The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

Jan 22, 2025 at 10:39 AM Post #101,777 of 102,986
Out of that list - I've only experienced the following, I own them both:

Thieaudio Origin - 8/10
Dunu DaVinci - 6/10

The more I listen to the Origin, the less I enjoy the DaVinci, it is a good IEM, comparatively though, it is not in the same class as the Origin in my opinion. The reason I ranked the Origin at an 8 is because, with some of my music, it can be too bassy. This coming from a bass lover.
I didn’t realise the origin was that big down low. The BC driver is very interesting, even if it’s not for the bass freq, which I thought all bone conductor drivers were.
Jan 22, 2025 at 12:09 PM Post #101,778 of 102,986
Yep! Synthesis 4 wire, then Blue Hour 2W cable and impedance adapter. Realistically I have no clue how long I will be able to tolerate it because I am sort of over that huge bass sound but I know I am going to have some fun with it for sure.
Pls post comparison between synthesis and blue hour later

IMO blue hour cut treble or something so high freq not extend like usual
Jan 22, 2025 at 12:11 PM Post #101,779 of 102,986
As a Fugaku owner, I actually think the Mason ST might be better for you, based on your criteria. Have you tried it?
That would probably mean a trip East. Not sure if they can be demoed in Europe.

Knowing your preferences (at least somewhat) really cant wait to hear it. My dealer might have a demo soon.
What do you mean? You're joining again in Paris, right?

Jan 22, 2025 at 12:13 PM Post #101,780 of 102,986
What do you mean? You're joining again in Paris, right?
Yeah I will be around, most likely. I am a curious and inpatient guy, hope to get my hands on it before Paris :)
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Jan 22, 2025 at 2:31 PM Post #101,781 of 102,986
Nope my collectors itch is not strong enough to justify many daps and iems or hps. Sold many iems and hps that been collecting dust to get the Immanis and it definitly was the right call. Same with APX SE, only IEM I am curious about atm and could justify getting as a complimentary is Clara, everything else would just be too expensive to justify it next to APX level flagship, it just wouldnt see enough use.

As for Fugaku, wish it was portable. For home use it wont be able to compete with a summit hp chain.
Yes thats my thought as well, if I already have a summit tier hp chain theres no way it can compete and you are bound to it, seems to be the same flaw as the Warwick HP's which i'm sure are exceptional. At the least you need an electrostatic setup.
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Jan 22, 2025 at 7:25 PM Post #101,782 of 102,986
I ended up selling mine at a loss and giving up. I got them to sort of fit, but the 2 pin wouldn't fully insert. Worst audio experience I have been a part of.
I’m sorry to hear that—it sounds really frustrating. How did you manage to get them to sort of fit? Did Hidition make the nozzle shorter for you, or did you figure out a way to insert/remove them? I’m still debating whether I should send mine back for a refit and maybe ask them to make the nozzle shorter. Also, I’m curious how you managed to sell yours—did you find someone to reshell them?
Jan 22, 2025 at 9:22 PM Post #101,783 of 102,986
And exactly that part I consider a bonus as I don't have any artwork anyway.

I already have a player that is not 100% gapless which drives me nuts with classical music and continuous concept albums. Same goes for tracks playing based alphabetically instead of track number (although I think Alessandro posted a workaround for that). And not being able to set the volume before starting the album doesn't deliver any plus points for me either. So I will do without. I'm sure there's other great things in life I missed out on, and that's okay.

While I've had this demo P6Pro around, I had a go of one workaround to the gapless issue, using XRECODE3 to convert the individual tracks of an album into a single continuous FLAC.

While a little fiddly, it's pretty easy really, and definitely solves the problem. Tested it out with Yoshimi, DSOT and a couple of Orb albums, all good.

P6P Orbus.jpg

Guess I'll be doing a bit more of this once my very own P6P 10AE shows up in a few weeks. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Jan 22, 2025 at 11:42 PM Post #101,784 of 102,986
If any of you are on the fence on getting a DX340 go for it! I kick myself in the butt for not getting it sooner. Absolute best DAP I have ever heard and that is with only 6 hours of use too. It pairs wonderfully with Maven II. Super Gain mode is the way to go. It really allows it to shine. This is not boring, not engaging tuning like in DX320. It is very musical and begs you to just keep it going for hours.
Jan 22, 2025 at 11:51 PM Post #101,785 of 102,986
If any of you are on the fence on getting a DX340 go for it! I kick myself in the butt for not getting it sooner. Absolute best DAP I have ever heard and that is with only 6 hours of use too. It pairs wonderfully with Maven II. Super Gain mode is the way to go. It really allows it to shine. This is not boring, not engaging tuning like in DX320. It is very musical and begs you to just keep it going for hours.
Agree w/ this sentiment. It's an amazing DAP and have been enjoying every minute so far. @mattclarke18 wait until it burns in more. It opens up a good amount. The bass becomes a bit more impactful and the mids start to shine even more. Overall a great timbre. A wonderful DAP and especially at the price!
Jan 23, 2025 at 12:07 AM Post #101,786 of 102,986
Agree w/ this sentiment. It's an amazing DAP and have been enjoying every minute so far. @mattclarke18 wait until it burns in more. It opens up a good amount. The bass becomes a bit more impactful and the mids start to shine even more. Overall a great timbre. A wonderful DAP and especially at the price!
I think it sounds awesome now! Right out of the box without Super Gain bass was a bit weak but since that has improved some already. iBasso could have easily charged $2k and got it. Bass with Super Gain is already slamming hard. Love how detailed it is too. I have optimized it (before even listening to it) and using a Swissbit card. Tried it 1st with a scandisk and with Swiss I can hear more details vs scandisk. I am not going to use the burn cable and just listen to it so I can hear the transformation.
Jan 23, 2025 at 3:12 AM Post #101,787 of 102,986
While I've had this demo P6Pro around, I had a go of one workaround to the gapless issue, using XRECODE3 to convert the individual tracks of an album into a single continuous FLAC.

While a little fiddly, it's pretty easy really, and definitely solves the problem. Tested it out with Yoshimi, DSOT and a couple of Orb albums, all good.

P6P Orbus.jpg

Guess I'll be doing a bit more of this once my very own P6P 10AE shows up in a few weeks. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I might not be able to finish the job before I die! Still, since I only listen to complete albums it could be an option. But I'd much rather have them 100 hrs in finding a solution than having to invest 8,000 hrs myself.

Have you found a trick for setting the volume before you start the music as well??

Jan 23, 2025 at 3:14 AM Post #101,788 of 102,986
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Jan 23, 2025 at 5:00 AM Post #101,789 of 102,986

DITA Mecha, me gusta mucho. While V-shape is not necessarily my #1, these are near enough a perfect take on it.

So much so, that I'm considering a badass desktop DAC/Amp to power it - now I see how this hobby quickly spirals into craziness. Sure, my humble VE Stack does a great job with its 3W per channel, but it's a warmish source and Mecha needs no additional warmth down there (for my taste). All else is near enough perfect on the Stack. Resolving, dynamic, huuugely expansive, unparalleled note weight and image size.

These are among the most expensive transducers I have heard, though, colour me impressed if things get much better up in the stratospherical $$$.
Jan 23, 2025 at 7:09 AM Post #101,790 of 102,986
These are among the most expensive transducers I have heard, though, colour me impressed if things get much better up in the stratospherical $$$.
Sad to say, but most decent cables cost more than Mecha nowadays. Do yourself a favour, turn back! 🤣

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