THE WATERCOOLER HEADPHONE EDITION – Headphones, Amps, DACs, and desktop/home audio related – a freewheeling discussion of gear, impressions, music, and musings.
Oct 26, 2024 at 12:51 PM Post #4,322 of 7,220
Never came across them. I’ll need to keep an eye out…
I'm not sure they're worth the effort these days, as headphones have come a long ways since the OG AD2000 was released.
Back then, they were up there with the Qualia in terms of pure speed, making them fantastic for thrash and speed metal.
Now with planar headphones being ubiquitous, the speed factor of the ATH is no longer an ace in the hole.

Since they were only released in Japan, they're rarer than hen's teeth, but when you factor in how fickle they are with amp pairings and the medieval torture device-like clamp they have, the AD2000 probably has more nostalgic value than practical listening value.

Just my .02
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Oct 26, 2024 at 5:06 PM Post #4,325 of 7,220
I saw this question on the portable wc thread earlier today and it intrigued me and me reflect on it, so thought I'd post this here for us for some weekend fun:

What are the 1-2 headpones (or other pieces of gear) you regret selling?

Reflecting on my past gear, I'm mostly very happy with the changes I've made over time. But if there were 2 headphones I'd be curious to revisit, these would be:
  1. ZMF VC in Ltd Olive wood - These were my first ZMF love and my daily driver for a couple of years. The Atrium, and then Caldera, supplanted them in my rotation, and I let the VC go after about a year of disuse. Every now and then I wonder if, with the distance of time, I would receonnect with them. I suspect that I would. They were also so incredibly gorgeous looking. I should probably have held on to them..
  2. Audio-Technica ATH-AWAS - They had gorgeous mids, but lacked in bass, and the pads were not deep enough for long-term comfort. At the time, I took what was sold as a given. I've since learned to roll pads on many of my AT heaadphones and found this can result in significant sonic (and comfort) imrpovements. I have a remaining wonder about what I might have been able to eke out of them with the many ZMF pads I have lying around. Could I get the kind of overhaul I got with the L5000? I think this itch will be easier to scratch sometime when I get to it.
What are your regrets?
I honestly have no regrets when it comes to gear I've let go. I've climbed the audio ladder, moving on from one thing to another as I came to better understand both the gear and my own preferences, which has led me to the point where I am almost perfectly happy with what I have now and can't see myself changing any of it anytime soon.

That said, I do occasionally look back at my time with HD800S wistfully - possibly because it was my first truly "high end" headphone experience or possibly because it has that special "party trick" that nothing else seems to match. I sometimes consider buying it again now that I have a lot more experience in the hobby. Not so much "regret" as a curiosity as to what I would think about it now that I have a different perspective.
Oct 26, 2024 at 5:34 PM Post #4,327 of 7,220
Oct 26, 2024 at 7:44 PM Post #4,328 of 7,220
For me, "regret" isn't the right word. I understand why I made just about every decision I made along my audio journey, and I'm happy with the decisions I've made.

That doesn't mean that I don't sometime miss the Aeolus...
Oct 26, 2024 at 9:17 PM Post #4,329 of 7,220
For me, "regret" isn't the right word. I understand why I made just about every decision I made along my audio journey, and I'm happy with the decisions I've made.

That doesn't mean that I don't sometime miss the Aeolus...

I’ve certainly been happier about some decisions than others, so I would agree that “regret” is not quite the right word!

Oct 27, 2024 at 12:44 PM Post #4,331 of 7,220
I saw this question on the portable wc thread earlier today and it intrigued me and me reflect on it, so thought I'd post this here for us for some weekend fun:

What are the 1-2 headpones (or other pieces of gear) you regret selling?
I wish I had some regrets, quite honestly, because it would mean that I figured out how to use the classifieds here effectively. Seems like a daunting catch-22: I need to buy and sell many things to get the feedback needed for others to feel comfortable transacting with me?
Oct 27, 2024 at 1:46 PM Post #4,332 of 7,220
My favorite open back bass headphone is the Fostex TH909.

If you have the capability to EQ in a bass shelf the Hifiman HE6se can be a bass monster with great clarity as well.

The Beyerdynamic T1.2 has solid bass and while not the hugest soundstage does have some of the most precise and three dimensional imaging I’ve heard from any headphone.

I concur with HE6se. I have the OG HE6, still one of my more frequently used headphones. I don't like the top end of my OG HE6 so I mod the connector to mini XLR for a wider choice of headphone cable. Not a major problem if you have a tube headphone amp that can feed the HE6 or HE6se satisfactorily.

I have a feeling that @JMAX2016 comes from a speaker background and he might have a spare speaker amp lying around, maybe he can get the HE6se in first and try it with one of his speaker amp., this is the quickest way to confirm whether the HE6se will meet his preference.
Cayin Stay updated on Cayin at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Oct 27, 2024 at 1:49 PM Post #4,333 of 7,220
Awesome! Would definitely pay them a visit in the future to get an extended demo of your headphones :)
Yes, are in our dealer network.
Oct 27, 2024 at 1:51 PM Post #4,334 of 7,220
I’m curious why do so many higher end amps use 12xx7 or other mini noval input tubes when it seems that octal tubes like the 6SN7 and 6SL7 are more well regarded?

I know the noval tubes can be had for a lot less money, but when we’re talking about amps in the mid 4 figure range and up the cost to include a good NOS octal tube doesn’t seem like it should be unreasonable.

Good NOS tube as a stock tube in mass production tube amplifier? The problem is not the value of the NOS tube, its steady availability over the lifetime of the amplifier stops us from doing that.
Cayin Stay updated on Cayin at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Oct 27, 2024 at 2:02 PM Post #4,335 of 7,220
I don't like the top end of my OG HE6 so I mod the connector to mini XLR for a wider choice of headphone cable. Not a major problem if you have a tube headphone amp that can feed the HE6 or HE6se satisfactorily.

Totally agree. Have the HE6 modded for 3.5mm my case. Tube amping, especially the AIC10 hybrid and WA23 transformer-coupled amps, deliver disproportionally better performance from these headphones, and they thrive off powerful warm amps.

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