Jul 16, 2013 at 4:14 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 20


100+ Head-Fier
Jan 26, 2011
Title says it all. My Shures just died (crappy cables) and I'd like to replace them with something a little less bright and with replaceable cables. My main concern is the quality of vocals as well as good isolation. I'm going with universals because I can't afford the really good customs ~$1000. I currently own the LCD-2 (rev2) and Edition8 and I love both sound signatures. I doubt universal in-ears will match those, but if I can get close, that's cool. I'll be using them mostly on my commute with a TTVJ Slim and iPod Classic, but occasionally I'll need to use them straight out of an iPhone. Before anyone tells me to do a search, I just don't have the time I did when I researched my other gear. I appreciate any suggestions, thanks
Jul 18, 2013 at 11:35 AM Post #2 of 20
2 days, 42 views, but no replies. Was it something I said? 
Jul 18, 2013 at 12:43 PM Post #3 of 20
Why not go for some decent customs? 1964 Ears has their V6 for ~650 if you're willing to go just out of your budget, and I've heard and read very good things about them. You'll most likely get superior isolation and vocal clarity through customs as well
Jul 18, 2013 at 1:04 PM Post #4 of 20
Thanks for your reply. If you factor in the cost of getting molds made, plus the fact that resale goes out the window(not to mention fit issues), it just becomes too expensive and not worth the trouble...for me. I've read on many of the custom threads people having to get re-molded multiple times before they got a good fit/seal. I know custom is the pinnacle of in-ears, but just don't have the patience or the money to go down that road. I've always liked my Shures over the years, but was frustrated with the quality of the cables as they would eventually start cutting out in one or both ears. Also, I knew there had to be some that were less bright. Right now, I'm leaning towards Heir Audio 5.0s, but I may settle for SE535s since I'm familiar with the sound signature and now they have replaceable cables. I'm still saving a bit, so any other recommendations or reasons I shouldn't go with any of my 2 current options are appreciated.
Jul 18, 2013 at 1:08 PM Post #5 of 20
Thanks for your reply. If you factor in the cost of getting molds made, plus the fact that resale goes out the window(not to mention fit issues), it just becomes too expensive and not worth the trouble...for me. I've read on many of the custom threads people having to get re-molded multiple times before they got a good fit/seal. I know custom is the pinnacle of in-ears, but just don't have the patience or the money to go down that road. I've always liked my Shures over the years, but was frustrated with the quality of the cables as they would eventually start cutting out in one or both ears. Also, I knew there had to be some that were less bright. Right now, I'm leaning towards Heir Audio 5.0s, but I may settle for SE535s since I'm familiar with the sound signature and now they have replaceable cables. I'm still saving a bit, so any other recommendations or reasons I shouldn't go with any of my 2 current options are appreciated.

I'm unsure of the 5.0...  I know that the previous Heir Audio offerings, albeit not bright, weren't the best contenders for true, powerful vocals that also were lush.  I don't know if the 5.0 fixed this issue or not though; but do be aware.  The SE535 has always been one that was well-accepted for good vocals here on Head-Fi.  Westone W4 and Phonak PFE232 come to mind here as well.  I'd also wait for further impressions of the HiFiMan RE600.  The 400s were great with vocals, hopefully the 600s will as well. 
FYI, 1964Ears does offer universal/generic models of their headphones.  You have to contact them directly (I think CS) to purchase a pair though. 
Jul 18, 2013 at 2:16 PM Post #6 of 20
Thanks for your reply. I'll look into some of your recommendations. So far, the RE600s are out because they don't have replaceable cables and I just can't deal with that anymore. I've seen many people with Westones on this site, so I'll give them a close look although I'm not sure if they have replaceable cables off the top of my head. Never heard of the Phonaks, but I'll give them a look. I will also look into universal version of the V6. Thanks again
Jul 18, 2013 at 2:44 PM Post #7 of 20
Thanks for your reply. I'll look into some of your recommendations. So far, the RE600s are out because they don't have replaceable cables and I just can't deal with that anymore. I've seen many people with Westones on this site, so I'll give them a close look although I'm not sure if they have replaceable cables off the top of my head. Never heard of the Phonaks, but I'll give them a look. I will also look into universal version of the V6. Thanks again

Westone W4R, UM3X RC, UM2X RC, Phonak PFE232 all have removable cables.  I would also add the Etymotic ER4 to the list, but they might be a bit bright for you.  Aurisonics are good for vocals as well. 
Jul 18, 2013 at 4:01 PM Post #8 of 20
Westone W4R, UM3X RC, UM2X RC, Phonak PFE232 all have removable cables.  I would also add the Etymotic ER4 to the list, but they might be a bit bright for you.  Aurisonics are good for vocals as well. 

