Here is Xmas in September, just for you

Here is Xmas in September, just for you
Read your review on the Westone ES80 and now I'm wondering if these could replace my etymotic er4sr as my daily more comfortable driver and first CIEM. What do you think? Any other CIEM you consider to be good replacement as a more comfy Etymotic (SQ detail, nice vocals) meets Campfire Andromeda (soundstage and holographic presentation) sound or should I be good with the Westone ES80?
Sorry, I'm not familiar at all with the sound of ER4SR to be able to compare these two. If Ety going to be at CanJam NYC next month, maybe I will try to stop by and take a listen, though can't guarantee that either because my ears can't handle double/triple flange eartips which are "requirement" with Etys.
Will you be getting a FiiO M11 to review?