Jun 30, 2017 at 11:35 PM Post #19,111 of 24,683
The following is a quote from Jake when I asked him to compare the hunter and Icarus line.

" The Hunter overpowers by a small fraction the Icarus III although the Icarus has a tougher cable design. The Icarus IV will be the powerful IEM. "

If the following above statement is true it may be that the entire phantom lineup was heavily mispriced in terms of MSRP. Considering that the Icarus iii was selling for only something like 60-70 GBP (can't remember exact discount price), this could be the wild card that you spoke of that offers considerable bang for buck like the Atlas Delta that many came to grow and love.

One thing remains to be answered. Just how "powerful" will the Icarus iv be considering it is the first IEM that goes against previous Trinity statements that it is unnecessary? Will it be better than the TOTL hunter?

I really look forward to getting them all the IEM's from Trinity so I can do a full scale comparison between Hyperion, PM4, Master, Icarus III & IV, and Hunter that I still have coming.
That is a comparision one day someone can make.

Though a second possibility is that Jake is toying with you and just saying that to get you preorder now!
Jul 1, 2017 at 3:23 AM Post #19,115 of 24,683
I do have both Vyrus I&II. But probably asking me for the differences is similar to getting a review by Elmer Fudd. I do find the Vyrus II to have a much bigger and cleaner sound though.
Just got my Hunter back from being repaired earlier this afternoon. Except that those I received are a completely different pair. I can easily tell because of the heat treating compared to my original pair. Not a problem. All I can say is WOW what a dramatic differance from my original pair. Every single bit of distortion is completely eliminated. The sound is so much more clearer. I am so happy I sent the originals in now as I was debating wether to. Really loving my Hunter now!
So your comparison would have a bunch of W's thrown in? :P

Hooray! You've got a unit working as it should now! If you haven't already, you can check out my review after you've given your set a little more headtime and see how your views line up with mine :D

The following is a quote from Jake when I asked him to compare the Hunter and Icarus line.
" The Hunter overpowers by a small fraction the Icarus III although the Icarus has a tougher cable design. The Icarus IV will be the powerful IEM. "
If the above statement is true it may be that the entire phantom lineup was heavily mispriced in terms of MSRP. Considering that the Icarus III was selling for only something like 60-70 GBP (can't remember exact discount price), this could be the wild card that you spoke of that offers considerable bang for buck like the Atlas Delta that many came to grow and love.
One thing remains to be answered. Just how "powerful" will the Icarus IV be considering it is the first IEM that goes against previous Trinity philosophy that it is unnecessary? Will it be better than the TOTL Hunter? "The Icarus IV will be the powerful IEM" seems to allude to fact that it will be superior to the current Hunter.
I really look forward to getting them all the IEM's from Trinity so I can do a full scale comparison between Hyperion, PM4, Master, Icarus III & IV, and Hunter that I still have coming.
Well, I can already say that one of those lines is facetious, though unintentionally so. The Icarus is obviously going to have the (in their eyes) tougher cable design because the Icarus line already uses their chosen y-split design while all Hunters and PM6s sent out so far are 2-pin (NOT industry standard as I made note of in my review). I'd wager there's a good chance they'd say the cables on the Vyrus 2 are tougher for the same reason since the Master and Icarus lineup all share the same y-split cable design (Vyrus 2 doesn't detach at the y-split, but otherwise the cabling is identical to pricier IEMs). And future production batches of the Hunter and PM6 are supposed to follow with the same y-split cable design. Assuming they continue to produce another batch of each, but who knows with their IEM product life spans; the Hyperion is the only IEM that remains from the launch lineup from 2 years ago and it and the OG Delta were the only IEMs they ever produced that remained in the product stack for more than a year. Some didn't make it longer than a year (Atlas, Delta V2, Vyrus 1), a couple were discontinued immediately after they all shipped (Sabre, PM4), and one seems to have been discontinued before anyone even got a set (Atlas-Delta). Wish they'd learn to space out their releases better.

But the Icarus line will need to be watched. I'm not sure why Bob ever claimed a crossover network was unnecessary, but if he can make an IEM sound the way the Hunters do without a crossover network, think of what he could make the Icarus IV do with a crossover network. You interpreted my thoughts about the wildcard correctly; just what is the Icarus line going to be capable of? The Icarus III is the first product to showcase two completely new drivers in their inventory (enlarged dual-coil and second gen BA) and the Icarus IV is so far the top of the Icarus line and the first Trinity IEM to have a crossover network, announced maybe 6 months or so after he claimed that crossovers were totally unnecessary. I may not have bought either of the new Icarus IEMs because this recent buying experience hasn't been good in any way, but that doesn't mean I can't be interested in what this new IEM lineup can do.
Jul 1, 2017 at 3:31 AM Post #19,116 of 24,683
So your comparison would have a bunch of W's thrown in? :p

Hooray! You've got a unit working as it should now! If you haven't already, you can check out my review after you've given your set a little more headtime and see how your views line up with mine :D

