May 5, 2009 at 8:26 PM Post #4,816 of 5,928

Originally Posted by IPodPJ /img/forum/go_quote.gif
When in June, who knows. At this point it's safe to assume nothing Sennheiser tells us with regards to this product can be taken seriously, except for the inevitable prolonging of this product by +1 month every update.

Or more like: June of which year?

I don't blame the retailers for this, but I don't know how the gun gets jumped and preorders for a product get taken in February and now we're out to at least June?

Something just doesn't seem right here. Maybe we'll get a copy of Duke Nuke Em Forever to ship along with these things at the rate this is going.

At the very least, there's a major communications problem going on here.

I certainly am in the camp of: "Don't want a rushed, half baked product" but this just has not been handled well overall IMO.
May 5, 2009 at 8:45 PM Post #4,818 of 5,928
Listen, everyone needs to realize the only thing invested here is the time it took to place an order ... and express their hopes and dreams in endless ramblings here.

(Did I just say that out loud?)

Considering the fact that we find ourselves in the midst OF A GLOBAL ECONOMIC MELTDOWN!!!, I think it would be wise for us all to chill out, and let one of the world's best headphone makers have the time get it right.

Yeah .... sure .... it sucks. But I'm sure Sennheiser has acted on the best information it had at the time as things went on.

I'm hearing next estimate is mid-late June. (I added the late.) But you can pick your own wall calendar to throw a dart at. All I know is what I heard and I can wait to get my ears on a pair so that I'm sure each and every one will sound as good or better than that.


Get your headphones on and go listen to some music.
Maybe send some good thoughts to the elves in Germany to help 'em out.
May 5, 2009 at 8:55 PM Post #4,819 of 5,928

Originally Posted by Tyll Hertsens /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Listen, everyone needs to realize the only thing invested here is the time it took to place an order ... and the express their hopes and dreams in endlessly ramblings here.

(Did I just say that out loud?)

Considering the fact that we find ourselves in the midst OF A GLOBAL ECONOMIC MELTDOWN!!!, I think it would be wise for us all to chill out, and let one of the world's best headphone makers get it right.

Yeah .... sure .... it sucks. But I'm sure Sennheiser has acted on the best information it had at the time as things went on.

I'm hearing next estimate is mid-late June. (I added the late.) But you can pick your own wall calendar to throw a dart at. All I know is what I heard and I can wait to get my ears on a pair so that I'm sure each and every one will sound as good or better than that.


Get your headphones on and go listen to some music.
Maybe send some good thoughts to the elves in Germany to help 'em out.

May 5, 2009 at 9:27 PM Post #4,821 of 5,928

Originally Posted by Tyll Hertsens /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Listen, everyone needs to realize the only thing invested here is the time it took to place an order ... and the express their hopes and dreams in endlessly ramblings here.

(Did I just say that out loud?)

Considering the fact that we find ourselves in the midst OF A GLOBAL ECONOMIC MELTDOWN!!!, I think it would be wise for us all to chill out, and let one of the world's best headphone makers get it right.

Yeah .... sure .... it sucks. But I'm sure Sennheiser has acted on the best information it had at the time as things went on.

I'm hearing next estimate is mid-late June. (I added the late.) But you can pick your own wall calendar to throw a dart at. All I know is what I heard and I can wait to get my ears on a pair so that I'm sure each and every one will sound as good or better than that.


Get your headphones on and go listen to some music.
Maybe send some good thoughts to the elves in Germany to help 'em out.

Certainly good points there.
May 6, 2009 at 5:03 AM Post #4,822 of 5,928
The only official date I have seen from Sennheiser was March/April, which was then revised to April/May (these dates were stated on their website). All in all we are talking a 2-month delay.

I personally think that certain markets have brewed a storm in a teacup by a) accepting and even charging for preorders; and b) promising dates which seem to have been thumbsucked.

I agree with the above sentiments - let them do their thing and get their statement/flagship product 100%.
May 6, 2009 at 6:11 AM Post #4,823 of 5,928

Originally Posted by Tyll Hertsens /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Listen, everyone needs to realize the only thing invested here is the time it took to place an order ... and express their hopes and dreams in endless ramblings here.

(Did I just say that out loud?)

Considering the fact that we find ourselves in the midst OF A GLOBAL ECONOMIC MELTDOWN!!!, I think it would be wise for us all to chill out, and let one of the world's best headphone makers get it right.

Yeah .... sure .... it sucks. But I'm sure Sennheiser has acted on the best information it had at the time as things went on.

I'm hearing next estimate is mid-late June. (I added the late.) But you can pick your own wall calendar to throw a dart at. All I know is what I heard and I can wait to get my ears on a pair so that I'm sure each and every one will sound as good or better than that.


Get your headphones on and go listen to some music.
Maybe send some good thoughts to the elves in Germany to help 'em out.

Ahh, whatever! But it's still fun to complain.
May 6, 2009 at 6:19 AM Post #4,824 of 5,928

Originally Posted by xenithon /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I agree with the above sentiments - let them do their thing and get their statement/flagship product 100%.

Of course, that is what we all want. But we also want to be told the truth and have it communicated by the source. There's really nothing difficult about that request and not much to ask from the people buying this product.

There is nothing more to be said on this issue than has already been stated, so I guess we just wait and see.
May 6, 2009 at 8:05 AM Post #4,825 of 5,928

Originally Posted by IPodPJ /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Of course, that is what we all want. But we also want to be told the truth and have it communicated by the source. There's really nothing difficult about that request and not much to ask from the people buying this product.

There is nothing more to be said on this issue than has already been stated, so I guess we just wait and see.

In the corporate world, it's not always so easy. Someone already touched on that in this thread.
May 6, 2009 at 9:03 AM Post #4,827 of 5,928

Originally Posted by Audio-Omega /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I hope Sennheiser is not affected by the current world economic crisis.

Let's hope their the only company that's survives, at least we'll all have ultra expensive Headphones to listen to. While the world around us crumbles.

I'm unsubscribing as of now!
May 6, 2009 at 11:07 AM Post #4,828 of 5,928
While I am all for letting senn have the time necessary to "get it right," the issue is, as thoroughly thrashed on this thread, corporate manners and communication with the public. Indeed, the free market is best served by holding those in the stream of commerce to their word...they don't crap marble after all and customer relations will hardly be improved by a silent buying public...quite the opposite, the consumer will get screwed over considerably more either in poor service, declining qc, increasing price, etc.
May 6, 2009 at 1:03 PM Post #4,829 of 5,928

Originally Posted by Tyll Hertsens /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Listen, everyone needs to realize the only thing invested here is the time it took to place an order ...

Not so, it takes a lot of time to write over 300 pages of posts.


Originally Posted by Tyll Hertsens /img/forum/go_quote.gif

That can't be good. Let's put on some nice music and forget all about it.

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