May 10, 2009 at 11:54 PM Post #4,921 of 5,928

Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You don't have to worry about any of this because you have found Nirvana in your PS-1000.

But I haven't heard the 800s they might be better and if they are, I of course want them
Though, with the ES3X's and the PS-1000's entering my house in the last two months I have to say, my sense of urgency is practically zero
May 11, 2009 at 1:31 AM Post #4,922 of 5,928
I would venture that the other paid sponsors of Head-fi are less amused by the pass being granted Senn's behavior in this release, but, of course, THEY are not allowed to speak of such.

It is NOT just irking a few customers, but jerking an entire market, with the assertion (tied VERY closely to Head-fi itself) that these _might_ be the best ever - so, everyone hang on, save up, and tune (everyone else) out.

You know, without any real delivery committment, nor communication of any kind from Sennheiser.

Funny indeed. San Souci.
May 11, 2009 at 1:53 AM Post #4,923 of 5,928
Anyone who holds out does so of their own accord. Like anything, one man's opinion is just that, one man's opinion. The fact that Jude likes them that much is great and he has good ears so I trust him and his opinion. That said, isn't the delay due to manufacturing problems? Two parts suppliers going under or something? If so, this isn't Senn's fault really and people should cut them some slack. That's all I'm saying. Any dealer who is banking on a single product to make or break their business doesn't have a sound survival strategy. Any fan that has their knickers in a bunch needs to chill out. It is after all, just a pair of headphones, even if they turn out to be the best, again, they will arrive, and when they do, they will sound as good as if they had arrived 6 months earlier
May 11, 2009 at 2:31 AM Post #4,924 of 5,928

Originally Posted by pabbi1 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

It is NOT just irking a few customers, but jerking an entire market, with the assertion (tied VERY closely to Head-fi itself) that these _might_ be the best ever - so, everyone hang on, save up, and tune (everyone else) out.

The "entire market" in this case is a very small one. And a pretty forgiving one at that.
May 11, 2009 at 4:03 AM Post #4,925 of 5,928

Originally Posted by Zanth /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Anyone who holds out does so of their own accord. Like anything, one man's opinion is just that, one man's opinion. The fact that Jude likes them that much is great and he has good ears so I trust him and his opinion. That said, isn't the delay due to manufacturing problems? Two parts suppliers going under or something? If so, this isn't Senn's fault really and people should cut them some slack. That's all I'm saying. Any dealer who is banking on a single product to make or break their business doesn't have a sound survival strategy. Any fan that has their knickers in a bunch needs to chill out. It is after all, just a pair of headphones, even if they turn out to be the best, again, they will arrive, and when they do, they will sound as good as if they had arrived 6 months earlier

Well said ...
May 11, 2009 at 5:50 AM Post #4,926 of 5,928

Originally Posted by Zanth /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Anyone who holds out does so of their own accord. Like anything, one man's opinion is just that, one man's opinion. The fact that Jude likes them that much is great and he has good ears so I trust him and his opinion. That said, isn't the delay due to manufacturing problems? Two parts suppliers going under or something? If so, this isn't Senn's fault really and people should cut them some slack. That's all I'm saying. Any dealer who is banking on a single product to make or break their business doesn't have a sound survival strategy. Any fan that has their knickers in a bunch needs to chill out. It is after all, just a pair of headphones, even if they turn out to be the best, again, they will arrive, and when they do, they will sound as good as if they had arrived 6 months earlier

No offense, but you've completely missed the point many of us are trying to make. It has nothing to do with us being impatient for a new toy. It has everything to do with respect for their customers - Sennheiser coming on here and communicating to us DIRECTLY what is transpiring, why the delay, and why all the silence.

I've also heard some people say that Sennheiser isn't about to bend over for us Head-Fiers and the less than 100 orders they've received from us. If they truly felt that way, why do they care so much about Jude being one of the first to review their products? Why do they attend the annual CanJams? Why are they a sponsor here?

And even if it did have to do with us being impatient for a new toy (which it doesn't) this is a headphone forum where we discuss headphones issues -- even though there are more important things going on in the world, we are here to discuss headphone related issues. If I want to discuss those issues, I visit one of my political, science, or conspiracy forums.

