Nov 3, 2024 at 11:55 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 18


New Head-Fier
Nov 2, 2024
Columbus OH
Hi guys!

So I'm torn as to which upgrade I should make to my system first that will make the biggest difference.

I'm between the Schiit Mjolnir 3 amplifier and Audeze LCD-X open-back headphones. Note that I will probably get one after the other one within 6-12 months.

Current Stack:
Beyerdynamic DT 1990 Pro (250ohm) (w/ Dekoni Sheepskin Pads)
Amplifier: Schiit Midgard
Pre-Amplifier: Schiit Freya+ (w/ Vintage Sylvania 6SN7 tubes)
DAC: Schiit Modius E
Streamer: Wiim Ultra
EQ: Schiit Loki Mini+
Phono Pre-Amplifier: Schiit Mani 2
Turntable: Pioneer PLX 1000 (w/ Ortofon 2m Bronze cartridge)

Factors to Consider:
  • My main goals are: warmth/musicality, clarity, dynamics, and soundstage. I want a product that doesn't make sacrifices in any of those categories ideally.
  • I want the same or better build quality of the DT 1990 Pro (leather, metal). I do not want predominately plastic or flimsy headphones
  • I'm relatively newer to higher end headphones (having only been using consumer products for most of my career with a greater emphasis on my 2 channel system) so perhaps I'm still applying what I've learned in that space to my headphones set-up too aggressively
  • Will the Schiit Mjolnir 3 provide a cost justified improvement over the Midgard? In what ways? And will the improvements be noticeable on either set of headphones?
  • Will the Audeze LCD-X provide a noticeable improvement over the DT 1990 Pro?
Thank you all so much for the help!
Nov 3, 2024 at 12:08 PM Post #2 of 18
The biggest change in sound will always come from a different transducer, in this case a new headphone.
  • My main goals are: warmth/musicality, clarity, dynamics, and soundstage. I want a product that doesn't make sacrifices in any of those categories ideally.
  • I want the same or better build quality of the DT 1990 Pro (leather, metal). I do not want predominately plastic or flimsy headphones
  • I'm relatively newer to higher end headphones (having only been using consumer products for most of my career with a greater emphasis on my 2 channel system) so perhaps I'm still applying what I've learned in that space to my headphones set-up too aggressively
I don't know what your budget is, or how far into this hobby you're will to go to get the sound you're after, but I would highly recommend checking out some of the offerings from ZMF. They offer everything you're looking for and then some.

Specifically, i'd check out the:
ZMF Auteur classic
ZMF Atrium open
ZMF Caldera open
Nov 3, 2024 at 12:14 PM Post #3 of 18
The biggest change in sound will always come from a different transducer, in this case a new headphone.

I don't know what your budget is, or how far into this hobby you're will to go to get the sound you're after, but I would highly recommend checking out some of the offerings from ZMF. They offer everything you're looking for and then some.

Specifically, i'd check out the:
ZMF Auteur classic
ZMF Atrium open
ZMF Caldera open
Sorry this double posted lol

I’d really like both products to equate to about $1500 a piece for this step in my journey!

Being that I’m currently using a $250 amp and $600 cans, I assumed a $1200 amp and $1200 headphones would create a solid jump.

That’s not to say I won’t invest more too (like with my 2 channel, I had to gradually work my way up to McIntosh for example lol)
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Nov 3, 2024 at 12:16 PM Post #4 of 18
I’d really like both products to equate to about $1500 a piece for this step in my journey!

Being that I’m currently using a $250 amp and $600 cans, I assumed a $1200 amp and $1200 headphones would create a solid jump.

That’s not to say I won’t invest more too (like with my 2 channel, I had to gradually work my way up to McIntosh for example lol)
Nov 3, 2024 at 12:23 PM Post #5 of 18
I’d really like both products to equate to about $1500 a piece for this step in my journey!

Being that I’m currently using a $250 amp and $600 cans, I assumed a $1200 amp and $1200 headphones would create a solid jump.

That’s not to say I won’t invest more too (like with my 2 channel, I had to gradually work my way up to McIntosh for example lol)
This hobby isn't always about throwing cash at it and having it turn out to be perfect. System synergy and personal preferences are about 95% of the equation. One of my favorite combos are my AKG K240 sextetts (100 bucks) plugged into my Sansui 881 (75 bucks)

If you have any soldering skills, pick up a Bottlehead Crack for a few hundred bucks, leaving plenty of cash leftover for some nice tubes, and then grab a used ZMF Atrium open. If you don't know how to solder there are shops on Etsy that sell pre-built Bottleheads for a reasonable price.

EDIT: ZMF headphones (except for Caldera and Bokeh) are high impedance (300 ohms) and the Bottlehead crack is an OTL amp, which only sound good with high impedance headphones.
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Nov 3, 2024 at 12:27 PM Post #6 of 18
This hobby isn't always about throwing cash at it and having it turn out to be perfect. System synergy and personal preferences are about 95% of the equation.

If you have any soldering skills, pick up a Bottlehead Crack for a few hundred bucks, leaving plenty of cash leftover for some nice tubes, and then grab a used ZMF Atrium open. If you don't know how to solder there are shops on Etsy that sell pre-built Bottleheads for a reasonable price.

