Very torn in terms of selection, HD555 or AD700
Dec 12, 2009 at 1:54 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 49

dub Beatz

1000+ Head-Fier
Jul 30, 2009
Hey guys, I would greatly appreciate everyone's expertise again. I'm absolutely 100% torn right now. I'll just get down to it. Quite simply, I can't decide which pair to purchase. Will be running out of Auzen Forte for gaming purely. I unfortunately don't live near a dealer for either of the two, so trying them on prior to purchase is not an option. Basically, I hear the AD700's are soo much better than HD555's for gaming. However, I also hear that they can be quite uncomfortable for those with small heads, such as I. I have quite a small head, and my DJ1 Pro's are very big on me. I don't know whether to purchase the HD555 for the better comfort factor, or the Ad700's for the better positional audio. The thing is, comfort is such a priority on these headphones, and apparently the AD700's are more comfortable (unless you have a small head... yet again.) So basically here's what I'm thinking. When I purchased my Dj1 pro's, i was blown away by the difference from the typical ipod buds i used to use. However, was it a $230+ difference? probably not. Don't get me wrong, they sound incredible, it's just I guess i'm not an audiophile, and wouldn't pay large amounts of money just to hear things a bit better. Now, in terms of sound quality and sound stage / positional audio, will the difference between the HD555's and the AD700's be like switching from conventional buds to my DJ1 Pro's? Or just a minor step up in which some audio n00b like me couldn't tell the difference between the two. I realize there's only a $9 difference between the two on Amazon, but I can't stress enough how important comfort is to me, especially considering my small head. Can anyone help me out here? Should I just buy the HD555's for the more enjoyable experience? Or get the AD700's for the apparent *EXCEPTIONAL* difference?
And also on a side note, I don't recall where I read this, but someone stated there was a small modification one could do to his HD555's to essentially turn them into HD595's. I think it had to do with pad replacements, because they mentioned HD555 and HD595 use the same size drivers.
This was ALOT to read, and thank you so much for actually reading it, *if you did lol* I greatly appreciate any and all comments and responses to my question. Thanks so much guys.
Dec 12, 2009 at 2:12 AM Post #2 of 49
I think the HD555 -> HD595 mod involved replacing the 555 drivers with 595 drivers, hence the mention of the drivers being the same size.

Also, have a look at this thread
and this one

Oh, and for a comparison between the HD555 and AD700 - Headphonic Forums | Australian Headphone Forums • View topic - Review: Audio Technica ATH-AD700 : "The Sennheiser HD555? No comparison. There is honestly NOTHING about the HD555 that should make you choose them over the AD700. The HD555 sounds dull and lifeless, even muffled at times, compared to the AD700. Separation and clarity are sadly lacking in the Sennheiser model, bass response is slow and wooly and treble detail is almost nonexistant. The AD700 makes the HD555 sound like a tired old man who's just run a 200m race. "

I'm sure opinions differ, however.
Dec 12, 2009 at 2:16 AM Post #3 of 49
get both. try them out, decide which one you like best, sell the other one, they do not depreciate that much really, keep the box and keep them in tip top shape. they are similar yet so different.
being small headed the "clamping" of the 555's may not be a factor, the 700's feel like you have two giant pillows on your head.

oh, and sorry about your wallet.
Dec 12, 2009 at 2:42 AM Post #4 of 49
Alright, thanks for the opinions so far. I honestly have considered getting both, but for the situation at hand, that would be nearly impossible. I need to get the card, $139 (auzen forte), and the headphone $80-$90 depending on which, for under $250. It's for Christmas so I would have to buy both headphones, try them on and them return the others for a complete refund, only thing is it depends on which ones I decide to ask for. Say I ask my girlfriend to get me the card and the AD700's, and I buy the HD555's myself. If I like the HD555's more and return the AD700's I wouldn't ask her to give me the cash for the AD700's and knowing her, she would feel obligated to get me something to replace the $90 gap. Basically what I mean is, I wouldn't want her to give me cash for the headphones I bought even if I did bring the ones she bought me back. I know this is really confusing and all, but it probably won't work out too well. And in regards to bcpk, thank you for the links to those threads, I appreciate you taking the time to do so. I just have one question, as i stated in the first post, i'm not much of an audiohphile, i'm just lookin for cans that are good for gaming. My DJ1 Pros are good, but the difference between them and regular ear buds to me honestly wasn't something of a miracle, it was just a bit nicer. Now, with that in mind does anyone here believe the difference between the HD555 and AD700 is so vast that it's like more of a difference than the traditional buds and my DJ1 Pro's? Otherwise I'll bite the bullet and just grab the HD555's for the comfort factor. I did read the post, but I would hate to bend and disfigure anything that expensive. Thanks again, and still I would appreciate any and all comments.
Dec 12, 2009 at 2:56 AM Post #5 of 49
After reading everything that I have about the 555s and Sennys in general, I really don't see how they could be better in any way than the AD700s.

I JUST performed the AD700 headband mod. It is very easy, and the fit has greatly improved. Not to mention I can hear the bass moreso than before, which is definitely a plus with these cans.

So if these are gonna be used at home and/or you're not afraid of looking like a conehead, then you really should choose the AD700s.
Dec 12, 2009 at 2:56 AM Post #6 of 49

Originally Posted by bcpk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think the HD555 -> HD595 mod involved replacing the 555 drivers with 595 drivers, hence the mention of the drivers being the same size.

