I believe my first post on Headfi was in 2005. I think Headfi was very new back then. There were no Canjams yet, I believer in 2006, there was talk about having the first national meet... I don't recall exactly but I'm sure this led to the first Canjam. During my Headfi journey, I ended up with a Headamp GS1 and a three pairs of headphones. The Sennheiser HD555 was my first. Then the Sony MDR-SA5000 (the baby Qualio 010), and then eventually I ended up with a set of the Sennheiser HD650. That said, I never really felt like headphones were a natural fit for my listening preferences and lifestyle so I began to drift to speakers and 2 channel stereo listening.
Around 2007, I posted my last meaningful post on Headfi.
Chapter 1: Hiatus from everything audio
After I left Headfi, I played in the stereo speaker game for a few years until my schedule just didn't allow for even any significant time spent listening to my stereo. So around 2008, I sold it all. My CD player/dac, my preamp, my amp, my speakers. All of it was sold. I used the funds to purchase my then girlfriend her engagement ring.
Chapter 2: Return to HiFi
I ended up taking a significant break from headphones and speakers (everything hifi) for nearly a decade. Between 2008 and 2015, I had nothing. No system. But I knew that I would turn back into the hobby in some shape or form, so when we built our house, I made sure there was some private room for my system/mancave. The time came and my wife was understanding, I started to accumulate my 2 channel stereo speaker system again. Started off slow and then built up to what it is today.
Now what does this have to do with Headfi and headphones? Well, when you search for stereo equipment, you inadvertently run into threads or posts or reviews of headphones. I began to hear about LCD planar technologies, Susvara and a weird company called Hifiman (is that like a comic book character?), and it rekindled my memories of the Stax lore - now they had 009S and there was talk about the X9000 being released. Then out of nowhere, I saw videos about this thing called the Sennheiser HE1... but once I saw the price (at that time, $50,000), I knew that was not going to happen for me. So, marble or not, best headphones or not... it didn't matter as I wasn't interested in owning one.
Chapter 3: Return to Headfi
So after my speaker system was pretty much at a competent level, I began to explore the headphone field. Wouldn't it be cool to have something like my HD650 again? Wouldn't it be cool if I bought another Headamp? I found myself surfing the Headfi forums once again. I had already forgotten my password, it's been THAT long.
After looking at the options, I figured I'd try to make a decent run at a superb headphone rig. The Stax X9000 presented itself as the proper choice. It was from a company that I always wanted to experience and own a piece of. It was an electrostatic unit so it reminded me of the first Orpheus - the ultimate headphone from my initial stint on Headfi circa 2005.
To confirm my choice, I heeded the advise of several members on this forum - "go to Canjam Dallas 2023 first".
I did and I went to hear nearly every headphone on the floor, and I came out liking the Stax X9000 the most. I figured this was where I was going to start my return to Headfi. But before Canjam was over, I managed to score a time slot for the Sennheiser HE1. The timeslot was 430pm on a Sunday. I was not at the show that day as I had to take my kids to birthday parties and a friend was coming over to replace a light switch for my wife. 4pm hit and I wasn't sure if I was going to drive back to the venue to listen to the HE1.... maybe I'll just not go. But something told me, I don't think you'll hear this unit again for some time. So off to the venue/hotel, I went.
Chapter 4: Face to face with the HE1
So I dragged my 3 kids (ages 9,7,6) to the show. I got clearance from the front staff that I could bring them to the show floor without the need for tickets. I made my way to the Sennheiser booth and met Eric P of Sennheiser. We waited for 2 more listening guests, and we were brought across the lobby, into some elevators, and into a private hotel room. And there the HE1 stood.
Eric was nice enough to have my kids push the power button on the HE1. I watched as this happened. This was pretty surreal. I was fascinated by the pre-show display of the HE1... as the knobs/tubes/lid opened up, cycling through its power on routine, and my kids probably watching it like, "This is weird, when can we go home? Where's mom?"
I heard the other 2 guests talking amongst themselves, "no one buys this system, it's just for show."
I was up first, I sat down, slowly took the headphone out of the velvet box/case, marveled at the build quality, took some photos of the headphone in my hand, and put it on my ears. Felt big... had some clamping force, a little heavy. Hmm... I remember why I left the headphone side of the hobby, all this feels unnatural. I wrangled the mouse via the MacBook touchpad... started to look through Tidal (they didn't have preset song selections anymore for this demo at CJ 2023). I played 3 songs. I noticed this sounded very familiar. It's as if my speaker system was condensed into a smaller unit and it was all right here in front of me. I didn't cry or tear, but I definitely felt some chills. I knew I heard enough, I put the phones down. Eric asked, "So, how was it?"
