Vienna head-fi meet November 3rd 2018
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Sep 10, 2018 at 3:11 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 34


Headphoneus Supremus
Jan 30, 2012
At last...
Out next meet will be held on November the third (not the fifth, sorry...) at our usual location at TU Vienna.

We'll start around 1-2pm as usual and can once again use the "Kontaktraum" at the 6th floor.

The address is
TU Wien Neues Elektrotechnik Institut
Gusshausstrasse 27-29
1040 Vienna

A maps link: Technische Universität Wien - Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Our room at the 6th floor (elevator available):

Following honored traditions bring your favorite beverages (local specialities, self made, favorite whisky/vodka etc.), your favorite gear and music. Or simply your interest.

Entry is still free, Fachschaft will once again provide drinks (beer, lemonade) at a nominal fee. Having small change might help, though we'll happily take your €500 notes as well. Sorry we don't have change though :wink:

As always we encourage discussion and the social aspects of meets, so it will not be dead silent to enable critical listening with open headphones. Most attendants are open to arrange a more private listening session in case thats necessary for a buying decision or a trade, which is welcome at the meet as well. We don't condone opening shops there though, that would be a bit of a stretch for a non-commercial meet.

In case of any questions don't hesitate to contact me by answering in this thread or sending PM. I'm available at the meet of course and will try my best to accommodate you.
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Sep 11, 2018 at 9:45 AM Post #2 of 34
Some days later
Klangbilder 2018
16. -18. November 2018 im Arcotel Kaiserwasser
Öffnungszeiten: Fr 13-20h, Sa 10-19h, So 10-18h
Sep 11, 2018 at 1:54 PM Post #4 of 34
That would fit my schedule too. I would just need a confirmation that the meet would be really fixed, before I start booking the flight & room. Lost quite some money last time because of the AirBerlin desaster. Partly my fault, cause I first made a mistake and booked one week earlier :wink:
Sep 12, 2018 at 3:02 AM Post #6 of 34
Klangbilder is futile for headphone-only audiophiles, so I handily prefer the head-fi meet. :k701smile:

Both are interested! At Klangbilder you could find some developer and I hope, you could hear Sennheiser HE1 too.
Sep 12, 2018 at 7:07 AM Post #7 of 34
… and I hope, you could hear Sennheiser HE1 too.

I was able to audition Sennheiser's HE1 at Klangbilder last year, which was a great experience. Let us see if Sennheiser will be present again this year. Back to the meet now.
Sep 15, 2018 at 8:52 AM Post #9 of 34
Updated with some details.

@RAFA would be nice to see you again.

@KarlStromberg Hopefully we can avoid confusion about the date this time. Plus Air Berlin is no longer an option, so that problem is mitigated I guess...

Regarding Klangbilder: we don't see that as competition. Plus I've heard that booking last year was botched and many potential exhibitors were not even contacted. So we might see a better edition again this year.
Sep 15, 2018 at 11:08 AM Post #10 of 34
I have entered the head-fi date in my calendar :beerchug:


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Sep 16, 2018 at 11:40 AM Post #11 of 34
@plakat The confusion was my fault, I simply chose the wrong weekend when I booked. Then I made a second booking hoping that they would refund the wrong one, but the next day when I was about to call them, they announced their bankruptcy. The second flight I booked was canceled shortly before the meet. Bad luck I guess. At least I could get a refund for the room :)

Well long story short...just booked flight & room for the 3rd :wink: I will bring some Killepitsch with me and the ZMF Eikon, if anyone is interested in listening to that. As usual I will visit the whisky store before (maybe around 12:30 - 1pm) if anyone is interested to visit it with me for some proper drinks later on :)
Oct 15, 2018 at 7:34 AM Post #15 of 34
I am really looking forward to this meet, finally some new toys i can bring that i have been waiting for quite some time!

I will bring the Audeze Mobius i got from the Indiegogo campaign, with my laptop and Netflix app (for surround sound demo).
I will also bring a measuring tape, because the head measurements make quite the difference for the 3D simulation :)

And i will also bring my (almost) new Shanling M0 that i use together with the Mobius (via LDAC) for on the go!

If anyone wants to try a specific Movie with the Mobius, please bring an MKV file containing 5.1 or 7.1 Audio!
The same goes for Music, an external HDD or USB-Stick with your favourite files, and we are good to go :wink:

I am still debating if i keep the Oppo PM-3, but since i have the Mobius i did not even loo at them...
Maybe i have them with me and will let them go for a good offer, will see :p

See you all soon!
Cheers, Hirschi
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