THE WATERCOOLER HEADPHONE EDITION – Headphones, Amps, DACs, and desktop/home audio related – a freewheeling discussion of gear, impressions, music, and musings.
Oct 29, 2024 at 10:22 AM Post #4,351 of 7,558
Something new arrived, AUNE SR7000. I had a short session of the DAP, and I like what I hear. Will try some more later on the desktop stack, but it's quite impressive how open the stage is to be closed back. Clean and balanced sound, nothing that sounds offensive or lacking.

Update after some hours:

It is easy enough to drive so you can use your DAP and Dongle and get good sound, it also scales if you give it more power from desktop gear. Good build quality, and okay stock cables (balanced 4.4 and 3.5mm) also a nice storage case. Very good comfort and not heavy, nice depth with angled driver (personal problem of ears touching the driver enclosure on most headphones).

The tuning is neutral warm, very balanced without being peaky or offensive. If anything a little safe up top, but still good extension to sound clear and open. Bass is punchy and goes deep, no bleed that muddy up the midrange. This is perhaps the most balanced closed back I have used, while also having enough warmth to be enjoyable. Maybe the most impressive is the soundstage, much more open than most closed back models.

It looks good, indeed. Did visit the page. It is really nice, the specs are not bad as well.
How is the quality of the headphone, i mean how is it build?
How much space is there, for the ears? Like Hifiman HE1000 v2 stealth, Arya Organic or more like Focal Celestee?
I know You do not have them, but maybe You had a pleasure. This ones are the ones i know.

Thanks in advance for the info.
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Oct 29, 2024 at 10:42 AM Post #4,352 of 7,558
Oct 29, 2024 at 12:17 PM Post #4,355 of 7,558
Oct 29, 2024 at 12:36 PM Post #4,358 of 7,558
It looks good, indeed. Did visit the page. It is really nice, the specs are not bad as well.
How is the quality of the headphone, i mean how is it build?
How much space is there, for the ears? Like Hifiman HE1000 v2 stealth, Arya Organic or more like Focal Celestee?
I know You do not have them, but maybe You had a pleasure. This ones are the ones i know.

Thanks in advance for the info.
Build quality is good, a small step under sets like Beyerdynamic T1 and DT1990 but perhaps better than the cheaper Focal models I have tried.

The size inside the cups is similar as Beyerdynamic T1, angled drivers here also so my ears don't touch the driver enclosure.
Been some time since I had Utopia, think it was similar but maybe had deeper pads.

Will measure them later when I get more time.
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Oct 29, 2024 at 3:30 PM Post #4,360 of 7,558
Oct 29, 2024 at 3:43 PM Post #4,361 of 7,558
Oct 29, 2024 at 5:33 PM Post #4,362 of 7,558
free the nip stuff?
Oct 29, 2024 at 5:42 PM Post #4,363 of 7,558
Ordered mine this morning. Looking forward to receiving them in the next week or so.
Looking forward to impressions! Take many beauty shots of it :beyersmile:
Always loved the style of Grado's, if people like this one then who knows... I may be next to get one!
A planar AND dynamic driver in one headphone? I would usually question this, but hifiman love to do out of the ordinary and I really am excited to see this. They may be on to something if they want a very bassy planar. Love the susvara already, so this one has my attention.

Picked up a Rognir Dynamic from a fellow on classifieds, looking forward to it! Been after a closed back like it for personal use when I don't want an IEM and shut off the outside for a bit. I only recently found out I am pretty into isolation so I am looking forward to it.
Oct 29, 2024 at 6:33 PM Post #4,364 of 7,558
A planar AND dynamic driver in one headphone?
When I first got into this hobby there was a hybrid headphone out that was FOTM for a bit but eventually the comments turned less than favorable on the SQ.
I haven't seen it mentioned in years, and the name escapes me at the moment.

EDIT: there is also the AKG K340, that is also a hybrid, but not quite what Hifiman is doing. The K340 couples "electets" with the dynamic driver as opposed to planar.
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Oct 29, 2024 at 6:34 PM Post #4,365 of 7,558
Looking forward to impressions! Take many beauty shots of it :beyersmile:
Always loved the style of Grado's, if people like this one then who knows... I may be next to get one!

A planar AND dynamic driver in one headphone? I would usually question this, but hifiman love to do out of the ordinary and I really am excited to see this. They may be on to something if they want a very bassy planar. Love the susvara already, so this one has my attention.

Picked up a Rognir Dynamic from a fellow on classifieds, looking forward to it! Been after a closed back like it for personal use when I don't want an IEM and shut off the outside for a bit. I only recently found out I am pretty into isolation so I am looking forward to it.
Yeah, I'm skeptical, but whether this first attempt turns out to be good or a hot mess I love seeing the innovation!

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