Tube Vs. Solid State...good analogy?
Dec 30, 2002 at 7:40 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 4


10 Year Member. Still no custom title.
Feb 26, 2002
I am interested in maybe trying tube amps....after telling myself over the past year that they are too inaccurate.

I am currently looking into the Wheatfield (the one HR sells). My phones by the way are Ety ER4.

Anyway, is this a good analogy for tube amps:

Tube amps sound like you are singing in the shower - solid state out of the shower.

Good? I mainly listen to movie soundtracks.
Dec 30, 2002 at 2:09 PM Post #2 of 4

Originally posted by Czilla9000
Tube amps sound like you are singing in the shower - solid state out of the shower.

analogies like this are what causes so many problems on forums like this. people think "gee, it's tubed! it's gotta have a 'tubey' sound then!" when they haven't actually heard the damn thing.

i like to think that each amp sounds like it sounds. sometimes a tube amp is nice, sometimes a solid-state is nice, but i have to hear each of them before passing judgement. just my opinion though.
Dec 31, 2002 at 5:09 AM Post #3 of 4
I agree with Gingrich. There are tube amps that sound bright and there are solid state amps that sound rolled off and veiled. It's all in the implementation.
Dec 31, 2002 at 4:03 PM Post #4 of 4
Tubes - sliky midrange with flabby bass and rolled off highs
SS- strong bass (compared to tubes) extended highs (but brittle compared to tubes) and dry midrange (also compared to tubes)

This may have been the case in the 70s but we have come a long way since then.

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