"Pretty good, I think they sound just like my speaker."
My mind began to race. Was this system good enough for me to want to buy it? I went back and listened. Yes... I believe so. Oh right there, the voice is dense and right in front of me.... the tone is just right. And the bass... oh yes the bass. I put the headphone down again. I think I can justify the asking of $60,000... I mean, it's going to suck, but I think I have made stupider mistakes in the past.
"This system is truly special. How much is it? $60,000 right?"
Eric responded, "No, they are now $70,000."
My mind raced... well, what's another $10,000?
"Alright, tell me how I can acquire it. I'm ready to buy a set."
Chapter 5: The Acquisition - a dance
How do you buy a set of Sennheiser HE1 you ask? Let me tell you. Not easy.
I started by giving Eric my name and email. He said it would be forwarded to the HE1 acquisitions team and that I would hear back from someone. A week went by, work was busy so I forgot about it... but then I realized no one had contacted me. I went to Headfi and searched for the Sennheiser poster and sent a PM. The Sennheiser poster replied and I was reconnected back with Eric P. Eric P then gave me an introduction to another Sennheiser rep, this time, part of the HE1 Acquisitions team. We started our long (you'll see) email volleys in November 2023 and we had a breakdown in communication by the time February 2023 came by. Email replies would take about 2-3 business days for a response to a question I might have, or a comment I make. We started with a discussion of what the purchase required ($10,000 deposit, then coming up with the design or sticking with the Heritage model) and then we went through my questions regarding Sonovo takeover, and the future of Sennheiser. We also discussed warranty and repairs. I also requested a home demo for at least 48 hours prior to purchase (which was initially felt possible when I was discussing the purchase while at Canjam, but ultimately it turned out to be not possible). We discussed options for customization but that would double the build time (from 6 months for a Heritage model to 12 months for a custom model), cost a ton ($10,000 for a marble change, $5,000 for a different color knob set), and any customization would forfeit my ability to return the unit, or get my deposit back should something change with my finances prior to completion of purchase. We also clarified that the remainder of the cost of the unit (no discount, approximate $70,000 + tax = $76,000, not inclusive of shipping and not inclusive of customization costs) would be due before delivery.
In the end, I decided on going with the Heritage model so as to preserve my ability to return the unit should I dislike it during the initial few days after delivery, and I could also get my $10,000 deposit back if something were to change with my financial picture, etc. I felt it was the safest route.
So this conversation above took about 2.5 months to complete. Yes, it took a while. But I'm patient so I didn't mind too much.
Sometime in February 2024, I told my HE1 team, I was ready to place the deposit. A week went by, no response. I sent a follow up email. The response: "We are sorry, but we cannot take any more orders on the HE1."
I suspect it was a parts issue. But I was pissed.
Chapter 6: Where there's a will, there's a way
I decided to search the internet for sale sites for an HE1. There aren't many for sale. Let me clarify. There haven't been many for sale... ever. There weren't any for sale currently (then and now). I posted a Wanted ad on Headfi... that only brought out scammers who I spoke to with a google voice telephone number.
So what to do? I decided to find an owner who was no longer enamored with their HE1. I cold called (via PM) every person who had an HE1 on every possible forum. The interesting thing that I learned from this exercise was that 99% of all HE1 owners actually used their units on a near daily basis and have been supremely happy with the unit since taking delivery. This boosted my desire for one as it seemed to hold some water with regards to audio performance.
Chapter 7: There were 2
Serendipitously I found 2 units. So I decided to complete the transaction on 1 and I have kept communications open on the second (will likely use as a second unit/parts). The problem was shipping it right... because I have read about broken units. I did not want to have to deal with a broken HE1 especially after the length of time it has taken me to acquire for one. So I had decided then only way to do it, is to do 1 better than what the stock HE1 would ship out as. The stock HE1 would ship in its crate, with a cardboard box over it, then the entire unit was to be strapped onto a pallet.
I decided a simple cardboard box was too simple and would still be prone to damage should something be stacked on it, or if the palleted unit be struck by a forklift, or simply dropped.
So we had a mega crate built with a pallet on the bottom. We also had high density foam created that would hug the HE1 stock crate on all 6 sides to protect from sudden drops, falls, and direct impact.
This was the crown of my system, I needed it to arrive safely.
So, middle of May, it arrived.
I will discuss the unit, sound, how it compares to my stereo system... next time.
