UK 2012 Head-Fi Meet - September 15th Cambridgeshire.

Sep 11, 2012 at 5:39 PM Post #1,276 of 1,381
Rats. The person I'm going with has had to drop out so I don't have a means of getting up there. I could get the train but I'd preferred to have booked a LOT earlier in advance as to save some £££. Is anyone from SE London going that I could haggle a lift from? I can also use my zones 1-6 travelcard to get to anywhere in London I could blag a lift from as well. Help!

I might be travelling to London on Friday, if I do I could certainly give a lift. By the way it's going to be SE London where I'll be heading if at all I am coming down. I'll let you by Thursday.
Sep 11, 2012 at 6:13 PM Post #1,277 of 1,381
Cheers! It'd be super appreciated. I'm in Orpington (BR5) - fairly easy to get to - I've been informed someone else may have a seat too (thanks Andy) but they're staying the night at the Travelodge and I have stuff planned for Sunday so I need to be back same-day.
Sep 12, 2012 at 4:25 AM Post #1,278 of 1,381
NOPE. They are £10 per garment regardless of who you are, as I don't discriminate!
Do sponsors get a FREE tee shirt then, make it large!
The TQ headphone amp is warmed up and ready for listening to on Saturday, I have to say it is stupendous even with a lowly set of HD600's. I even had to drive to a customers house this afternoon to get the loan set of HifiMan HE400's back off him
so I could listen with something decent. Tomorrow the HE6 arrives so I am looking forward to that, the amp takes a 3.5mm input and has 2 outputs on the front which will be great for me as 2 people can listen at once with different cans, and as I will have
2 amps at the show twice as much fun! 
So hoping to bring:-
Furutechs new Esprit DAC
Furutech GT40
Audiolab M-DAC Linear PSU (just launched and receiving excellent reviews already)
Squeezebox Touch + Linear PSU (hifi chocie 5 star awarded product)
Canor Headphone Amplifier
Canor Tube CD Player
and some special offers on mains goodies!

Sep 12, 2012 at 6:04 AM Post #1,279 of 1,381
Wearing a pair of headphones distracts viewers from one's gormless expression (ref my photo) but there's always the possibility of looking like a chipmunk instead!  

Haha, thats my look, i call it Red Velvet :P
Ive yet to work out how to smile in pictures without looking slightly braindamaged.

Sep 12, 2012 at 9:44 AM Post #1,280 of 1,381
Hi Andy
A quick word as you are obviously busy.Firstly,apologises for hijacking this forum for my own purpose .Together with info sourced from here and other Head-fi forums,my Headphone listening experience has moved up several notches.(without even attending the meet!!).For years,I'd not believed there was a dedicated Headphone 'scene' in the UK but I was obviously wrong!
Thanks for your input and best wishes for Sat.(If I can't get there).PS.  Tubes -another world and yes,I will  contact Steve at MullardMagic.
Sep 12, 2012 at 10:17 AM Post #1,281 of 1,381
Glad that we could assist you. Do try to make the meet on Saturday, as it's unlikely that you'll ever find such a diverse selection of headphones and equipment together under the same roof again.
P.S. Steve is a great bloke and knows his onions .
Hi Andy
A quick word as you are obviously busy.Firstly,apologises for hijacking this forum for my own purpose .Together with info sourced from here and other Head-fi forums,my Headphone listening experience has moved up several notches.(without even attending the meet!!).For years,I'd not believed there was a dedicated Headphone 'scene' in the UK but I was obviously wrong!
Thanks for your input and best wishes for Sat.(If I can't get there).PS.  Tubes -another world and yes,I will  contact Steve at MullardMagic.

Sep 12, 2012 at 11:44 AM Post #1,282 of 1,381
I will be travelling from Stockport, so if anyone fancies a lift and perhaps chip in towards the fuel, send me a pm.
My route will take me over the pennines ( woodhead pass ), M1 to A57 then cutting across to the A1. The A1 will carry me most of the way down.
Will be in my Astravan so only room for one, but loads of room in the back for your audio goodies.
Sep 13, 2012 at 7:06 AM Post #1,285 of 1,381
nickosiris & MartinM,
Sorry to hear that you guys can't make the event as I was looking forward to meeting you all. Hopefully you'll both be able to attend next years event.
Not coming after all either.
Scrub anything I said I'd bring along.
Would have liked to have been there, but you know how s**t happens.
Hope everyone has a great time.

Sep 13, 2012 at 8:49 AM Post #1,286 of 1,381
Cheers! It'd be super appreciated. I'm in Orpington (BR5) - fairly easy to get to - I've been informed someone else may have a seat too (thanks Andy) but they're staying the night at the Travelodge and I have stuff planned for Sunday so I need to be back same-day.

Hey, I am sorry but I'll driving to Cambridge from Coventry so I am not going to be in London the day before as I said. I think you're OK for a lift from Andy whilst getting there I believe. I might be able to take you back to London provided you are OK to sit in a 3 door Polo along with me and my wife.
Sep 13, 2012 at 11:06 AM Post #1,288 of 1,381
alvin sawdust,
Nope. It's definitely someone else's turn next year. 
Lol, are you already planning a meet next year Andy?

Sep 13, 2012 at 11:18 AM Post #1,290 of 1,381
No probs Ven - Andy informed me about someone else who could possibly give me a lift up there rather than it being himself... worst comes to worst I can get the train but that means not brining much gear (especially not the NAD it's huge and heavy!) and I'd like to bring it... I'll see if I can get a friend to do something 'crazy' for a day and ruin their perception of their iPod buds or something.
Hey, I am sorry but I'll driving to Cambridge from Coventry so I am not going to be in London the day before as I said. I think you're OK for a lift from Andy whilst getting there I believe. I might be able to take you back to London provided you are OK to sit in a 3 door Polo along with me and my wife.


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