion..
Oct 3, 2011 at 8:58 AM Post #1,398 of 7,982
I'm really confused whether to buy this or not.. tell me all the reasons not to buy this IEM? (because I want to know the negative side about this IEM;; for the positive side I already read enough..) please give me your opinion..

Yea same, I'm hesitating to buy it or not now.... I've even started a thread asking if it's good for me a few hours ago, and no ones told me not to get it yet.

I'm gonna wait till tomorrow and if no one tells me not to get it for a good reason, I'm gonna order them.
Oct 3, 2011 at 9:48 AM Post #1,399 of 7,982
The only downside I can think of with the GR07 is the treble which some find slightly sibilant. But in my experience once you start to get used to the GR07 it's hard to listen to the treble any other way. It's ability t reproduce cymbals and allow for variety is very good.
Oct 3, 2011 at 10:08 AM Post #1,400 of 7,982
I'd prefer around ear. I've had on-ear phones before, but they were never comfortable. They were pretty cheap ones though, if that makes a difference. Price range is $100-ish. No amp. My sound card is a Realtek HD (integrated card), though I'm running the Creative THX TruStudio drivers, which help it quite a bit.
I've been looking at the ATH AD700 and the Fischer FA-011. I know the Fischers probably have more bass than the VSonics, though I haven't been able to find anyone who can tell me how much of a difference there is. The AD700s are supposed to have pretty weak bass, but again, I haven't seen any real comparisons to anything I've heard. Any others you'd suggest?

I have the FA-011 and while I haven't really done any A-B between them, the FA-011 is quite a bit bassier and brighter (especially when amped) than the GR07.
Oct 3, 2011 at 10:09 AM Post #1,401 of 7,982

I'm really confused whether to buy this or not.. tell me all the reasons not to buy this IEM? (because I want to know the negative side about this IEM;; for the positive side I already read enough..) please give me your opinion

Treble here too. But I also think this is where you get the killer bass definition also. I bought a slew of Tips from the Sony Hybrids, Phonacs Headirects and Jays. Each one has their advantages
, and now I tend to use the Sony's most as they are super comfortable and balanced. The Head Directs (Biflange) literally fix the sometimes Sharp treble (but not siblant), This is all however Nit picking. These are absolutely fantastic Phones especially for acoustic Piano, Rock, and Jazz
Oct 3, 2011 at 10:18 AM Post #1,402 of 7,982
for now, the downside from you guys is about sibilant issue.. coming from RE-ZERO, will I find it irritating issue? anyone have these two phone to confirm this?
what about the build quality? I'm reading that some of the parts are not glued properly..
Oct 3, 2011 at 10:50 AM Post #1,403 of 7,982
Another +1 for the stock single flanges. Far more comfortable than the included foam tips, and the bi-flanges completely kill the bass.
By the way, has anyone else encountered this issue of the small plastic "joint" at the end of the wire coming loose?

This only happened with the left piece and doesn't really affect anything. Seems like the glue just wasn't too strong or something.

Yea, this happened to the left one of mine within the first week - I just superglued it back with minimal mess and it's been fine since - Guess the glue they used just wasn't very strong :rolleyes:
Oct 3, 2011 at 11:33 AM Post #1,406 of 7,982

I read somewhere that Lendmeurears are listing the old stock GR07's for cheap'er'

So I bitched on their facebook page about how their 'cheap' price is not at all cheaper.

And so...

They lowered it more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry about your wallet...
Oct 3, 2011 at 12:31 PM Post #1,408 of 7,982
I have a question. Have any of you experienced a cold/flu where it seems that the hearing in one ear is sharper (weird sound) than the other? I'm having that prolem right now when lite ing to my GR07 and I'm hoping it's due to the fact that under the weather, and it's not channel imbalance. I haven't had this proble with it the few months that or had it so I really hope it's me
Oct 3, 2011 at 1:01 PM Post #1,409 of 7,982
I read somewhere that Lendmeurears are listing the old stock GR07's for cheap'er'
So I bitched on their facebook page about how their 'cheap' price is not at all cheaper.
And so...
They lowered it more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry about your wallet...

at $145 shipped US, I'm willing to try them!

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