THE WATERCOOLER HEADPHONE EDITION – Headphones, Amps, DACs, and desktop/home audio related – a freewheeling discussion of gear, impressions, music, and musings.
Oct 25, 2024 at 4:05 PM Post #4,291 of 7,558
I saw this question on the portable wc thread earlier today and it intrigued me and me reflect on it, so thought I'd post this here for us for some weekend fun:

What are the 1-2 headpones (or other pieces of gear) you regret selling?

Reflecting on my past gear, I'm mostly very happy with the changes I've made over time. But if there were 2 headphones I'd be curious to revisit, these would be:
  1. ZMF VC in Ltd Olive wood - These were my first ZMF love and my daily driver for a couple of years. The Atrium, and then Caldera, supplanted them in my rotation, and I let the VC go after about a year of disuse. Every now and then I wonder if, with the distance of time, I would receonnect with them. I suspect that I would. They were also so incredibly gorgeous looking. I should probably have held on to them..
  2. Audio-Technica ATH-AWAS - They had gorgeous mids, but lacked in bass, and the pads were not deep enough for long-term comfort. At the time, I took what was sold as a given. I've since learned to roll pads on many of my AT heaadphones and found this can result in significant sonic (and comfort) imrpovements. I have a remaining wonder about what I might have been able to eke out of them with the many ZMF pads I have lying around. Could I get the kind of overhaul I got with the L5000? I think this itch will be easier to scratch sometime when I get to it.
What are your regrets?
That’s a great question. Overall I don’t think of it as a regret, as I’ve ‘upgraded’ over time (and yes, it’s subjective so I put it in quotes!) and feel my current system would be my preference over anything I’ve owned in the past.

That being said, there are headphones I can’t seem to quit and have sold and bought multiple times.

1. Sennheiser hd600. Classic, light, scalable. Every time I see one posted I want it again.

2. Zmf Aeolus. Would I listen to the AC over this? Usually, but there is something about them that is relaxing and endearing.
Oct 25, 2024 at 4:12 PM Post #4,292 of 7,558
What are the 1-2 headpones (or other pieces of gear) you regret selling?
Luckily, I don't have serious regrets. I usually allow myself enough time to figure out if I really want to sell something. Compare and listen for weeks, sometimes months. So, in general I am happy with my moves. That said, if I could justify from a purely financial perspective, I would have kept my Meze Elite and HD600. HD600 for reference and Elite for a great, relaxed listen. But if I am honest, they wouldn't get an awful lot of head time next to my Caldera open, and that money had a better place to go, so we had to depart. On the other hand, absolutely no regrets about selling Arya, Edition-X, Clear, D9200. :) (Sometimes I miss LCD2 too.)
Oct 25, 2024 at 4:57 PM Post #4,293 of 7,558
I have to say I regret selling my Woo WA5se. Really miss the 300b sound. Headphone wise probably the Utopia. I've sold others and then bought them again, so I guess I regretted those as well (HE6se and Edition-X as well as Sony Z1R).
Oct 25, 2024 at 5:55 PM Post #4,294 of 7,558
I saw this question on the portable wc thread earlier today and it intrigued me and me reflect on it, so thought I'd post this here for us for some weekend fun:

What are the 1-2 headpones (or other pieces of gear) you regret selling?

Reflecting on my past gear, I'm mostly very happy with the changes I've made over time. But if there were 2 headphones I'd be curious to revisit, these would be:
  1. ZMF VC in Ltd Olive wood - These were my first ZMF love and my daily driver for a couple of years. The Atrium, and then Caldera, supplanted them in my rotation, and I let the VC go after about a year of disuse. Every now and then I wonder if, with the distance of time, I would receonnect with them. I suspect that I would. They were also so incredibly gorgeous looking. I should probably have held on to them..
  2. Audio-Technica ATH-AWAS - They had gorgeous mids, but lacked in bass, and the pads were not deep enough for long-term comfort. At the time, I took what was sold as a given. I've since learned to roll pads on many of my AT heaadphones and found this can result in significant sonic (and comfort) imrpovements. I have a remaining wonder about what I might have been able to eke out of them with the many ZMF pads I have lying around. Could I get the kind of overhaul I got with the L5000? I think this itch will be easier to scratch sometime when I get to it.
What are your regrets?
Haven't sold any headphones yet, so no regrets! :wink:

I thought when I bought Caldera that one would have to go. But as I discovered Caldera is much more complementary with EmpyOG, I've decided to keep them both, likely for the long haul.