I believe my first post on Headfi was in 2005. I think Headfi was very new back then. There were no Canjams yet, I believer in 2006, there was talk about having the first national meet... I don't recall exactly but I'm sure this led to the first Canjam. During my Headfi journey, I ended up with a Headamp GS1 and a three pairs of headphones. The Sennheiser HD555 was my first. Then the Sony MDR-SA5000 (the baby Qualio 010), and then eventually I ended up with a set of the Sennheiser HD650. That said, I never really felt like headphones were a natural fit for my listening preferences and lifestyle so I began to drift to speakers and 2 channel stereo listening.
Around 2007, I posted my last meaningful post on Headfi.
Chapter 1: Hiatus from everything audio
After I left Headfi, I played in the stereo speaker game for a few years until my schedule just didn't allow for even any significant time spent listening to my stereo. So around 2008, I sold it all. My CD player/dac, my preamp, my amp, my speakers. All of it was sold. I used the funds to purchase my then girlfriend her engagement ring.
Chapter 2: Return to HiFi
I ended up taking a significant break from headphones and speakers (everything hifi) for nearly a decade. Between 2008 and 2015, I had nothing. No system. But I knew that I would turn back into the hobby in some shape or form, so when we built our house, I made sure there was some private room for my system/mancave. The time came and my wife was understanding, I started to accumulate my 2 channel stereo speaker system again. Started off slow and then built up to what it is today.
Now what does this have to do with Headfi and headphones? Well, when you search for stereo equipment, you inadvertently run into threads or posts or reviews of headphones. I began to hear about LCD planar technologies, Susvara and a weird company called Hifiman (is that like a comic book character?), and it rekindled my memories of the Stax lore - now they had 009S and there was talk about the X9000 being released. Then out of nowhere, I saw videos about this thing called the Sennheiser HE1... but once I saw the price (at that time, $50,000), I knew that was not going to happen for me. So, marble or not, best headphones or not... it didn't matter as I wasn't interested in owning one.
Chapter 3: Return to Headfi
So after my speaker system was pretty much at a competent level, I began to explore the headphone field. Wouldn't it be cool to have something like my HD650 again? Wouldn't it be cool if I bought another Headamp? I found myself surfing the Headfi forums once again. I had already forgotten my password, it's been THAT long.
After looking at the options, I figured I'd try to make a decent run at a superb headphone rig. The Stax X9000 presented itself as the proper choice. It was from a company that I always wanted to experience and own a piece of. It was an electrostatic unit so it reminded me of the first Orpheus - the ultimate headphone from my initial stint on Headfi circa 2005.
To confirm my choice, I heeded the advise of several members on this forum - "go to Canjam Dallas 2023 first".
I did and I went to hear nearly every headphone on the floor, and I came out liking the Stax X9000 the most. I figured this was where I was going to start my return to Headfi. But before Canjam was over, I managed to score a time slot for the Sennheiser HE1. The timeslot was 430pm on a Sunday. I was not at the show that day as I had to take my kids to birthday parties and a friend was coming over to replace a light switch for my wife. 4pm hit and I wasn't sure if I was going to drive back to the venue to listen to the HE1.... maybe I'll just not go. But something told me, I don't think you'll hear this unit again for some time. So off to the venue/hotel, I went.
Chapter 4: Face to face with the HE1
So I dragged my 3 kids (ages 9,7,6) to the show. I got clearance from the front staff that I could bring them to the show floor without the need for tickets. I made my way to the Sennheiser booth and met Eric P of Sennheiser. We waited for 2 more listening guests, and we were brought across the lobby, into some elevators, and into a private hotel room. And there the HE1 stood.
Eric was nice enough to have my kids push the power button on the HE1. I watched as this happened. This was pretty surreal. I was fascinated by the pre-show display of the HE1... as the knobs/tubes/lid opened up, cycling through its power on routine, and my kids probably watching it like, "This is weird, when can we go home? Where's mom?"
I heard the other 2 guests talking amongst themselves, "no one buys this system, it's just for show."
I was up first, I sat down, slowly took the headphone out of the velvet box/case, marveled at the build quality, took some photos of the headphone in my hand, and put it on my ears. Felt big... had some clamping force, a little heavy. Hmm... I remember why I left the headphone side of the hobby, all this feels unnatural. I wrangled the mouse via the MacBook touchpad... started to look through Tidal (they didn't have preset song selections anymore for this demo at CJ 2023). I played 3 songs. I noticed this sounded very familiar. It's as if my speaker system was condensed into a smaller unit and it was all right here in front of me. I didn't cry or tear, but I definitely felt some chills. I knew I heard enough, I put the phones down. Eric asked, "So, how was it?"