It seems like good customer service is hell to ask for these days.

(If I told you what has transpired between Sony and myself regarding my TV and its defects (after every part inside has been replaced more than once and the over 150 phone calls to Sony and service centers), or the 100 back and forth calls to EasyLife furniture refusing to replace an expensive sofa set that smells like rusty metal (and the lack of concern and refusal to return my phone calls by their head CSR), you would understand my frustration.)

It's the complete lack of consideration for the consumer that has taken over the global marketplace, and it has to stop. What about this line of reasoning is wrong? Consumers keep enabling these companies and therefore the pattern of behavior never ceases. The line must be drawn somewhere, and it should start with us sending a message to them -- a message that says either you come forward and be straight with us once and for all, or we will take our business elsewhere.

Feel free to criticize those of us who feel this way, but our reasoning is not flawed, and we are not being overly dramatic. I stand behind what I say. I don't care if they need until December to work out their issues with this product, just be straight with us and stop having the retailers do their dirty work.
May 11, 2009 at 6:19 AM Post #4,927 of 5,928

Originally Posted by Zanth /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Anyone who holds out does so of their own accord. Like anything, one man's opinion is just that, one man's opinion. The fact that Jude likes them that much is great and he has good ears so I trust him and his opinion. That said, isn't the delay due to manufacturing problems? Two parts suppliers going under or something? If so, this isn't Senn's fault really and people should cut them some slack. That's all I'm saying. Any dealer who is banking on a single product to make or break their business doesn't have a sound survival strategy. Any fan that has their knickers in a bunch needs to chill out. It is after all, just a pair of headphones, even if they turn out to be the best, again, they will arrive, and when they do, they will sound as good as if they had arrived 6 months earlier

this is true, and I am willing to cut them some slack, but as the primary manufacturer Senn is responsible for kinks in the production chain and the failure of subcontractors to meet deadlines/qc/etc.
May 11, 2009 at 9:16 AM Post #4,928 of 5,928
Zanth, weren't you the owner of Fawlty Towers?
May 11, 2009 at 4:43 PM Post #4,929 of 5,928
I'm amazed at how many people here seem to think that Sennheiser has deliberately planned the stalled release of the HD800.

As the CEO of Coca-Cola said back in 1985 when they introduced reformulated Coke, to the outrage of many fans of old Coke, then successfully rereleased the old formula as Coke Classic: "We are not that stupid or that smart."
May 11, 2009 at 5:01 PM Post #4,930 of 5,928

Originally Posted by Bostonears /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm amazed at how many people here seem to think that Sennheiser has deliberately planned the stalled release of the HD800.

I do not think it was deliberate...but irrespective of what caused the problem we, the consumers and audio aficionados, have every right to hold their feet to the fire
May 11, 2009 at 5:43 PM Post #4,932 of 5,928

Originally Posted by IPodPJ /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It's the complete lack of consideration for the consumer that has taken over the global marketplace, and it has to stop. What about this line of reasoning is wrong? Consumers keep enabling these companies and therefore the pattern of behavior never ceases. The line must be drawn somewhere, and it should start with us sending a message to them -- a message that says either you come forward and be straight with us once and for all, or we will take our business elsewhere.

That isn't going to happen, though (edit: many customers taking business elsewhere). So, no matter your (edit: as in IPodPJ and the couple other people saying there will be "consequences" for this) amount of dedication to making customer service better, you'll have no impact.

edit: No harm in keeping the fight up just for the sake of it, though, if you want.
May 11, 2009 at 5:48 PM Post #4,933 of 5,928

Originally Posted by IPodPJ /img/forum/go_quote.gif
t has everything to do with respect for their customers - Sennheiser coming on here and communicating to us DIRECTLY what is transpiring, why the delay, and why all the silence.

I fear that they have discovered that there is a big hole in the new driver.
May 11, 2009 at 6:00 PM Post #4,935 of 5,928
Wow, last I head they were going to ship at the latest in early May.

I was expecting to read more impressions about them by now, but I see they have been pushed back a month or more. Sad to see Sennheiser is having issues getting them out there. I'm still very curious and looking forward to my first chance I get to listen to them.

Hopefully they come out before the end of the summer!

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