Beats me.
The UD100 is a DAC only. Why would you stick your headphones directly into a DAC?
Beats me.
The UD100 is a DAC only. Why would you stick your headphones directly into a DAC?
Why don't you grab a little fiio e5 or e6 amp instead of an attenuator?
A UD100 heatshrink with another color:
stock Android-powered Samsung Galaxy S III > digital USB audio out >> UD100 >> Sennheiser IE80
hello i'm quite interested in this small DAC to test it. Anybody knows where to buy it???
Thanks in advance
anyone order one recently? i tried facebook and his email.... been a few days
anyone order one recently? i tried facebook and his email.... been a few days
going to get the S4 and would like something truly portable.
Does anyone know if the Hifimediy Sabre DAC works with 2.1 active speakers connecting to a macbook air?
Thanks a million
FWIW, check out this thread....supposedly there are 'problems' with the design of some of the HiFimed dacs (as well as the ODAC), and fixes are discussed. I guess whether one thinks there are problems might depend upon whether you believe all dacs/chips perform about the same, jitter is irrelevant, etc.
I do not have the technical background to weigh in, nor do I want to start an "objectivist" vs "subjectivist" flame-war.....
Thing is a DAC is not designed the output the correct signal level for any speakers / headphones / in ears etc. An 'amplifier' is required not to 'amplify' or enlarge the signal, but rather to adjust the signal so the gain is correct - at a certain range of course.
So if you do choose to go with the UD100, I would advice you to get an amp - yes even an E6. And yes alternatively you can try source a E10 which is a DAC + amp in itself.
Yes this is partially correct. You might have an easily driven pair of headphones or IEMs, but you will still need an amp to attenuate the signal.
Speakers on the other hand usually has built in amps in them. Unless you're using passive speakers, you shouldn't add an amp between the speakers and the DAC. For passive speakers you need speaker amps.