The HD 555 and HD 595 utilize identical drivers. The HD555--->HD595 mod just involves removing a small rectangular piece of foam from inside the headphone capsule. If you're careful it's easily reversible.

I can't speak to the AD 700's. I will say the soundstage of the HD 555's is not *bad*, IMHO. It does improve pretty well with the mod.
Dec 12, 2009 at 3:02 AM Post #7 of 49

Originally Posted by checkzy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
After reading everything that I have about the 555s and Sennys in general, I really don't see how they could be better in any way than the AD700s.

I JUST performed the AD700 headband mod. It is very easy, and the fit has greatly improved. Not to mention I can hear the bass moreso than before, which is definitely a plus with these cans.

So if these are gonna be used at home and/or you're not afraid of looking like a conehead, then you really should choose the AD700s.

I know the Ad700's are superior in all aspects, but what i was asking was for someone with a small head like me who also happens to not be much of an audiophile because I can't seem to notice differences in headphones, would it be better to get the HD550's and be able to plug and play or get the AD700's and have to bend then compete with the oversized feeling they give on someone with small head. Honestly, I'm just so confused. I really just want to upgrade my pair of $15 logitech USB headset crapsters that run off my on board.

Oh and again thank you everyone for your input, as I said before it's really appreciated. I need many second opinions! XD
Dec 12, 2009 at 3:03 AM Post #8 of 49
Definately get the ATH-AD700, absolutely mind blowing for gaming. I used to do a lot of online gamine, like 6 hours a day, after school. The soundstage is huge and very accurate, they also are extremely comfortable and definately worth the price tag, heck, I paid $180aud for these and think they are a bargain. I use a X-Fi Elite Pro with them by the way.
Dec 12, 2009 at 3:05 AM Post #9 of 49

Originally Posted by dub Beatz /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I know the Ad700's are superior in all aspects, but what i was asking was for someone with a small head like me who also happens to not be much of an audiophile because I can't seem to notice differences in headphones, would it be better to get the HD550's and be able to plug and play or get the AD700's and have to bend then compete with the oversized feeling they give on someone with small head. Honestly, I'm just so confused. I really just want to upgrade my pair of $15 logitech USB headset crapsters that run off my on board.

Lol we posted at the same time. Anyway, I am certainly no audiophile and when I purchased the ATH-AD700 I was using Plantronics $40 headphones and I thought they were great, that was until i used the ATH-AD700. I am 15 years old and yes I do have a small head, don't worry about the fit.
Dec 12, 2009 at 3:06 AM Post #11 of 49

Originally Posted by stang /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Definately get the ATH-AD700, absolutely mind blowing for gaming. I used to do a lot of online gamine, like 6 hours a day, after school. The soundstage is huge and very accurate, they also are extremely comfortable and definately worth the price tag, heck, I paid $180aud for these and think they are a bargain. I use a X-Fi Elite Pro with them by the way.

Yeah, I hear they're incredible for gaming. Just thinking about them gets me excited. I actually just found out that there ARE a few local dealers. I'm going to call around a few places tomorrow and see if any of them will allow me to try a pair on. If they fit fine, i'll most definitely purchase them. The only reason I doubted them was because I couldn't try them myself before purchase and I would prefer not to have to mutilate the headphones for them to fit lol. But hey, if it works i'll give it a whirl
Dec 12, 2009 at 3:08 AM Post #12 of 49

Originally Posted by checkzy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The bending took me about 7 seconds, so whether or not you should get them for that reason is insignificant (or should be).

What was the problem with yours? Do you have a small head too? I just want to know if I will almost HAVE to bend them to like them. If so, from what you're saying I guess it isn't that bad, unless you don't want to look like a cone head. ROFL @ that comment.
Dec 12, 2009 at 3:09 AM Post #13 of 49

Originally Posted by stang /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Lol we posted at the same time. Anyway, I am certainly no audiophile and when I purchased the ATH-AD700 I was using Plantronics $40 headphones and I thought they were great, that was until i used the ATH-AD700. I am 15 years old and yes I do have a small head, don't worry about the fit.

haha, i noticed that. i think we posted at the same time twice, because i scrolled up and was like o.0, i don't remember that post. but hey, thanks for that man. It's nice to know i'm not the only one with a tiny head >.>
Dec 12, 2009 at 3:09 AM Post #14 of 49
I've never done the mod, never even heard of it actually. And yes, good idea to try the before you buy. I have never done this and have no problems.
Dec 12, 2009 at 3:17 AM Post #15 of 49

Originally Posted by dub Beatz /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What was the problem with yours? Do you have a small head too? I just want to know if I will almost HAVE to bend them to like them. If so, from what you're saying I guess it isn't that bad, unless you don't want to look like a cone head. ROFL @ that comment.

I have a narrow, lightbulb-ish shaped head (Thanks dad!).

As people have posted in other threads, the ear cups are just angled weird. The bottoms clamped on my jaw, and the tops didn't even touch my head (I could fit my pointing finger in the space between the cup and my head while barely touching either).

I don't know if all the other posters I've seen around have different shaped head, but the fit seems to be a very known (and easily fixable) problem with the AD700s.

You don't have to bend them, but if you want a better fit and slightly fuller bass then I wouldn't hesitate to get the AD700s.

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