The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

Oct 25, 2024 at 12:24 AM Post #97,187 of 102,919
Have you try the c9ii? The experience is euphoric. It has multiple modes. Highly recommend for you to try it out.
Not yet, but I know amps have higher impact on SQ.
Oct 25, 2024 at 12:26 AM Post #97,188 of 102,919
For dongle DAC users, what silicone bands are you using to keep the dongle wrapped around your phone?
I use a magnetic holder, not an elastic band, as I hate having it cover part of the screen.
Oct 25, 2024 at 1:19 AM Post #97,191 of 102,919
Oct 25, 2024 at 1:32 AM Post #97,192 of 102,919
Shout out? Oh my. I am flattered. Have you considered spray painting your HE1000SE gold? Does not go with the rest.
LMAO never considered it but now I am 😅
Oct 25, 2024 at 2:08 AM Post #97,193 of 102,919
I'm working on a big time review for a big time IEM. So big it's actually Watercooler worthy 😆. Hold on to your hats, this one is special!
Oct 25, 2024 at 3:46 AM Post #97,194 of 102,919
What is the one or two IEMs you regret selling? For me, it’s probably Anni ‘23. Maybe Trifecta close second.
Not exactly regrets, but I am sad to part with my Creator / Anni23, because my use case is strictly portable (I don't really do a lot of listening at home with IEMs), and N30LE is just too much of a brick to carry around despite how good sounding it is.

I am downsizing and probably moving to a lighter DAP (SP3000T is just thin enough....) and choosing IEMs that are easier to drive, preferably with a dongle should I decide to leave my DAP behind when travelling (planning to go to South America so I want to be as light as possible for the Andes). VE10 comes to mind, but I just can't forget the Macbeth demo last month, so I am still thinking about what to get.
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Oct 25, 2024 at 6:07 AM Post #97,195 of 102,919
I finally hit the wall in this rabbit hole, not sure if it is just my own ears. For no reason, I have the itch of upgrading my Schiit multibit modi 2 DAC, and after some research, I ended up with RME ADI-2 DAC FS with AKM chip.

Just received the ADI-2 this evening and I eagerly started the A/B testing with both headphones and IEMs. As I was afraid before, I cannot hear any difference!

Since I have no intention to continue the full size headphone rabbit hole, my desktop setup will be used to improve my IEM experience. Now I can safely say that I am out of this DAC upgrading rabbit hole. Good news for my wallet.

Now I am seriously thinking about selling all the desktop gears and headphones and focusing only on IEMs and DAPs.
Well... you've upgraded your DAC, but what amp are you using?

Took delivery of this bad boy yesterday, and I wouldn't write off desktop gear for IEMs just yet...

While my primary use case for Aegis is for the ZMF Caldera and my other HPs, it is equally amazing with IEMs. The massive sense of space this amp has gives Spartacus much better stage depth, and conversely gives Xe6 notably better width. Really impressive!

Oh, and the noise floor thing? Andro starts to hum a little with the volume at about 11 o'clock with nothing playing, but that's incredibly loud when the music starts, like at least 90db or more. Everything else is very dark, as ZMF/Cayin have implemented the 4.4 jack properly..
Screenshot 2024-10-25 204746.png

Aegis is an absolute home run for me, it's perfect for all my headphones & IEMs. And I've only just got started with the stock + TAD bundle tube sets, can't wait to roll some NOS into this thing.
Oct 25, 2024 at 6:38 AM Post #97,196 of 102,919
Not exactly regrets, but I am sad to part with my Creator / Anni23, because my use case is strictly portable (I don't really do a lot of listening at home with IEMs), and N30LE is just too much of a brick to carry around despite how good sounding it is.

I am downsizing and probably moving to a lighter DAP (SP3000T is just thin enough....) and choosing IEMs that are easier to drive, preferably with a dongle should I decide to leave my DAP behind when travelling (planning to go to South America so I want to be as light as possible for the Andes). VE10 comes to mind, but I just can't forget the Macbeth demo last month, so I am still thinking about what to get.
They have SP3000M coming that should be a lot more portable.
Oct 25, 2024 at 6:59 AM Post #97,197 of 102,919
Crossposting from the discovery thread!!

Nostalgia Audio from Hong Kong has recently come up with the all-new Durandal. According to the medieval European folklore, Durandal is an enchanted blade with incredible power and magical properties. Sir Hruodland(or Roland) was the chief of Paladin of Charlemagne and Durandal was his sword. According to some local folklore, Durandal still exists preserved somewhere in France.

Nostalgia has designed the pair with seven driver hybrid setup housing 1 dynamic driver, a dual-membrane bone conduction driver(works as a dual driver), and four BA drivers. The pair boasts exciting looks and precisely crafted design. The Nostalgia Durandal is sent to me on a loaner basis as I am a big fan of Camelot by the brand and have specially requested to audition this one. I just received it, and will come up with impressions soon, you guys enjoy the images till then.



Oct 25, 2024 at 7:02 AM Post #97,198 of 102,919
So much for downsizing. Well at least the 3KT is actually quite portable, and Macbeth sounds surprisingly decent on a dongle on 1/4 volume.




They have SP3000M coming that should be a lot more portable.
I thought about that, but hybrid/tube mode on copper 3KT is just too good to pass over, especially for its price.
Oct 25, 2024 at 7:03 AM Post #97,199 of 102,919
Crossposting from the discovery thread!!

Nostalgia Audio from Hong Kong has recently come up with the all-new Durandal. According to the medieval European folklore, Durandal is an enchanted blade with incredible power and magical properties. Sir Hruodland(or Roland) was the chief of Paladin of Charlemagne and Durandal was his sword. According to some local folklore, Durandal still exists preserved somewhere in France.

Nostalgia has designed the pair with seven driver hybrid setup housing 1 dynamic driver, a dual-membrane bone conduction driver(works as a dual driver), and four BA drivers. The pair boasts exciting looks and precisely crafted design. The Nostalgia Durandal is sent to me on a loaner basis as I am a big fan of Camelot by the brand and have specially requested to audition this one. I just received it, and will come up with impressions soon, you guys enjoy the images till then.

This trend for tacky external/shell design on IEMs is the worst one in a long time.
Oct 25, 2024 at 7:03 AM Post #97,200 of 102,919
So much for downsizing. Well at least the 3KT is actually quite portable, and Macbeth sounds surprisingly decent on a dongle on 1/4 volume.


I thought about that, but hybrid/tube mode on copper 3KT is just too good to pass over, especially for its price.

Congrats on both purchases! I haven't heard the copper SP3000T but hybrid/tube mode with high current on SP3000T SS is one of the most engaging sounds I've heard from any DAP so far.

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