Think My Sansa Fuse as Blown gasket?
Feb 12, 2010 at 11:10 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 15


100+ Head-Fier
Aug 15, 2006
It as being a while since my last post...
and I had hoped I would not have to post about a possible terminal problem with my Sansa fuse 8gb...
This is a superb Mp3 player no complaints at all....

I think I destroyed the player myself?I have one of those mains~USB chargers
and up to last night it charged my sansa like a dream ,no problems.
But this morning the sansa is dead as can be.?have tried everything and nothing!!

I think it could well have being because I was listening to an Audio~Book whilst charging the player!!! I am no expert not even at a basic level but I suspect I have overloaded something..

I was hoping more expert members than I could possibly offer there thoughts and advice..on the matter.

If need be I will re-purchase a new Mp3 together with new phones and head advice on this appreciated also(I did not own good phones or head amp)

but for the moment I thank you in advance

all the very best Steve
Feb 12, 2010 at 2:20 PM Post #3 of 15
Hello Sparkey
Many thanks for your reply,,,I must admit I really have no idea what caused it..all I know this was the very first time I had listed to the MP3 whilst it was charging from the Mains to usb >Got me beat!
Hope we can sort it out or I will go for anew one

all the best Steve
Feb 12, 2010 at 2:22 PM Post #4 of 15
Is the charger cable loose? I've noticed sometimes with my cell phone that if there's a bad connection with the USB cable it can actually drain the battery instead of charging it. Wake up - no phone - fun times.
Maybe you should try charging it again, making sure the plug is seated well.
Feb 12, 2010 at 2:38 PM Post #5 of 15
Hi Userlander
Good of you to try to help much obliged to you...
I have tried several times to recharge the unit..and done what you suggest even used two differnet snasa fuse cables...there is nothing plugging in via usb on laptop but I have just now plugged it in via this mains usb charger and even before I plugged in to wall socket..The red light on the wall charger came on and remained on showing me at least power is going from the Fuse to the charger???

any suggestions as to what is causing this

cheers Steve
Feb 12, 2010 at 2:48 PM Post #6 of 15

Originally Posted by norskman /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hi Userlander
Good of you to try to help much obliged to you...
I have tried several times to recharge the unit..and done what you suggest even used two differnet snasa fuse cables...there is nothing plugging in via usb on laptop but I have just now plugged it in via this mains usb charger and even before I plugged in to wall socket..The red light on the wall charger came on and remained on showing me at least power is going from the Fuse to the charger???

any suggestions as to what is causing this

cheers Steve

Maybe the wall socket is too much power for it? I don't have a manual, and I don't know if sansa recommends that method or not. Maybe let it sit for a few hours to see if it discharges at all, and then try to charge it again via the computer only.

Have you held the Clip power switch on long enough to start it? Sometimes that can take longer than you expect.
Feb 12, 2010 at 3:36 PM Post #7 of 15
Hi Userlander
Have now tried your suggestions and no response as yet I will leave the fuse and see if it discharges...
as I said earlier the fuse as being chraged up by this mains /usb chagre for quite a while with no problem.That said I am not sure if Sandisk would recommend this method?
I have kept the finger on the clip power switch for ages but nothing.

anyway we will see ahow it goes

all the best Steve
Feb 12, 2010 at 4:16 PM Post #10 of 15
Hi Sparky & userlander

No it is not under warrenty regretttably.
I have tried the Fuse with a new cable and two pcs and still nothing
am waiting to see if it discharges during the day....

many thanks once again Steve
Feb 12, 2010 at 4:21 PM Post #11 of 15
I am looking at two possibilities here:

1. Faulty Switch
2. Blown Circuit Board


1. have you tried pluggin it into the PC ?
2. Have you tried to blow the switch, prob bit of dust in the contacts.
Feb 12, 2010 at 5:13 PM Post #12 of 15
Hi Ther many thanks for your imput I have tried blowing the dust away..and I have tried new cable in two Pc`s but not a flicker of life as yet

keep the suggestions coming all the best Steve
Feb 13, 2010 at 5:16 PM Post #14 of 15
The Fuse lives!! Long live the Fuse!!!

I did what was suggested and let the fuse discharge itself through the Mains usb charger (unplugged?) and it took a while but it worked and now it is just recharging via laptop not the mains/Usb charger (I purchased from China)am so pleased as I love the sandisk very much it is superb..and every bit as good as my humble opinion

all the best guys and thanks for all the help

cheers Steve

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