"Pretty good, I think they sound just like my speaker."
My mind began to race. Was this system good enough for me to want to buy it? I went back and listened. Yes... I believe so. Oh right there, the voice is dense and right in front of me.... the tone is just right. And the bass... oh yes the bass. I put the headphone down again. I think I can justify the asking of $60,000... I mean, it's going to suck, but I think I have made stupider mistakes in the past.
"This system is truly special. How much is it? $60,000 right?"
Eric responded, "No, they are now $70,000."
My mind raced... well, what's another $10,000?
"Alright, tell me how I can acquire it. I'm ready to buy a set."
Chapter 5: The Acquisition - a dance
How do you buy a set of Sennheiser HE1 you ask? Let me tell you. Not easy.
I started by giving Eric my name and email. He said it would be forwarded to the HE1 acquisitions team and that I would hear back from someone. A week went by, work was busy so I forgot about it... but then I realized no one had contacted me. I went to Headfi and searched for the Sennheiser poster and sent a PM. The Sennheiser poster replied and I was reconnected back with Eric P. Eric P then gave me an introduction to another Sennheiser rep, this time, part of the HE1 Acquisitions team. We started our long (you'll see) email volleys in November 2023 and we had a breakdown in communication by the time February 2023 came by. Email replies would take about 2-3 business days for a response to a question I might have, or a comment I make. We started with a discussion of what the purchase required ($10,000 deposit, then coming up with the design or sticking with the Heritage model) and then we went through my questions regarding Sonovo takeover, and the future of Sennheiser. We also discussed warranty and repairs. I also requested a home demo for at least 48 hours prior to purchase (which was initially felt possible when I was discussing the purchase while at Canjam, but ultimately it turned out to be not possible). We discussed options for customization but that would double the build time (from 6 months for a Heritage model to 12 months for a custom model), cost a ton ($10,000 for a marble change, $5,000 for a different color knob set), and any customization would forfeit my ability to return the unit, or get my deposit back should something change with my finances prior to completion of purchase. We also clarified that the remainder of the cost of the unit (no discount, approximate $70,000 + tax = $76,000, not inclusive of shipping and not inclusive of customization costs) would be due before delivery.
In the end, I decided on going with the Heritage model so as to preserve my ability to return the unit should I dislike it during the initial few days after delivery, and I could also get my $10,000 deposit back if something were to change with my financial picture, etc. I felt it was the safest route.
So this conversation above took about 2.5 months to complete. Yes, it took a while. But I'm patient so I didn't mind too much.
Sometime in February 2024, I told my HE1 team, I was ready to place the deposit. A week went by, no response. I sent a follow up email. The response: "We are sorry, but we cannot take any more orders on the HE1."
I suspect it was a parts issue. But I was pissed.
Chapter 6: Where there's a will, there's a way
I decided to search the internet for sale sites for an HE1. There aren't many for sale. Let me clarify. There haven't been many for sale... ever. There weren't any for sale currently (then and now). I posted a Wanted ad on Headfi... that only brought out scammers who I spoke to with a google voice telephone number.
So what to do? I decided to find an owner who was no longer enamored with their HE1. I cold called (via PM) every person who had an HE1 on every possible forum. The interesting thing that I learned from this exercise was that 99% of all HE1 owners actually used their units on a near daily basis and have been supremely happy with the unit since taking delivery. This boosted my desire for one as it seemed to hold some water with regards to audio performance.
Chapter 7: There were 2
Serendipitously I found 2 units. So I decided to complete the transaction on 1 and I have kept communications open on the second (will likely use as a second unit/parts). The problem was shipping it right... because I have read about broken units. I did not want to have to deal with a broken HE1 especially after the length of time it has taken me to acquire for one. So I had decided then only way to do it, is to do 1 better than what the stock HE1 would ship out as. The stock HE1 would ship in its crate, with a cardboard box over it, then the entire unit was to be strapped onto a pallet.
I decided a simple cardboard box was too simple and would still be prone to damage should something be stacked on it, or if the palleted unit be struck by a forklift, or simply dropped.
So we had a mega crate built with a pallet on the bottom. We also had high density foam created that would hug the HE1 stock crate on all 6 sides to protect from sudden drops, falls, and direct impact.
This was the crown of my system, I needed it to arrive safely.
So, middle of May, it arrived.
I will discuss the unit, sound, how it compares to my stereo system... next time.
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