Agreed on the ER4 recommendation, though only if the new ones indeed have replaceable cables still.  If so, you can get an adapter from ebay and plug in any Shure or Westone cable you want to.
Thanks for your reply. I'll look into some of your recommendations. So far, the RE600s are out because they don't have replaceable cables and I just can't deal with that anymore. I've seen many people with Westones on this site, so I'll give them a close look although I'm not sure if they have replaceable cables off the top of my head. Never heard of the Phonaks, but I'll give them a look. I will also look into universal version of the V6. Thanks again

Again, if the ER4 still offer replaceable cables, you can likely get the ER4-PT, the adapters, a ER4S resistance adapter, go with the Etymotic CustomFIT program to get custom tips (and still have the stock ones) and also get different cables and STILL be within your budget.  
I have only really tested Sony EX71s and some lowish end Shures in the past, but compared to the HD-650 and Grado SR125, I can say that the Etymotic ER4s hold their own EASILY in vocals with those alternatives.  
Jul 18, 2013 at 9:43 PM Post #9 of 20
I'm moving on from the se535 also and I have the Aurisonics ASG-2 in my sights. Pretty sure I will have one in my hand by next week. It has a 15mm full range dynamic and dual BA tweeters with no crossover. People seem to agree that it has a lush and warm/welcoming mid/vocal. It's $550 for the frost version with adjustable bass port and $650 for the stealth (black) version.
Jul 18, 2013 at 9:52 PM Post #10 of 20
I'm moving on from the se535 also and I have the Aurisonics ASG-2 in my sights. Pretty sure I will have one in my hand by next week. It has a 15mm full range dynamic and dual BA tweeters with no crossover. People seem to agree that it has a lush and warm/welcoming mid/vocal. It's $550 for the frost version with adjustable bass port and $650 for the stealth (black) version.

Just a small note - OP would need different cables or an adapter to use straight out of the iPhone, depending on the case, as it's a larger plug (like the UM3X from Westone).  
Jul 18, 2013 at 10:58 PM Post #12 of 20
It is, but it's a right angle plug and so it'll have issues slotting into a case depending on the clearance for the jack in the cut out. My guess is that most cases won't be able to accomodate the plug
Jul 18, 2013 at 11:21 PM Post #13 of 20
I'm moving on from the se535 also and I have the Aurisonics ASG-2 in my sights. Pretty sure I will have one in my hand by next week. It has a 15mm full range dynamic and dual BA tweeters with no crossover. People seem to agree that it has a lush and warm/welcoming mid/vocal. It's $550 for the frost version with adjustable bass port and $650 for the stealth (black) version.

Could you provide a link to the ASG-2s as I can't find them on Aurisonics site? As for the jack not working with a case, no worries as I'm not using a case, just a side-mounted holster. I have an email out to 1964 Ears for some info on V6 universals. I'd like to check out ASG-2s in the meantime. Thanks
Jul 18, 2013 at 11:30 PM Post #14 of 20
I'd recommend calling them if you're in the US, and failing that, email
Jul 19, 2013 at 2:57 AM Post #15 of 20
Could you provide a link to the ASG-2s as I can't find them on Aurisonics site? As for the jack not working with a case, no worries as I'm not using a case, just a side-mounted holster. I have an email out to 1964 Ears for some info on V6 universals. I'd like to check out ASG-2s in the meantime. Thanks

From what I read, it's not listed because they're changing their site soon so they didn't want to change it twice. Also they're fulfilling the preorders still I believe but you can contact them via email or calling. I've heard good things about their customer service.
Link to brochure.
I'd recommend calling them if you're in the US, and failing that, email


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