Well, I can already say that one of those lines is facetious, though unintentionally so. The Icarus is obviously going to have the (in their eyes) tougher cable design because the Icarus line already uses their chosen y-split design while all Hunters and PM6s sent out so far are 2-pin (NOT industry standard as I made note of in my review). I'd wager there's a good chance they'd say the cables on the Vyrus 2 are tougher for the same reason since the Master and Icarus lineup all share the same y-split cable design (Vyrus 2 doesn't detach at the y-split, but otherwise the cabling is identical to pricier IEMs). And future production batches of the Hunter and PM6 are supposed to follow with the same y-split cable design. Assuming they continue to produce another batch of each, but who knows with their IEM product life spans; the Hyperion is the only IEM that remains from the launch lineup from 2 years ago and it and the OG Delta were the only IEMs they ever produced that remained in the product stack for more than a year. Some didn't make it longer than a year (Atlas, Delta V2, Vyrus 1), a couple were discontinued immediately after they all shipped (Sabre, PM4), and one seems to have been discontinued before anyone even got a set (Atlas-Delta). Wish they'd learn to space out their releases better.

But the Icarus line will need to be watched. I'm not sure why Bob ever claimed a crossover network was unnecessary, but if he can make an IEM sound the way the Hunters do without a crossover network, think of what he could make the Icarus IV do with a crossover network. You interpreted my thoughts about the wildcard correctly; just what is the Icarus line going to be capable of? The Icarus III is the first product to showcase two completely new drivers in their inventory (enlarged dual-coil and second gen BA) and the Icarus IV is so far the top of the Icarus line and the first Trinity IEM to have a crossover network, announced maybe 6 months or so after he claimed that crossovers were totally unnecessary. I may not have bought either of the new Icarus IEMs because this recent buying experience hasn't been good in any way, but that doesn't mean I can't be interested in what this new IEM lineup can do.

I'll let ya know if I ever receive an Icarus IV...

[rant]yeah, I stupidly bought into this pre-order on a drunk impulse and now don't care enough to bother with attempting a refund because honestly I just don't give a **** about any of this any more. Lol!
Jul 1, 2017 at 7:33 AM Post #19,118 of 24,683
I think I haven't posted on here for a while, and it's sad to see some people with whom I've got along very well leaving or at the point of leaving..

Just to update on my side of things, I own PM4 and had PM6 on pre-order. My friend lent me a pair of the Master and Trinity Bob had lent me a demo set of the Hunter.
Meanwhile, my reasonable sounding, but rather broken budget DAP (xDuoo X3) was acting up.
I'd received a demo Aune M1s for review purposes and for me it was like an upgraded version of the neutral reference sound signature of the xDuoo X3.

I am treble sensitive, and had occasional issues with PM4 and even with Master from time to time, although I did feel it was a marked improvement over the PM4 in terms of coherence and treble, although still with some issues for me.

Oh, and meanwhile, in the time since I pre-ordered the PM6, I got the Noble Katana, a TOLT IEM (acronyms FTW!) :D
It does analytical and reference beautifully (and can hit hard with bass where it's naturally present), but without any of the shortcomings or issues I'd found on the Trinity IEM's.
That's not a criticism of Trinity; we're talking about an IEM that costs 10-15 times the ones I'm comparing it against :p

With all this in mind, and hearing the few impressions of the PM6, I was becoming concerned that perhaps my requirements had changed since I first ordered.
I now had the 'analytical/reference' tuning niche covered by the Katana.
But what I wouldn't mind having was a more fun, musical sounding IEM that could provide powerful, tactile dynamic driver bass for using on the go or when I had the mood to rock :)

So I had a cordial and respectful chat with Jake (and Bob, via Jake), and they kindly agreed to let me change my PM6 order to the Icarus IV :)

So, I'm waiting on that. I'm not in a dire hurry because I'm fortunate enough to have good options in the meantime.

Finally, I recently received the new Shozy Alien+ DAP.
It's a very different beast from my xDuoo X3 (or the Aune M1s).
It's more musical, dynamic, engaging, but still with amazing detail and transparency. And it's got lovely soundstage and separation too.
I'm only at the beginning of burning it in (a lot of high grade capacitors in this thing), so I'm excited to see how it evolves!
I'd read that hybrid IEM's really benefit from less than 1 Ohm output impedence and lots of power.
This thing has astonishing bucket-loads of power, like having a separate amp plugged in.

I mention this because I've only been listening with the Katana so far, but it occurs to me this could bring out a new dimension in the sound of my Trinity IEM's.
So over the next few days, I'm going to try to do some testing with the Master and PM4 and demo Hunter and see what I find :)

Anyway, for those that care, that's what's been going on with me (audiophile-wise) and what's coming up.
For those that don't care, apologies for such a long post :p
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Jul 1, 2017 at 8:35 AM Post #19,119 of 24,683
Well i had a refund on my delta earlier so they are listening.
Im not going to rant on about lack of communication, everyone already knows my views.
I had requested a refund on my hunter as well yesterday as I was not happy with no delta refund and also as I said lack of communication At this present moment i have not recieved my hunter refund or any response from trinity, just the delta refund.