And then, I've spent this morning listening to LCD-2C and my venerable Cascade with Aegis, and I'm reminded all over again why I love them both so much and struggle to let go. Even when Atrium Closed inevitably lands on my desk, I'm much more likely to give one or both of those old faves to my sons. So while not "mine" any longer they won't be completely "gone" either.
Oct 25, 2024 at 6:01 PM Post #4,295 of 7,558
And then, I've spent this morning listening to LCD-2C and my venerable Cascade with Aegis, and I'm reminded all over again why I love them both so much and struggle to let go. Even when Atrium Closed inevitably lands on my desk, I'm much more likely to give one or both of those old faves to my sons. So while not "mine" any longer they won't be completely "gone" either.

Since there no "love" button, I'll have to manually record my reaction to this last bit... ❤️
Oct 25, 2024 at 6:08 PM Post #4,296 of 7,558
What are your regrets?
The only regret is the Auteur Classic. I was ignoring them after I got the Atrium, so I sold them. For most music, I would still reach for Verite or Atrium, but that AuCl has something special, too. I still consider it the perfect Grateful Deadphone.
Oct 25, 2024 at 6:21 PM Post #4,297 of 7,558
I'd love to become a headphone collector but the bank manager won't let me, alas. My one big regret was selling my African Blackwood Vérité. To my eyes it's one of the most gorgeous headphones I've seen, let alone owned.


I'd auditioned the Verite a couple of times at CanJam and loved it from Zach's Yggy A2 + Bigger Ben (the first version, iirc). I never quite got the same experience from my own setup, a Stratus in place of the ampsandsound, and I suspect my memory of the sound and the reality of it probably shifted - or else my preferences did - in the many moons between auditioning and owning these headphones. I also had a couple of other issues with the VO's sound. So I let it go in favor of my LCD-4, which was closer to what I was looking for.

What made it such a tough sell was that this was my first totl headphone purchase, one that I'd bought new, in the exact configuration I wanted, and I'd saved up for ages to buy it. I seldom buy headphones new but I wanted to support Zach and Bevin, and I wanted just the right one. I think the crux of the matter is that I'd promised myself that if I were to spend so much on a pair of headphones, I wouldn't sell them, and I am still deeply conflicted about having broken that promise to myself. (I was rash in making that promise in the first place, in retrospect, but the financial outlay at the time was considerable..).

I'm glad I upgraded to the LCD-4. It's a definite upgrade for my preferences. But I'd buy back that pair of VO if the chance arose. And I did ask the buyer to offer me the first right of refusal if he were ever to sell them! Who knows, maybe one day...
Oct 25, 2024 at 6:25 PM Post #4,298 of 7,558
I'd love to become a headphone collector but the bank manager won't let me, alas. My one big regret was selling my African Blackwood Vérité. To my eyes it's one of the most gorgeous headphones I've seen, let alone owned.


I'd auditioned the Verite a couple of times at CanJam and loved it from Zach's Yggy A2 + Bigger Ben (the first version, iirc). I never quite got the same experience from my own setup, a Stratus in place of the ampsandsound, and I suspect my memory of the sound and the reality of it probably shifted - or else my preferences did - in the many moons between auditioning and owning these headphones. I also had a couple of other issues with the VO's sound. So I let it go in favor of my LCD-4, which was closer to what I was looking for.

What made it such a tough sell was that this was my first totl headphone purchase, one that I'd bought new, in the exact configuration I wanted, and I'd saved up for ages to buy it. I seldom buy headphones new but I wanted to support Zach and Bevin, and I wanted just the right one. I think the crux of the matter is that I'd promised myself that if I were to spend so much on a pair of headphones, I wouldn't sell them, and I am still deeply conflicted about having broken that promise to myself. (I was rash in making that promise in the first place, in retrospect, but the financial outlay at the time was considerable..).

I'm glad I upgraded to the LCD-4. It's a definite upgrade for my preferences. But I'd buy back that pair of VO if the chance arose. And I did ask the buyer to offer me the first right of refusal if he were ever to sell them! Who knows, maybe one day...

