That’s a great question. Overall I don’t think of it as a regret, as I’ve ‘upgraded’ over time (and yes, it’s subjective so I put it in quotes!) and feel my current system would be my preference over anything I’ve owned in the past.I saw this question on the portable wc thread earlier today and it intrigued me and me reflect on it, so thought I'd post this here for us for some weekend fun:
What are the 1-2 headpones (or other pieces of gear) you regret selling?
Reflecting on my past gear, I'm mostly very happy with the changes I've made over time. But if there were 2 headphones I'd be curious to revisit, these would be:
What are your regrets?
- ZMF VC in Ltd Olive wood - These were my first ZMF love and my daily driver for a couple of years. The Atrium, and then Caldera, supplanted them in my rotation, and I let the VC go after about a year of disuse. Every now and then I wonder if, with the distance of time, I would receonnect with them. I suspect that I would. They were also so incredibly gorgeous looking. I should probably have held on to them..
- Audio-Technica ATH-AWAS - They had gorgeous mids, but lacked in bass, and the pads were not deep enough for long-term comfort. At the time, I took what was sold as a given. I've since learned to roll pads on many of my AT heaadphones and found this can result in significant sonic (and comfort) imrpovements. I have a remaining wonder about what I might have been able to eke out of them with the many ZMF pads I have lying around. Could I get the kind of overhaul I got with the L5000? I think this itch will be easier to scratch sometime when I get to it.
That being said, there are headphones I can’t seem to quit and have sold and bought multiple times.
1. Sennheiser hd600. Classic, light, scalable. Every time I see one posted I want it again.
2. Zmf Aeolus. Would I listen to the AC over this? Usually, but there is something about them that is relaxing and endearing.