Trouble in Paradise

Sep 25, 2024 at 9:47 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


New Head-Fier
Dec 31, 2021
Mesa, Arizona
Hey guys, I am having issues with a purchase I've made.

So last week I ended up purchasing a used pair of ZMF Auteur Classic that came in almost a week ago. I've been listening to them for a couple of days and it's like. I genuinely do love how these sound, I love hearing a little rumble in my bass, I love how non fatiguing it is. That's my favorite thing about them is that I can wear them for hours on end and not get tired of them. I love the warmth and tonality to everything. It's a great headphone, the only thing is I feel uncomfortable for the price bracket that it is in even used since the resale is so good on these.

This was made worse by me going back to my HD6XX and loving those again. I enjoy the mids on that thing so much the only issue is the fact that the bass for more energetic music just doesn't feel good. But everything else is great. Now comes to the part that I am wondering about.

I am probably going to sell the zmf's no matter what. So, is there something that honestly, hits that zmf/6xx itch that is in the inbetween of them in price like that 600-800 range used. Like I've looked at the Focal Clears, the Hadenys, LCD 2, LCD-2C, LCD-X, and the Arya Stealth. I've owned the LCD-2C but the leather got to me so I couldn't really enjoy them, would have to do an earpad swap on those if i did those again. I guess I just prefer a warmer signature overall while still being able to retain detail. I mostly listen to jpop, hip hop, and technical death metal.

Sorry about the ramble, but this has been bugging me all week honestly.
Sep 26, 2024 at 11:41 AM Post #2 of 6
The Aeolus might have been a better fit.
Sep 27, 2024 at 11:35 PM Post #3 of 6
I'd steer clear of hifiman if you want a non-fatiguing sound. I sold the arya and XS because of the highs.

I'd lean towards a Focal. I have the Elex and Celestee currently which I love. Really good energy with metal, not super wide (prefer more intimate soundstage for metal).
Sep 28, 2024 at 7:15 PM Post #4 of 6
I had a lot of the Focal lineup, Clear OG, Elex, Utopia, and they're all fatiguing. I can listen to them maybe 30 minutes tops then I gotta take them off. With a smoother upstream chain you can get rid of some of the fatigue, and EQ helps a little bit, but if fatigue-free is a priority I'd look elsewhere.

I doubt you're going to find anything that's much better than what you've already got, but maybe velour pads on an LCD2 (aren't vegan pads velour? I think there's a way to get them again) and some EQ can get you there. Otherwise, this is about as good as it'll get. I think people were comparing the new Aune AR5000 to an HD650 and it does have more extended bass but I never heard it.

I do like the new Stax X1 with a bit of EQ for a warm signature while retaining detail, but estats aren't the best for hip hop and estat amps are going to be expensive. However that's the headphone that has taken over 90% of listening for me from the HD650 and only when I want something a bit more upfront do I switch to anything else. However with no EQ it's a bit bright, and while the bass is solid it's no basshead. On the flip side it's an entirely different level of resolution from pretty much anything non-estat.
Nov 1, 2024 at 11:23 AM Post #5 of 6
Honestly, thank you guys for the advice. Wanted to give an update on my situation.

Right after this I bought arya organic to try it out and see how that is. I loved that thing. Like it made me feel emotional listening to music which is weird since I'm sure planars aren't really good at that? I could be wrong though. However, whenever I was using it there was this weird rumble going on randomly even if the headphone was unplugged. This is due to the ceiling fan in my room blowing air and being right above me. I turned around and then the rumble would be in the other ear. This drove me insane to the point where I returned the Organics. Also in this time frame I ended up having a bigger budget so i can now take a look at stuff like the E3 and such. Though part of me does want to go back to the auteur again. But part of me wants to experiment and see what else is out there. I want that emotional feeling again when it comes to music to just enjoy music and be able to enjoy it for long periods of time. Wish that rumble issue wasn't in the organics because I would have kept them for sure. I thought I wasn't a bright appreciative person but I guess this changes things?
Nov 1, 2024 at 11:35 AM Post #6 of 6
If you already liked the Auteur, then the Atrium open would be the right choice if you want it to be warm and relaxed and at the same time enveloping.
DervAtrium is more like Auteur and Aeolus combined, roughly speaking, but with a much finer resolution, similar to Auteur, with bass from Aeolus.
If you want the same with more sub bass then Atrium closed.

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