I have those (VO in african blackwood) and indeed this wood is just exquisite. I've rekindled my love for it with the Decware/ZMF OTL, a great combination of fast headphoines and lush amp. I actually just got a couple of BBB straps yesterday to give new life in terms of comfort to some ZMF headphones that missed that upgrade, including this one. This wood is heavy, so I'm looking forward to putting these on..
Oct 25, 2024 at 6:27 PM Post #4,299 of 7,558
I have those (VO in african blackwood) and indeed this wood is just exquisite. I've rekindled my love for it with the Decware/ZMF OTL, a great combination of fast headphoines and lush amp. I actually just got a couple of BBB straps yesterday to give new life in terms of comfort to some ZMF headphones that missed that upgrade, including this one. This wood is heavy, so I'm looking forward to putting these on..
I can second that. This pair of Verite Opens sounded great via the Decware.
Oct 25, 2024 at 6:30 PM Post #4,300 of 7,558
I've rekindled my love for it with the Decware/ZMF OTL, a great combination of fast headphoines and lush amp.
That's good to hear; I'll make a note of it. I got to the hear my VO with the Zen Taboo Mk IV and wasn't a fan, finding the treble a bit too forward for my preferences. But the ZMF OTL model might be just the ticket! I might have to try that pairing at the next NYC CanJam - I've already booked the hotel!
Oct 25, 2024 at 6:31 PM Post #4,301 of 7,558
I saw this question on the portable wc thread earlier today and it intrigued me and me reflect on it, so thought I'd post this here for us for some weekend fun:

What are the 1-2 headpones (or other pieces of gear) you regret selling?

Reflecting on my past gear, I'm mostly very happy with the changes I've made over time. But if there were 2 headphones I'd be curious to revisit, these would be:
  1. ZMF VC in Ltd Olive wood - These were my first ZMF love and my daily driver for a couple of years. The Atrium, and then Caldera, supplanted them in my rotation, and I let the VC go after about a year of disuse. Every now and then I wonder if, with the distance of time, I would receonnect with them. I suspect that I would. They were also so incredibly gorgeous looking. I should probably have held on to them..
  2. Audio-Technica ATH-AWAS - They had gorgeous mids, but lacked in bass, and the pads were not deep enough for long-term comfort. At the time, I took what was sold as a given. I've since learned to roll pads on many of my AT heaadphones and found this can result in significant sonic (and comfort) imrpovements. I have a remaining wonder about what I might have been able to eke out of them with the many ZMF pads I have lying around. Could I get the kind of overhaul I got with the L5000? I think this itch will be easier to scratch sometime when I get to it.
What are your regrets?

No regrets so far since I haven't sold any headphones. I must be doing something right in this hobby haha :)

With audio equipment it's easier for me to have no regrets selling as they're not as complex as headphones in deducing whether they fit your needs or not
Oct 25, 2024 at 6:50 PM Post #4,302 of 7,558
I saw this question on the portable wc thread earlier today and it intrigued me and me reflect on it, so thought I'd post this here for us for some weekend fun:

What are the 1-2 headpones (or other pieces of gear) you regret selling?

Reflecting on my past gear, I'm mostly very happy with the changes I've made over time. But if there were 2 headphones I'd be curious to revisit, these would be:
  1. ZMF VC in Ltd Olive wood - These were my first ZMF love and my daily driver for a couple of years. The Atrium, and then Caldera, supplanted them in my rotation, and I let the VC go after about a year of disuse. Every now and then I wonder if, with the distance of time, I would receonnect with them. I suspect that I would. They were also so incredibly gorgeous looking. I should probably have held on to them..
  2. Audio-Technica ATH-AWAS - They had gorgeous mids, but lacked in bass, and the pads were not deep enough for long-term comfort. At the time, I took what was sold as a given. I've since learned to roll pads on many of my AT heaadphones and found this can result in significant sonic (and comfort) imrpovements. I have a remaining wonder about what I might have been able to eke out of them with the many ZMF pads I have lying around. Could I get the kind of overhaul I got with the L5000? I think this itch will be easier to scratch sometime when I get to it.
What are your regrets?
HE 500 and ATH AD2000 non X version.
The former is easy enough to get again, but I'd probably never listen to it.
The AD2000 is a brilliant headphone. Speedy, slightly dry with magic mods. Very amp picky. The reason I sold it is the clamp force. My goodness it was brutal on my dome
Oct 25, 2024 at 6:52 PM Post #4,303 of 7,558
I saw this question on the portable wc thread earlier today and it intrigued me and me reflect on it, so thought I'd post this here for us for some weekend fun:

What are the 1-2 headpones (or other pieces of gear) you regret selling?