I just want to say thank you to trinity for refunding my delta it is appreciated, I still don't like the lack of honest communication but you clearly have your reasons however much i disagree or dont understand so I will see how it gos this week, I.e refund or product and reivaluate from there.
At the moment I'm still in the game it seems.
Looks like I may be still here for a bit guys lol.
Jul 1, 2017 at 10:19 AM Post #19,120 of 24,683
Well i had a refund on my delta earlier so they are listening.
Im not going to rant on about lack of communication, everyone already knows my views.
I had requested a refund on my hunter as well yesterday as I was not happy with no delta refund and also as I said lack of communication At this present moment i have not recieved my hunter refund or any response from trinity, just the delta refund.

I just want to say thank you to trinity for refunding my delta it is appreciated, I still don't like the lack of honest communication but you clearly have your reasons however much i disagree or dont understand so I will see how it gos this week, I.e refund or product and reivaluate from there.
At the moment I'm still in the game it seems.
Looks like I may be still here for a bit guys lol.
Lol Karendar isn't going to give them a smackdown afterall.

Just imagine his reaction if they refunded your hunter.
Jul 1, 2017 at 10:24 AM Post #19,121 of 24,683
I think I haven't posted on here for a while, and it's sad to see some people with whom I've got along very well leaving or at the point of leaving..

Just to update on my side of things, I own PM4 and had PM6 on pre-order. My friend lent me a pair of the Master and Trinity Bob had lent me a demo set of the Hunter.
Meanwhile, my reasonable sounding, but rather broken budget DAP (xDuoo X3) was acting up.
I'd received a demo Aune M1s for review purposes and for me it was like an upgraded version of the neutral reference sound signature of the xDuoo X3.

I am treble sensitive, and had occasional issues with PM4 and even with Master from time to time, although I did feel it was a marked improvement over the PM4 in terms of coherence and treble, although still with some issues for me.

Oh, and meanwhile, in the time since I pre-ordered the PM6, I got the Noble Katana, a TOLT IEM (acronyms FTW!) :D
It does analytical and reference beautifully (and can hit hard with bass where it's naturally present), but without any of the shortcomings or issues I'd found on the Trinity IEM's.
That's not a criticism of Trinity; we're talking about an IEM that costs 10-15 times the ones I'm comparing it against :p

With all this in mind, and hearing the few impressions of the PM6, I was becoming concerned that perhaps my requirements had changed since I first ordered.
I now had the 'analytical/reference' tuning niche covered by the Katana.
But what I wouldn't mind having was a more fun, musical sounding IEM that could provide powerful, tactile dynamic driver bass for using on the go or when I had the mood to rock :)

So I had a cordial and respectful chat with Jake (and Bob, via Jake), and they kindly agreed to let me change my PM6 order to the Icarus IV :)

So, I'm waiting on that. I'm not in a dire hurry because I'm fortunate enough to have good options in the meantime.

Finally, I recently received the new Shozy Alien+ DAP.
It's a very different beast from my xDuoo X3 (or the Aune M1s).
It's more musical, dynamic, engaging, but still with amazing detail and transparency. And it's got lovely soundstage and separation too.
I'm only at the beginning of burning it in (a lot of high grade capacitors in this thing), so I'm excited to see how it evolves!
I'd read that hybrid IEM's really benefit from less than 1 Ohm output impedence and lots of power.
This thing has astonishing bucket-loads of power, like having a separate amp plugged in.

I mention this because I've only been listening with the Katana so far, but it occurs to me this could bring out a new dimension in the sound of my Trinity IEM's.
So over the next few days, I'm going to try to do some testing with the Master and PM4 and demo Hunter and see what I find :)

Anyway, for those that care, that's what's been going on with me (audiophile-wise) and what's coming up.
For those that don't care, apologies for such a long post :p
It's got panasonic capacitors, tantalum capacitors, sanyo capacitors. I fear Shozy Alien + could explode if something went wrong :p
Jul 1, 2017 at 10:32 AM Post #19,122 of 24,683
It's got panasonic capacitors, tantalum capacitors, sanyo capacitors. I fear Shozy Alien + could explode if something went wrong :p
That's taking 'dynamic sound' a bit far lol.
At least I'd die with a smile on my face :p
And that goes some way to explaining why this thing sounds so good :D
Jul 1, 2017 at 10:43 AM Post #19,124 of 24,683
Lol Karendar isn't going to give them a smackdown afterall.

Just imagine his reaction if they refunded your hunter.

Yeah, my delta refund obviously is less than the hunter owed but i still have my PayPal protection on the hunter , it had virtually run out on the delta..they are listening just wish they would communicate honestly about situations.
I was genuinely gutted yesterday when I felt i had to cancel my hunter, love my master and sabre and with remiam7,s returned hunter and his happiness at the result I was a little envious.
They still might be cancelled i have not communicated with trinity any more since my refunds requests , I still feel the same and still not happy with the lack of real true information but I will give a little more time but unless I start seeing some movement very very soon I will be emailing again and pushing my refund if not already going through.

As I said I love my master and my sabre and genuinely want trinity to pull through this and succeed but up to them realy.

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