EDIT: ZMF headphones (except for Caldera and Bokeh) are high impedance (300 ohms) and the Bottlehead crack is an OTL amp, which only sound good with high impedance headphones.
Agreed fully- I guess my point was more so that I’m willing to spend the dough if the upgrade is in line with my goals
Nov 3, 2024 at 3:52 PM Post #7 of 18
I have the 1990 and have had the Audeze LCD-DX, just sold a Dan Clark Stealth yesterday, so I've heard a range of things for the business. If I had your choice, I'd get a Hifiman Arya Stealth and SMSL H400 and call it a day. The H400 is amazing for planars, fun and dynamic. I've got two Topping A70Pro and the A90D discrete to compare it to. Just a huge value for money, and the Arya Stealth from Hifiman open box comes with an 18 month warranty if you like them on social media instead of the standard 12 months. Refurb and open box means it comes with new pads. Audeze is very nice, but not a good value for money. I'm getting another H400 next week. I sold it and immediately realized what a mistake it was. The A70Pro is excellent though, I just like the simplicity of the H400 and the transients like bass hits with planars.
Schiit makes cool stuff, I've got a Vali 3 here on the desk that came in yesterday, but would upgrade both for the same money at one time. Just my 2 cents.
Nov 4, 2024 at 12:36 PM Post #9 of 18
I'm probably in the minority here but $1500 + $1500 (for amp and cans) is $3k.

At that price point, I'd buy a $3k amp and keep the current cans.

Garbage in, garbage out.

My current headphone amp is $3k and my cans are like $200 on ebay.
Nov 4, 2024 at 12:45 PM Post #11 of 18
That was honestly my initial thinking!!
I agree with others here that the transducer will make the biggest difference to the sound, but I also think that the "end-game" cans should be your last purchase after getting the rest of your chain dialed in. When auditioning cans w/ an imperfect chain, great cans will often have undesirable outcomes because they reveal upstream flaws.

"These cans are harsh/bright"

No, they're just unforgiving and it's now obvious that your source and amp have weaknesses.

I took the same approach w/ speakers. My speakers are horns that are 102.5db at 1watt. If I bought them before investing in a great source, great pre-amp, and great amps, I would have been very unhappy with them.
Nov 4, 2024 at 12:54 PM Post #12 of 18
Can’t work with those dollars, don’t know that hp or amps. But just get 1 scalable hp, say hd800S 1600$ then it’s all about the amp from this day forward. (Ok neglect source. )So your good from 3 g amp to 30 g amp with hd800S, it scales. Now I’m sure there’s other hp, but the moral of this story. I amp what I amp.
Nov 4, 2024 at 1:24 PM Post #13 of 18
Can’t work with those dollars, don’t know that hp or amps. But just get 1 scalable hp, say hd800S 1600$ then it’s all about the amp from this day forward. (Ok neglect source. )So your good from 3 g amp to 30 g amp with hd800S, it scales. Now I’m sure there’s other hp, but the moral of this story. I amp what I amp.
"Scalable" is a dubious term.

Unless you're talking about something genuinely trash, virtually all cans will scale with better sources and amps.

Early in my head-fi journey, I once took a pair of Grados and a battery powered RA-1 to an audiophile shop and they let me hook them up to any and all sources in the store. The best/most expensive source absolutely made a massive difference despite my comparatively modest amp and cans.
Nov 4, 2024 at 1:48 PM Post #14 of 18
"Scalable" is a dubious term.

Unless you're talking about something genuinely trash, virtually all cans will scale with better sources and amps.

Early in my head-fi journey, I once took a pair of Grados and a battery powered RA-1 to an audiophile shop and they let me hook them up to any and all sources in the store. The best/most expensive source absolutely made a massive difference despite my comparatively modest amp and cans.
So you agree with me that hp can scale and hd800S by the by is really scaleable. I have #920 from 2016 that seen a few progressions in dacs and amps since then till now, each step a wow, that got better. Glad to help good luck
Nov 4, 2024 at 2:24 PM Post #15 of 18
So you agree with me that hp can scale and hd800S by the by is really scaleable. I have #920 from 2016 that seen a few progressions in dacs and amps since then till now, each step a wow, that got better. Glad to help good luck
Sure, but a much much cheaper pair of cans will also scale, so there's no need to invest $1600 in cans before embarking on building an excellent chain.

My cans cost $200 and they scale, too.

I'd argue that, since cans can vary SO widely in their presentation, they're a much more subjective purchase. A DAC or an amp w/ a "house sound" would be a flaw, IMO. They should aim to be as neutral, dynamic, resolving, and faithful as possible. If you have an excellent source and amp, then you're in a much better position to audition the house sounds of various headphone manufacturers. Your results will be very different than if you did that same audition w/ cheaper gear.

My cans are a great example. Most reviews of them are poor. People report that they're bright and harsh. This is a mistake. They're just extremely resolving and unforgiving. With a good upstream chain, they're outstanding. In fact, I take the position that they do a better job of letting your upstream gear shine for precisely this reason whereas many headphone manufacturers choose to make their products more forgiving of upstream flaws, resulting in lost potential and smaller perceived improvements when changes are made upstream.

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