Reflecting on my past gear, I'm mostly very happy with the changes I've made over time. But if there were 2 headphones I'd be curious to revisit, these would be:
  1. ZMF VC in Ltd Olive wood - These were my first ZMF love and my daily driver for a couple of years. The Atrium, and then Caldera, supplanted them in my rotation, and I let the VC go after about a year of disuse. Every now and then I wonder if, with the distance of time, I would receonnect with them. I suspect that I would. They were also so incredibly gorgeous looking. I should probably have held on to them..
  2. Audio-Technica ATH-AWAS - They had gorgeous mids, but lacked in bass, and the pads were not deep enough for long-term comfort. At the time, I took what was sold as a given. I've since learned to roll pads on many of my AT heaadphones and found this can result in significant sonic (and comfort) imrpovements. I have a remaining wonder about what I might have been able to eke out of them with the many ZMF pads I have lying around. Could I get the kind of overhaul I got with the L5000? I think this itch will be easier to scratch sometime when I get to it.
What are your regrets?

Great question! My two regret headphone sales:

One is only a time-sensitive decision - Hifiman Susvara OG. I sold the OG Sus when I had the Susvara Unveiled, but I ended up returning that after I decided to order the Immanis. That just means I’ve been without a “flagship” headphone for nearly four months. Atrium Opens have been holding down the fort and my relatively newly acquired Meze Empyrean II have been helping, too, but not having the OG Susvara during this time has left a big hole in my system.

The other was my Oppo Digital PM-1. I loved that thing back in the day. It was my first “higher-end” headphone. Nostalgia-purposes, I should have kept it because I sold it for practically nothing.
Oct 25, 2024 at 7:19 PM Post #4,304 of 7,558
@number1sixerfan often shares his love of the Valkiria as it relates to volume. What kind of music do you listen to? I've always found my demos with them challenging, but on reflection I think they work really well with mid-centric recordings and live music reproduction, while for music that requires more frequency extension to the bass there is some wonkiness or inconsistency. So I'm guessing one's music preference may largely impact one's perception, beyond of course their personal taste. I can only guess my impressions were based on the currrent version)

Yea they're not total all rounders for all genres. They shine with any acoustic instrument and vocals. Really amazing instrument and vocal timbre. Not really best suited for show demos but also so unique that they just won't be everyone's cup of tea either way.

I saw this question on the portable wc thread earlier today and it intrigued me and me reflect on it, so thought I'd post this here for us for some weekend fun:

What are the 1-2 headpones (or other pieces of gear) you regret selling?

Reflecting on my past gear, I'm mostly very happy with the changes I've made over time. But if there were 2 headphones I'd be curious to revisit, these would be:
  1. ZMF VC in Ltd Olive wood - These were my first ZMF love and my daily driver for a couple of years. The Atrium, and then Caldera, supplanted them in my rotation, and I let the VC go after about a year of disuse. Every now and then I wonder if, with the distance of time, I would receonnect with them. I suspect that I would. They were also so incredibly gorgeous looking. I should probably have held on to them..
  2. Audio-Technica ATH-AWAS - They had gorgeous mids, but lacked in bass, and the pads were not deep enough for long-term comfort. At the time, I took what was sold as a given. I've since learned to roll pads on many of my AT heaadphones and found this can result in significant sonic (and comfort) imrpovements. I have a remaining wonder about what I might have been able to eke out of them with the many ZMF pads I have lying around. Could I get the kind of overhaul I got with the L5000? I think this itch will be easier to scratch sometime when I get to it.
What are your regrets?

After leaving the hobby twice and coming back, I've bought the two cans I regretted selling: Sennheiser "Baby Orpheus and the Audio-Technica "Leatherhead" L3000. There are better performing headphones out now than both of them, but still both have some unique qualities I love. Don't really have any regrets with Dacs or Amps as there are so many pieces of gear that get the job done similarly, headphones are more unique from piece to piece imo.
Oct 25, 2024 at 7:53 PM Post #4,305 of 7,558
No regrets so far since I haven't sold any headphones. I must be doing something right in this hobby haha :)

With audio equipment it's easier for me to have no regrets selling as they're not as complex as headphones in deducing whether they fit your needs or not
I can think of an amp I regret parting with…


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